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Showing: 181 - 200 of 661 results
  1. Hot Plasmids and Viral Preps - July 2021

    Blog Post
    July 27, 2021, 1:15 p.m.
    ...subset of the new plasmids and viral preps in the repository through our hot plasmids articles. These articles...recent plasmid deposits and we hope they'll make it easier for you to find and use the plasmids you need... CRISPR plasmids are always being added to the repository. To find all of the CRISPR plasmids available...EasyTag workflow combines thoughtfully designed plasmid components with Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorting...available from Addgene, head over to our CRISPR Plasmids and Resources page. Here are some highlights from the...Nasse We regularly add new viral aliquots from our plasmid collection to provide ready-to-use viral preps....
  2. A New Optogenetic Tool Based on AraC Controls Gene Expression with Blue Light

    Blog Post
    June 17, 2021, 1:17 p.m.
    .... pBLADEONLY: This plasmid contains only BLADE and is based on the pTRC99a plasmid. It does not include...AraC and other promoter systems, head over to our Plasmids 101: Inducible Promoters article.) Modifying AraC...reporter downstream of the PBAD promoter. To use this plasmid with your gene of interest, you would replace mCherry...PBAD promoter. If you already have a pBAD33-based plasmid expressing your gene of interest, all you have ... and shared with Addgene. You can find all the plasmids deposited from Di Ventura's lab, including the...nuclear export system (LEXY) here. Optogenetic plasmids from the Khammash lab can also be found here. ...Learn more about inducible promoters Visit the Plasmids topic overview page Resources on ...
  3. Addgene-Seeding Labs Plasmid Grant: Accelerating Science Globally - 5 Scientists, 4 Countries & 3 Continents!

    Blog Post
    July 18, 2017, 12:41 p.m.
    ...Addgene-Seeding Labs plasmid grant is a collaborative endeavor providing plasmids to researchers in developing...Addgene-Seeding Labs Plasmid Grant Check Out Previous Addgene-Seeding Labs Plasmid Grant Awardees Listen...scientists who were awarded the Addgene-Seeding Labs Plasmid grant this year. These scientists work on the pET GFP LIC cloning vector and the pOKD plasmids. The recombinant Cry proteins will then be screened...HyPer3 (2) which he will co-express together with a plasmid encoding glycine oxidase. The goal is to determine...excited to see how all of the Addgene-Seeding Labs Plasmid Grant awardees' projects progress. Subscribe to...Bacterial Expression Systems Learn about Global Plasmid Distribution ...
  4. Pushing the Limits of DNA Assembly

    Blog Post
    Sept. 6, 2017, 1:01 p.m.
    ... scarless plasmid inserts.  Want to Learn More about DNA Assembly? Check Out Our Plasmids 101 eBook! easy as obtaining a plasmid with the gene of interest (search Addgene plasmids by gene here), designing...fragments (containing regions of homology) cut from plasmids via restriction enzyme digestion, and used simple as combining your favorite linearized plasmid with a synthetic oligo that contains a region of... desired edits to the target region. Assembled plasmids can be directly transformed into E.coli for plating...Other Long-Homology Based Cloning Methods Screen Plasmids by Colony PCR Addtional Resources on Addgene....Find Validated gRNAs Browse All Plasmids ...
  5. Plasmids 101: Methylation and Restriction Enzymes

    Blog Post
    June 30, 2016, 2:30 p.m.
    ...desired mutation into your plasmid of interest by PCR generates mutated plasmids with no methylation (there...Mutagenesis to Mutate Your Plasmids Resources on Check Out Our Plasmid Protocols Boost Your Molecular... for purposes other than cloning or confirming plasmids. It turns out that restriction enzymes are one...difficult to interpret or lead you to conclude your plasmid is not correct! Conversely, enzymes such as DpnI...methyltransferases in the PCR reaction). The template plasmid, on the other hand, should be derived from a dam...methylated adenines in any GATC sequences found in the plasmid. When the PCR products are digested with DpnI, ... is destroyed leaving behind a pool of mutated plasmids which can later be verified by Sanger sequencing...
  6. What's New in CRISPR - September 2019

    Blog Post
    Sept. 10, 2019, 12:56 p.m.
    ...CRISPR plasmids available at Addgene. We will still periodically focus on specific CRISPR plasmid tools...CRISPR guide Find CRISPR plasmids by function Find recently deposited plasmids ...vector sequence. Homology arms that flank the donor plasmid cargo are complementary to either side of the double-stranded...domain needed for DNA unwinding. They’ve deposited plasmids for active and inactive CasX for E. coli and human...expression. Read the paper in Nature Find the CasX plasmids Drug inducible transcriptional activation and... Acids Research Find the drug inducible Cas9 plasmids E. coli genome-wide inhibition library In the...
  7. Viral Vectors 101: Virus Safety

