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Showing: 1 - 20 of 172 results
  1. Networking and Inspiring Young Scientists at Freshers Fairs

    Blog Post
    Nov. 17, 2015, 3:30 p.m.
    ...informative events are one of the main ways budding young scholars across Europe get introduced to the cultures...organisation is to encourage iGEM alumni to mentor younger students in society and to support iGEM alumni-...and networking meetups. The society hopes to help young scientists interested in this field excel and see these biological societies engaging with young scholars. We believe it’s very important to develop...mentioned above provide strong foundations upon which young scientists can build powerful networks and we encourage...
  2. CRISPR 101: Cytosine and Adenine Base Editors

    Blog Post
    Aug. 6, 2020, 2:30 p.m.
    ...uracil N-glycosylase (UNG) during base excision repair. Adding a second copy of the UNG inhibitor, UGI, increases...and cytosine editing components together. Keith Joung’s lab created a dual-deaminase editor called SPACE...Murray R, Packer MS, Rinaldi C, Slaymaker IM, Yen J, Young LE, Ciaramella G (2020) Directed evolution of adenine...Iyer S, Miller BR, Langner LM, Hsu JY, Aryee MJ, Joung JK (2020) A dual-deaminase CRISPR base editor enables...Wyvekens N, Khayter C, Iafrate AJ, Le LP, Aryee MJ, Joung JK (2014) GUIDE-seq enables genome-wide profiling...
  3. Fluorescent Protein Travel Awards - Protein Variants, a Serotonin Sensor, and an Artificial Leaf Replica System

    Blog Post
    June 4, 2019, 1:02 p.m.
    ...explains. Elizabeth Unger: Developing a serotonin sensor The goal of Elizabeth Unger’s postdoctoral work...Commemorative Travel Awards: Melissa Chiasson, Elizabeth Unger, and Michal Bernach. Melissa Chiasson: Quantifying... fluorescent sensor for serotonin. According to Unger, “serotonin is a well-known but poorly studied neuromodulator...incredibly important for nearly every aspect of life.” Unger began with the a bacterial periplasmic binding known bacterial proteins that bind serotonin. Unger redesigned the binding pocket of the periplasmic...for serotonin by over four orders of magnitude. Unger validated the serotonin sensor with proof-of-principle...can also kinetically outperform current methods. Unger plans to use the sensor to answer the question of...
  4. Stem Cell Models for Disease & Open Science: Interview with Darrell Kotton

    Blog Post
    July 7, 2017, 1:32 p.m.
    ... on the lungs, and, among other projects, using stem cells to develop in vitro models for lung disease...goal - to develop therapies to treat disease in the lung. Chapter 2: Balancing research with medical practice...used to better understand the biology of certain lung diseases. Chapter 6: Near-term possibilities for...for using engineered cells in therapy. The lungs are difficult, but other tissues like the retina have ...therapies underway. Chapter 7: Generating entire lungs using a decellurized scaffold as a base. Darrell... using stem cells from patients to study various lung diseases. Chapter 10: How Darrel defines Open Science...
  5. Viral Vectors 101: Systemic Capsids

    Blog Post
    Oct. 12, 2023, 1:15 p.m.
    ...mechanism unknown)   Chen et al., 2023 AAV9.452sub.LUNG1 Lung: ATII cells Mice N/A Goertsen et...type II cell transduction in the rodent lung AAV9.452sub.LUNG1 is an engineered capsid derived from AAV9...has tropism for lung cells, and has increased overall transduction throughout the lungs. Like other engineered...AAV9 that effectively transduces mouse lungs, targeting alveolar epithelial type II cells (Goertsen, Goeden... does express in the brain. Both AAV9 and AAV9.452sub.LUNG1 have significantly higher off-target expression...including PAL1D, are detargeted from the liver, kidney, lung, and thymus, and transduce the heart and spleen ...Flytzanis, N. C., & Gradinaru, V. (2022). Targeting the lung epithelium after intravenous delivery by directed...
  6. The PAM Requirement and Expanding CRISPR Beyond SpCas9

