Antibodies 101: Chimeric Antibodies
Blog Post
April 25, 2023, 1:15 p.m.
...Addgene blog
Antibodies 101: Validation
Antibodies 101: Polyclonal Antibodies Antibodies 101: Selecting... an ideal antibody against Protein A and an ideal antibody against Protein B. The antibodies are both ...
Chimeric antibodies can help
A chimeric antibody is made by changing an antibody’s natural isotype...secondary antibody to bind to the anti-Protein A antibody and an anti-mouse IgG2a secondary antibody to If you use two antibodies that are the same isotype then the secondary antibody will bind to both ...of the antibody’s isotypes, however, you could then use 2 different secondaries for your antibody pair ...both of your antibodies are rat IgG1, then you could convert your anti-Protein B antibody to a mouse IgG2a...