    Blog Post
    June 22, 2023, 1:15 p.m.
    ...transfer plasmid), the envelope (Env) gene on a separate plasmid (envelope plasmid), and the polymerase ...different plasmids. For a retroviral system this looks like the genetic cargo in one plasmid (the transfer...Gag structural protein on yet a third plasmid (packaging plasmid). Viral production then proceeds by transfection... transfection of all three plasmids into a producer cell line, such as HEK-293T, production of viral particles... and Pol genes are not encoded in the transfer plasmid, the component that physically integrates into ... retroviral packaging components onto distinct plasmids for safety.    Viral cargo-specific Addgene Biosafety Guide Addgene Viral Plasmids Which Type of Virus Should I Use? Resources...
  8. Quick Guide to All Things Lentivirus

    Blog Post
    March 21, 2017, 2:30 p.m.
    ...virus (MoMLV) and consisted of two plasmids: the packaging plasmid containing all the structural genes...crossover event between the vector plasmid and the packaging plasmid caused the Psi sequence to be placed...expression of the transgene   Transfer plasmids The transfer plasmid is the vector you clone your gene of...usually 293T cells, with your transfer plasmid and your packaging plasmids. For this, you can use the transfection...techniques are still used and efficiently transfer plasmid DNA efficiently into dividing immortalized cells... (Gag, Pol, Tat, Rev and Env) and the transfer plasmid encoding the insert of interest as well as sequences...the packaging signal Psi). Because the packaging plasmids lacked the psi signal, the genes encoding the ...
  9. Hot Plasmids - September 2019 - CRISPR, Auxin Inducible Degradation, MerMAID Channelrhodopsins, and Genome Looping

    Blog Post
    Sept. 3, 2019, 1:15 p.m.
    ...highlight a subset of the new plasmids in the repository through our hot plasmids articles. These articles ...recent plasmid deposits and we hope they'll make it easier for you to find and use the plasmids you need...need. If you'd ever like to write about a recent plasmid deposit please sign up here.        New toolkit... the Kanemaki lab has created a new toolkit of plasmids for the N- or C- terminal tagging of proteins ...previously difficult. Find SpCas9 and Target-AID-NG plasmids at Addgene! Nishimasu H et al., Science, 2018....datasets for research and innovation. Find MerMAIDs plasmids at Addgene Opperman J et al., Nature Communications...inducible and reversible nature. Find the LADL plasmids at Addgene Kim et al., Nat Methods. 2019, PubMed...
  10. "Build Your Plasmid": The Game - Play to Teach

    Blog Post
    July 17, 2018, 12:23 p.m.
    ... educational tools Playing BUILD YOUR PLASMID BUILD YOUR PLASMID is a game where you need to apply basic... videos to teach basic lab techniques Plasmid Land: The plasmid cloning game ... gene and Selection Markers) and one “Transfer Plasmid” game board. Once they agreed on each element to...minutes to develop a strategy and build a transfer plasmid that could be used to genetically manipulate human...disease someday! Accessing and modifying BUILD YOUR PLASMID You can find rules, suggestions, and more details... blog. As I wrote in the blog post, BUILD YOUR PLASMID has been developed to teach gamma-retrovirus or...different education levels. If you modify BUILD YOUR PLASMID or generate games like it, please freely share ...
  11. Fluorescent Proteins 101: Luciferase

    Blog Post
    June 24, 2014, 3:59 p.m.
    ...Read More: All Plasmids 101 Articles Browse plasmids that contain luciferase ...choose from) is now a common feature in reporter plasmids.  Learn How Luciferase Can Be Used In Concert ...hirtus) 630 64 Luciferin ATP No Common uses for plasmids expressing luciferase Luciferase reporter assay...assay The typical luciferase-containing plasmid is most often used to investigate the effect of regulatory... cloned upstream of the luciferase gene in the plasmid, which is then introduced into the desired mammalian...sequence. The gene of interest is cloned into a plasmid downstream of luciferase containing a stop codon.... Multiple response elements are cloned into a plasmid upstream of a minimal promoter linked to luciferase...
  12. Hot Plasmids - March 2020 - base editors, GEVI, MoClo, and optogenetics

    Blog Post
    March 3, 2020, 2:15 p.m.
    ...highlight a subset of the new plasmids in the repository through our hot plasmids articles. These articles ...recent plasmid deposits and we hope they'll make it easier for you to find and use the plasmids you need...need. If you'd ever like to write about a recent plasmid deposit please sign up here.        AAV delivery... Figure 1: The base editor is split into two plasmids and co-transfected into cells for reconstitution...overcome this overlap, Yiyang Gong’s lab created two plasmids containing a red-shifted Ace-mScarlet, a fusion...channelrhodopsins. Find the Ace-mScarlet voltage indicator plasmids at Addgene! Beck et al., Sci Report 2019. PubMed...fragments. This system has been used to construct plasmids for use in model organisms such as E. coli and...
  13. Plasmids 101: Sequence and Ligation Independent Cloning (SLIC)

