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Showing: 1 - 20 of 95 results
  1. Plasmids 101: Yeast Vectors

    Blog Post
    Feb. 25, 2014, 7:11 p.m.
    ...previously described. Why do scientists use yeast vectors? Yeast are eukaryotes and thus contain complex ...between E. coli and yeast cells. To be useful in the lab, the vectors must contain a yeast-specific origin...selection in yeast cells, in addition to the bacterial ORI and antibiotic selection markers.  The yeast origin...within a yeast vector determine how the plasmid is replicated and maintained within the yeast cell. These...episome. The four main types of yeast plasmids are defined below: Yeast Integrating plasmids (YIp): These...the yeast chromosome. As the name suggests, these vectors can replicate independently of the yeast chromosome...extensive list of yeast auxotrophic markers and includes the associated references.  Yeast selection marker...
  2. K. phaffii: Rising to the Occasion

    Blog Post
    April 4, 2023, 1 p.m.
    ...model yeast strain and discuss why you may want to consider a yeast off the beaten path.   Yeast as a ...Resources on  Yeast-mediated cloning CRISPR plasmids: Yeast Yeast Synthetic Biology Plasmids...what about the other yeasts – in the biomedical world, are there even other yeasts? In this blog we will... frequently used yeast strains: S. pombe (fission) and S. cerevisiae (budding). Yeast make for an excellent...useful traits. The “biotech yeast” You’re probably wondering if the “biotech yeast” is S. pombe or S. cerevisiae...non-pathogenic yeast that operates as an obligate aerobe. It’s also a methylotropic yeast, meaning it can... want to pick a yeast strain best suited to it. Putting K. phaffii to work   The yeast giants - S. cerevisiae...
  3. Tag Your Favorite Yeast Genes with Ease

    Blog Post
    Nov. 19, 2013, 2:37 p.m.
    ...homology—in frame, of course—and start tagging! Yeast-optimized fluorophores for imaging Lee S, fusion of fluorescent proteins (FPs) to a yeast gene of interest. These fluorescently tagged genes... codon optimized specifically for expression in yeast. These tagging vectors are based on previously described...authors recommend optimal FP combinations for use in yeast imaging, categorized by specific filter sets and...experimental output requirements. Select from these yeast-optimized fluorophore tagging vectors for your single...University of Utah, has built a complete collection of yeast tagging modules with each possible combination of...collection of plasmids for genome modification in yeast developed by Dr. Pringle’s former lab at UNC Chapel...
  4. Tips for Screening with Yeast Two Hybrid Systems

    Blog Post
    Oct. 22, 2015, 2:30 p.m.
    ...years, improvements to yeast transformation protocols also helped establish the yeast two-hybrid (Y2H) system...Browse Our Yeast Expression Vectors Find Bacterial Two Hybrid Plasmids Read our Blog Post About Yeast Vectors...) (4). These fusions are then co-expressed in a yeast strain that also contains a reporter gene cloned... Although the original Y2H systems utilized the yeast Gal4 activator, bacterial LexA DBD and the lacZ ... and enable intein splicing (5). Screening with yeast two hybrid systems While initial studies used single...both fusion plasmids, or mating two single haploid yeast fusion plasmid transformants into a diploid strain...because your reporter protein doesn’t function in yeast! Many false negatives stem from or are exacerbated...
  5. Five Popular Model Organisms

    Blog Post
    April 11, 2019, 12:39 p.m.
    ...the fly (Pfeiffer et al., 2010). Yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) Yeast, one of the simplest eukaryotic.... Like human cells, yeast DNA is packaged into chromosomes and about 23% of yeast genes have a counterpart...homolog involved in yeast cell division (Pray, 2008). Scientific discoveries in yeast can then can be further...same kind we use in breads and other baked goods! Yeast is cheap, simple and easy to work with as they can...environmental conditions, and double every 2 hours. Yeast are also the first eukaryotic genome to be entirely...sequenced and is very amenable to genetic manipulation. Yeast cells are great model organism not only for the ...counterpart in humans (Liu et al., 2017) . Thus yeast can be used to study the molecular basis of human diseases...
  6. Pathways Over Time Plasmids Engage Students in Functional Genomics Research