    Blog Post
    Aug. 20, 2020, 2:30 p.m.
    ...Cas9s with novel PAM recognition In 2015, Keith Joung’s lab performed a series of positive selection screens...Abudayyeh OO, Gootenberg JS, Essletzbichler P, Han S, Joung J, Belanto JJ, Verdine V, Cox DBT, Kellner MJ, Regev...Gootenberg JS, Abudayyeh OO, Franklin B, Kellner MJ, Joung J, Zhang F (2017) RNA editing with CRISPR-Cas13....Park SW, Kim D, Kim K, Cho H-Y, Song DW, Lee KJ, Jung MH, Kim S, Kim JH, Kim JH, Kim J-S (2017) In vivo...Gonzales APW, Li Z, Peterson RT, Yeh J-RJ, Aryee MJ, Joung JK (2015) Engineered CRISPR-Cas9 nucleases with ...Nguyen NT, Welch MM, Lopez JM, McCaw ZR, Aryee MJ, Joung JK (2016) Genome-wide specificities of CRISPR-Cas...Slaymaker IM, Makarova KS, Essletzbichler P, Volz SE, Joung J, van der Oost J, Regev A, Koonin EV, Zhang F (...
  7. What's Your Organism? Expanding Genomic Tools via the NSF EDGE Program

    Blog Post
    May 2, 2019, 12:41 p.m. their own devices. Chytrid fungi (Lillian Fritz-Laylin) Chytrid fungi are useful for the study of basic... basic evolution of fungi and eukaryotes and includes the fungus that is killing frogs all over the world...diverse plants, animals, microbes, viruses, and fungi for which these methods are presently These are less well known fungi (they are not yeast or mushrooms) but there are over 1,000 species...
  8. Finding nucleic acids with SHERLOCK and DETECTR

    Blog Post
    April 16, 2020, 1 p.m.
    ...References Abudayyeh OO, Gootenberg JS, Konermann S, Joung J, Slaymaker IM, Cox DBT, Shmakov S, Makarova KS... Abudayyeh OO, Lee JW, Essletzbichler P, Dy AJ, Joung J, Verdine V, Donghia N, Daringer NM, Freije CA,..., Bhattacharyya RP, Livny J, Regev A, Koonin EV, Hung DT, Sabeti PC, Collins JJ, Zhang F (2017) Gootenberg JS, Abudayyeh OO, Kellner MJ, Joung J, Collins JJ, Zhang F (2018) Multiplexed and portable...Wolf YI, Gootenberg JS, Semenova E, Minakhin L, Joung J, Konermann S, Severinov K, Zhang F, Koonin EV ...Slaymaker IM, Makarova KS, Essletzbichler P, Volz SE, Joung J, van der Oost J, Regev A, Koonin EV, Zhang F (...
  9. Multiplexed Overexpression of Regulatory Factors (MORF) collection

    Blog Post
    March 30, 2023, 1:15 p.m.
    ...possible TF-induced cellular states was generated (Joung et al., 2023). Fig. 1: Barcoded TF library...performed to map TFs to cell fates. (Adapted from Joung et al.)    This atlas linked TF expression to... nominated reference cell types.  (Adapted from Joung et al.)    Putting MORF to work Screens and! References and Resources  References Joung J. et al., A transcription factor atlas of directed...186 (1) 209-229. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2022.11.026 Joung J. et al., Genome-scale CRISPR Cas-9 knockout and...
  10. Mycoplasma Contamination: Where Does It Come From and How to Prevent It

    Blog Post
    Oct. 8, 2020, 1:15 p.m.
    ...// Sung H, Kang SH, Bae YJ, Hong JT, Chung YB, Lee CK, Song S (2006) quick, efficient, reliable and cost-effective (Sung, 2006). The sensor cell-based method uses specialized... mycoplasmas but also avoid other bacterial and fungal contamination. Proper PPE Since humans are the ... changed regularly as mycoplasma, bacteria, and fungus can reside in these containers. Clean up any media...
  11. Six Spooky Science Stories and Halloween at Addgene

    Blog Post
    Oct. 31, 2019, 1:06 p.m.
    ...stories Zombie ants Ophiocordyceps unilateralis is a fungus that infects ants and controls their behavior. ...point where the temperature and humidity favors fungal growth. The ants bites down and locks their jaws...its muscles atrophy. After the ant’s death, the fungal fruiting bodies being to sprout out of the ant’ out of hiding to become exposed to predators. Hungry birds spots the “caterpillar” and then poke out...
  12. Choosing a CRISPR Nuclease: Site Accessibility, Specificity, and Sensitivity