    Blog Post
    Sept. 26, 2024, 1:15 p.m.
    ...hold the plasmid together, even if there are gaps or flaps remaining. This incomplete plasmid looks like...cloning uses short sticky ends to insert genes into plasmid backbones, base pairing between these ~4 base overhangs... overhangs isn’t strong enough to hold a plasmid together through transformation, so the cloned vector...longer single-stranded overhangs can hold a nicked plasmid together long enough to get it into cells and let... of LIC is often limited to specially designed plasmids. Sequence- and ligation-independent cloning: A...fixing up the “damage” and producing a complete plasmid. Besides being compatible with any vector, the ...into bacteria, which will efficiently repair the plasmid. Created with   SLIC also opened...
  14. Hot Plasmids May 2018 - Optogenetics, Decaffeination, Biosensors, and Fluorescent Protein Tools

    Blog Post
    May 15, 2018, 12:43 p.m.
    ...highlight a subset of the new plasmids in the repository through our hot plasmids articles. These articles ...recent plasmid deposits and we hope they'll make it easier for you to find and use the plasmids you need...write about a recent plasmid deposit please sign up here.     Listen to the Hot Plasmids episode! Expanding.... Various soCoChR plasmids described in this work including the soCoChR-GFP plasmid as well as several...further probe cellular function. The CRY2clust Plasmid can be found here. Park et al. Nat Commun. 2017..., the Barrick lab has deposited the pDCAF3-IS5 plasmid containing a synthetic operon that enables the ...the ΔguaB pDCAF3 strain. Find the decaffeination plasmid here. Quandt et al. ACS Synth Biol. 2013. PubMed...
  15. Viral Vectors 101: Preparing Pooled Libraries

    Blog Post
    July 13, 2023, 1:15 p.m.
    ...single plasmid transformation, though, a pooled library has hundreds to millions of distinct plasmids, all...anyone who has worked with individual plasmids knows, some plasmids amplify well and others don’t. The size...pooled library, which contains a collection of plasmids in a single tube, or a pre-made viral prep library... prepare the libraries for you.  Starting from plasmids requires amplification, verification, and lentiviral...library and appropriate packaging and envelope plasmids into HEK cells allows production of lentivirus...amplify the library. This is similar to amplifying a plasmid: transform E. coli with the pooled library DNA,...own protocol that amplifies without disrupting plasmid representation. A good place to start is with a...
  16. Tips from the Repository Trenches: Using Barcodes to Track Samples

    Blog Post
    Oct. 6, 2015, 2:30 p.m.
    ...bacteria with the plasmid can grow. As the bacteria divide, they replicate and retain the plasmid. This allows... Inside Addgene Posts! Learn all about Plasmids in our Plasmids 101 series! ...Every plasmid sample enters Addgene the same way. A package is delivered by a mail courier and then the...about Developing Lab Management Software    The plasmid's journey begins First, each package is opened and... to hundreds of samples, with an average of 10 plasmids per deposit. Each week an average of 16 deposits...allow us to store multiple types of tube for each plasmid we have at Addgene. Each sample at Addgene has ...strains that have been treated to easily take in plasmids (transformation). Transformed bacteria are then...
  17. Twenty Years of Sharing: Expanding Accessibility

    Blog Post
    Nov. 21, 2024, 10:47 p.m.
    ... that made it easy to share plasmids, both for people depositing plasmids and for people requesting them... Collections Lentiviral Plasmids Tetracyline Inducible Plasmids Empty Backbones Bacterial Expression...Expression Systems AAV Plasmids Blogs Origin of Replication What is a Plasmid? How to Design Your... Verify Your Plasmid Using a Restriction Digest Analysis Videos What is a Plasmid? How to, however, is “What is a Plasmid?”, An animated explainer of a plasmid and its parts that helps the...them. Prior to this, many plasmids were available, but they often weren’t easily accessible, due to a ...barriers, allowing people to access a wide catalog of plasmids from all over the world. This idea, that available...
  18. Plasmids 101 eBook 4th Edition

    Blog Post
    Sept. 5, 2023, 1:15 p.m.
    ...popular eBook, Plasmids 101, is now available!   Plasmids 101 covers everything from plasmids parts and ...word for it!  “When people want to learn about plasmids, they don’t go to Wikipedia; they go to Addgene...
  19. CRISPR Kinome Libraries Available: Pooled and Individual Plasmid Formats

    Blog Post
    Sept. 9, 2016, 2:43 p.m.
    ...individual lentiGuide gRNA plasmids targeting the human kinome. These plasmids contain the same 3-4 gRNAs...true biological insight. Pooled and individual plasmid formats A first for a library at Addgene, you can...first subset of the pooled library. The individual plasmids will be useful when screening for phenotypes, ... screening in a pooled setting. The individual plasmids will also be useful for imaging or gene expression...assays necessitating the screening of individual plasmids separately. Additionally, this set can be used... Page Find Validated gRNAs Deposit Your CRISPR Plasmids ...
  20. Sleeping Beauty Awakens for Genome Engineering

    Blog Post
    June 30, 2015, 2 p.m.
    ....12137. PubMed. Find the Plasmids at Addgene Kowarz Lab plasmids Izsvak Lab plasmids  ...the gene of interest (blue) in a plasmid backbone. A separate plasmid contains the transposase gene (red...). The original plasmid is empty following the removal of the transposon; the plasmid is then degraded...for insertion in the correct orientation. These plasmids use a novel synthetic RPBSA promoter, which is...
Showing: 181 - 200 of 661 results