Chromoproteins: Colorful Proteins For Molecular Biology Experiments
Blog Post
Feb. 4, 2020, 2:15 p.m. the cells on the plate. For example, if your plasmid contains a gene encoding a blue chromoprotein, ...colonies to determine which cells have taken up the plasmid. Of course, other follow up methods like sequencing... chromoprotein sequences into E. coli BioBrick plasmids (meffRed, eforRed, asPink, spisPink, scOrange,...chromoproteins. In some cases, cells containing high-copy plasmid-borne chromoproteins lost color overnight in liquid...problem. There is no single “ideal” chromoprotein plasmid that combines the most desirable features: intense...Chromoproteins for allelic exchange
Figure 3: pTOX plasmids expressing amilCP and tsPurple genes. Image: Lazarus...sequential homologous recombination events:
The plasmid carrying the desired genetic modification integrates...