    Blog Post
    May 22, 2018, 1:38 p.m.
    ...genes (Figure 1) from the two yeast species into the pYES2.1/V5-His yeast overexpression vector. This plasmid...gene in the reference species. We have been using yeast models (3, 4) to answer questions about the evolution...involved in methionine synthesis (5). The budding yeast, Saccharomyces. cerevisiae, makes a great reference...students test whether or not proteins from the fission yeast, Schizosaccharomyces pombe, have the same their counterparts in S. cerevisiae. The two yeasts are thought to have diverged from a common ancestor...presence of the URA3 gene allows students to select yeast that have been successfully transformed with the...Duina, A. A., Miller, M.E., & Keeney, J.B. Budding yeast for budding geneticists: A primer on the Saccharomyces...
  7. Synthetic Biology, Artificial Chromosomes, iGEM & More - Interview with Tom Ellis

    Blog Post
    Nov. 29, 2017, 2 p.m. gene regulation in yeast. Dr. Ellis is now one of the world's leading yeast researchers in the growing...including a recent effort to construct a synthetic yeast chromosome. Listen to learn more about Dr. Ellis...Research projects underway in the Ellis lab including yeast and E. coli engineering, microbial cooperation, ...synthesis, Golden Gate cloning, and CRISPR. The yeast synthetic genome project and constructing ever more... of synthetic biology and is the UK lead of the yeast synthetic genome project. His team also investigates...
  8. Plasmids 101: Protein Expression

    Blog Post
    June 7, 2018, 1:17 p.m.
    ...pharmaceuticals, specifically interleukins. Yeast expression systems Yeast are a great expression system to generate...These include mammalian, insect, bacterial, plant, yeast and cell free expression systems. Overall the general...proteins that cannot be produced in  E. coli or yeast cells. The only problem with baculovirus systems...recombinant eukaryotic proteins. Although many species of yeast can be used for protein expression, S. cerevisiae...inducible PHO5 and CUP1 promoters respectively. Yeast cells are grown in well-defined media and can be...large-scale, stable production of proteins. In general yeast expression systems are easier and cheaper to work...modifying complex proteins unlike bacterial systems. Yeast cells, however, have a slower growth rate than bacterial...
  9. Cultivating Community Science at BosLab

    Blog Post
    Nov. 2, 2017, 1:35 p.m.
    ...Open Yeast Engineering Project (OYEP). Through this project, community members will engineer yeast to glow...that anyone can engineer yeast to do similar things. The focus is to make yeast engineering accessible ...We’ve ordered a few yeast plasmids from Addgene and are eager to do our first yeast transformations! Dennis...everyone but these projects could also lead to novel yeast creations that may not be pursued in an academic...
  10. Rosella: A Fluorescent pH-Biosensor for Studying Autophagy

    Blog Post
    April 13, 2017, 2:30 p.m.
    ...analyzing autophagy of cytosol and organelles in yeast cells. Autophagy (Greek for “self-eating”) is is slow. Alkaline phosphatase activity: In yeast, the PHO8 gene encodes a vacuolar alkaline phosphatase...a group of genes that affect autophagy (ATG) in yeast. Atg8p (“p” stands for protein) associates with ...structures, autophagosomes and autophagic bodies in yeast. A GFP-tagged version of LC3, the mammalian Atg8p...  Red    Using Rosella to study autophagy in yeast Rosella is targeted to the cytosol when expressed...autophagy by tracking what’s being transported to the yeast vacuole (i.e. cytosol, mitochondria), rather than... vacuolar turnover of cytosol and organelles in yeast. Autophagy,4(2), 205-213. doi:10.4161/auto.5331....
  11. Addgene-Seeding Labs Plasmid Grant: Accelerating Science Globally - 5 Scientists, 4 Countries & 3 Continents!

    Blog Post
    July 18, 2017, 12:41 p.m.
    ...using yeast integration vectors (see for example this yeast cloning kit) she intends to make yeast capable...biosensors for herbicides as well as developing yeast as source for dietary supplements! Development ...different CRISPR applications in plants.     Transgenic yeast as source of dietary supplements Dr. Mrinalini .... In this project she aims to create transgenic yeast as an alternative source of essential omega-3 fatty...
  12. Hot Plasmids and Viral Preps - May 2021

    Blog Post
    May 18, 2021, 1:15 p.m.
    ...aminoacyl tRNA synthetases Nanocompartments for yeast bioproduction pathways The CRISPR corner New ready-to-use... (B) Mapping antibody-escape mutations with the yeast display library. From Starr et al Science., 2021...that the SARS-CoV-2 spike RBD is displayed on the yeast cell’s surface. The Bloom lab used the library to...protein cage provides simple enzyme protection in yeast bioproduction pathways By Gabrielle Clouse Claudia...novel nanocompartment for transporting proteins in yeast by using murine polyomavirus virus-like particles... freely into or out of the protein compartment. Yeast with this encapsulated enzyme produced 20% more ...PAM and has comparable activity to SaCas9. A new yeast inducible CRISPRi library - Ampl133 targets S. cerevisiae...
  13. Plasmids 101: Modular Cloning Applications and Kits