    Blog Post
    Nov. 5, 2019, 1:28 p.m.
    ...Zhang Lab had described eSpCas9, while the Keith Joung Lab had developed SpCas9-HF1. Both of the activity relative to Cas9. Since then, the Joung and Jennifer Doudna Labs used targeted mutagenesis...also increased specificity. Most recently, the Jungjoon Lee Lab used directed evolution to generate Sniper-Cas9...29512652. PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5951633. Lee, Jungjoon K., et al. "Directed evolution of CRISPR-Cas9 ...
  13. Enabling Precision Functional Genomics with the Target Accelerator Plasmid Collection

    Blog Post
    May 11, 2017, 2:30 p.m.
    ...variants derived from analysis of lung adenocarcinoma genomes (Lung Cancer Mutant Collection) or “pan-...variants and genes: High-throughput Phenotyping of Lung Cancer Somatic Mutations. Berger AH, Brooks AN, .... Cancer Cell, 2016. PubMed PMID: 27478040. The lung cancer mutant collection is described in this paper...
  14. Delivery Methods for Generating iPSCs

    Blog Post
    April 17, 2018, 1:37 p.m.
    ... Chun-Hyung Kim, Jung-Il Moon, Young-Gie Chung, Mi-Yoon Chang, Baek-Soo Han, Sanghyeok Ko, Eungi Yang,...
  15. Enhancing CRISPR Targeting Specificity with eSpCas9, SpCas9-HF1, & HypaCas9

    Blog Post
    Dec. 16, 2015, 3:30 p.m.
    ...and much more. Now, researchers from the Zhang, Joung, and Doudna labs have improved the on-target specificity... from the Zhang lab at the Broad Institute, the Joung lab at Harvard Medical School, and the Doudna Lab...testing of SpCas9-HF1 Kleinstiver et al and the Joung Lab similarly thought that if they could weaken ...structural knowledge, in collaboration with the Joung Lab, they used targeted mutagenesis to create HypaCas9...
  16. The Future of Research Symposium Boston 2015

    Blog Post
    Oct. 20, 2015, 2:30 p.m.
    ...workshops at the Future of Research Symposium 2014, young scientists are acutely aware of these problems approaches that address the need to train our young scientists for futures both inside and outside of...Paula Stephan, professor of economics at the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies at Georgia State University...diversity of trainee backgrounds, publishing from a young scientist’s perspective, and the many different ...
  17. Tips for CRISPR Gene Editing in Mice

    Blog Post
    June 28, 2016, 10:59 a.m.
    ...Many thanks to our guest blogger Samantha Young. Samantha Young is a Medical Writer with a PhD in reproductive... post was contributed by guest blogger Samantha Young. The use of CRISPR/Cas9 for gene editing has expanded... in scientific content.      References 1. Cho, Seung Woo, et al. "Analysis of off-target effects of CRISPR...
  18. Mesothelioma - Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

    Blog Post
    Dec. 13, 2016, 3:30 p.m.
    ...linings of certain areas of the body, including the lung, the heart, and the abdomen. Long story short, when...frequently, ingested), it can get into the lining of the lungs or travel to one of the other areas of the body,...of other diseases, such as asthma, pneumonia, or lung cancer. As a result, mesothelioma is often misdiagnosed... from the government as more common cancers like lung (about 224,000 diagnosed this year) or breast cancer...
  19. Hot Plasmids: Summer 2024

    Blog Post
    Aug. 27, 2024, 1:15 p.m.
    ...proteins protect fragile samples during cryo-EM grid plunge freezing By Rachel Leeson Cryo-EM samples can be...glutaraldehyde. Adding RvLEAMshort to the sample before plunge freezing represents a convenient, effective approach...protectant for fragile samples during cryo-EM grid plunge freezing. bioRxiv 2024.02.06.579238. doi: https..., J. M., Adriaens, C., Ramadoss, G. N., Shi, Q., Hung, K. L., Samelson, A. J., … & Weissman, J. S. (2021...
  20. With an Eye Towards the Future, We Look Back at the March for Science

    Blog Post
    Oct. 24, 2017, 1:54 p.m.
    ...Montreal, QC, Canada 45.5017°N 73.5673°W – Vanessa Sung Hundreds of scientists and supporters in Montreal...allies outside the scientific community. Vanessa Sung is currently a PhD student studying breast cancer...restorative justice.  Follow her on twitter @sung_vanessa. Albany, NY, USA 42.6526°N 73.7562°W – Nicholas... Astronomy. She studies how planets form around young stars and the instruments we use to study them. ...
Showing: 1 - 20 of 172 results