    Blog Post
    May 14, 2024, 1:15 p.m.
    ... of their gene of interest in yeast should also take a look at the Yeast GoldenBraid Cloning System (Pérez-González... cell-free expression systems, mammalian cells, yeast, flies, and even plants! In this blog we will review...and/or cell-free systems. Protein expression in yeast MoClo is also for eukaryotes! The technology has...secretion and expression in the biotech workhorse yeast — K. phaffii (formerly known as Pichia pastoris)...alternative expression systems such as bacteria. If your yeast experimental goals are more general in nature, or... many more of the usual suspects. The Multiplex Yeast Toolkit builds on the YTK and adds several additional..., and a two-hybrid protein interaction study in yeast cells. Need more MoClo? Check out Addgene's MoClo...
  14. Choosing Your Perfect Empty Backbone

    Blog Post
    Aug. 19, 2014, 3:39 p.m.
    ... binding or folding assays. Yeast vectors There are several types of yeast expression vectors. Consider...with a disrupted gene by transforming wild-type yeast with an integrating vector expressing a selection...these purposes Addgene has a large collection of yeast expression vectors with various markers and promoters...
  15. Pushing the Limits of DNA Assembly

    Blog Post
    Sept. 6, 2017, 1:01 p.m.
    ...Producing yeast expression cassettes Traditionally, generating expression cassettes for yeast transformation...multiple point mutations Cloning sgRNAs Production of Yeast Expression Cassettes Generating constructs with...linearized cassette, ready for transformation into yeast that same day.  The field of synthetic biology has...
  16. Plasmids 101: The Promoter Region – Let's Go!

    Blog Post
    April 3, 2014, 8:05 p.m.
    ..., the various eukaryotic cell types (mammalian, yeast, plants, etc) require unique promoters and there... calmodulin. GAL1, 10 General expression mRNA Yeast adjacent, divergently transcribed promoters Inducible...GAL4 and GAL 80. TEF1 General expression mRNA Yeast transcription elongation factor promoter Constitutive...promoter. GDS General expression mRNA  Strong yeast expression promoter from glyceraldehyde 3-phosphage...called TDH3 or GAPDH. ADH1 General expression mRNA Yeast promoter for alcohol dehydrogenase I Repressed by...
  17. 27 Hot Plasmids from 2016

    Blog Post
    Dec. 22, 2016, 3:03 p.m.
    ...genetic optimization of industrial yeast strains. However, industrial yeast strains are more difficult to ...used frequently for selection in yeast, Addgene's own Plasmids 101: Yeast Vectors blog post concedes that...1996. PubMed PMID: 8692687 Tracking autophagy in yeast with Rosella, a pH-sensitive fluorescent biosensor...analysing autophagy of cytosol and organelles in yeast cells. Named after the brightly-coloured Australian... to follow uptake of cellular material into the yeast vacuole, as well as to examine the mechanisms behind... S A. 2016. PubMed PMID: 26787909 EasyClone 2.0 Yeast Toolkit Many industries, such as the food and beverage... and the pharmaceutical industry, depend on the yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, as a key host for the...
  18. Plasmids 101: Positive and Negative Selection for Plasmid Cloning

    Blog Post
    Aug. 22, 2019, 12:43 p.m.
    ...used for cloning in yeast since antibiotic resistance spontaneously arises in yeast. For example, Markus...Markus Ralser’s lab created a yeast prototrophy kit containing 23 plasmids to complement auxotrophy. Negative...
  19. Fluorescent Biosensors for Measuring Autophagic Flux

    Blog Post
    Jan. 22, 2019, 2:41 p.m.
    ...autophagy, Rosella is targeted to the vacuole in yeast or the lysosome in mammalian cells. This decrease... Seglen. "Methods for monitoring autophagy from yeast to human." Autophagy 3.3 (2007): 181-206. PubMed... vacuolar turnover of cytosol and organelles in yeast." Autophagy 4.2 (2008): 205-213. PubMed PMID: 18094608...
Showing: 1 - 20 of 95 results