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Showing: 1 - 20 of 56 results
  1. Plasmids 101: Choosing an Antibiotic Resistance Gene

    Blog Post
    Oct. 10, 2023, 1 p.m.
    ....   Kanamycin Kanamycin, or kan, is an aminoglycoside which inhibits protein synthesis. The kan resistance...resistance gene, NPTII, facilitates phosphorylation of kan, which inactivates it. The NPTII gene confers resistance...decorative" title="Check icon" %} Satellite colonies Kanamycin Excellent No Bacteria and eukaryotes (G418) {%...
  2. CRISPR Challenges: Standardization and Homology Directed Repair

    Blog Post
    Feb. 14, 2018, 2:36 p.m.
    ...precise genome editing using oligonucleotide donors". Kan, Yinan, Brian Ruis, Taylor Takasugi, and Eric A. ... PMID: 28356322 PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5495063 Kan et al. use a GFP-BFP conversion system to assess ...
  3. Tag Your Favorite Yeast Genes with Ease

    Blog Post
    Nov. 19, 2013, 2:37 p.m.
    ...previously described pFA6a-link vectors and include a Kan, SpHIS5, or CaURA3 selection marker. Lee et al.(1...3xFlag, Protein A, or V5), and selection marker (KanMX, HphMX, or His3MX).  Each PCR product from this ...
  4. Plasmids 101: Mammalian Vectors

    Blog Post
    March 25, 2014, 3:15 p.m.
    ...instead use G418. This can be confusing since the neo/kan gene confers G418 resistance; however, like gentamicin...
  5. Evolution of Lab Techniques

    Blog Post
    June 21, 2016, 2:30 p.m.
    ...PubMed PMID: 1195397. 2. Chang, Judy C., and Yuet Wai Kan. "A sensitive new prenatal test for sickle-cell anemia...
  6. Hot Plasmids - September 2019 - CRISPR, Auxin Inducible Degradation, MerMAID Channelrhodopsins, and Genome Looping

    Blog Post
    Sept. 3, 2019, 1:15 p.m.
    ...with the cells’ endogenous ubiquitin ligase, the Kanemaki lab was able to translate AID to yeast, as well...Nishimura et al., 2009, Natsume et al., 2016).  The Kanemaki lab previously developed a CRISPR/Cas9 based method...essential proteins (Natsume et al., 2016). Now, the Kanemaki lab has created a new toolkit of plasmids for ...create conditional human cell lines. Lastly, the Kanemaki lab demonstrated that auxinole, a TIR1 inhibitor...
  7. Viral Vectors 101: AAV Variables That Matter

    Blog Post
    June 1, 2023, 1:15 p.m.
    ...serotype can affect spread from the injection site  (Kanaan et al., 2017), axonal transport  (Murlidharan et...cells12050785 Murlidharan, G., Samulski, R. J., & Asokan, A. (2014). Biology of adeno-associated viral vectors...5), 1–41. Kanaan, N. M., Sellnow, R. C., Boye, S. L., Coberly, B...pharmaceutics13050750 Murlidharan, G., Samulski, R. J., & Asokan, A. (2014). Biology of adeno-associated viral vectors...
  8. Illuminating Choices: A Guide to Selecting Fluorescent Dyes and Ligands

    Blog Post
    March 21, 2024, 1:15 p.m.
    ...signals when used with the same protein (Hayashi-Takanaka et al., 2014). Other dyes may prove challenging...and reliable imaging and assay results (Hayashi-Takanaka et al., 2014)​​. Conjugates with lower DOL tend...intracellular fluorescence live imaging ​​(Hayashi-Takanaka et al., 2014). Dyes can also vary in their brightness...994. Hayashi-Takanaka, Y., Stasevich, T. J., Kurumizaka, H., Nozaki,...
  9. Plasmids 101: Positive and Negative Selection for Plasmid Cloning

    Blog Post
    Aug. 22, 2019, 12:43 p.m.
    ...backbone contains a kanamycin resistance cassette, you would plate the cells on kanamycin-containing agar..... Only cells carrying plasmids that contain a kanamycin resistance cassette will grow. However, often ...
  10. Addgene-Seeding Labs plasmid grant round 3: microbial drug resistance and biofilms, antidiabetic plant components, visualizing brain injury - and a glowing robot fish

    Blog Post
    Nov. 27, 2018, 2 p.m.
    ...activity after ischemic brain injury Dr. Gohar Tsakanova, Institute of Molecular Biology of the NationalAcademy...Sciences of the Republic of Armenia, Armenia Gohar Tsakanova is a Senior Researcher who investigates the molecular...two-photon laser scanning microscope will allow Tsakanova to image cortical neurons and study changes in...
  11. Viral Vectors 101: The Retroviral Lifecycle

    Blog Post
    July 27, 2023, 1:15 p.m.
    ...Structure of a retrovirus. Image re-used from Dong & Kantor, 2021 under CC-BY license. Figure 2 gives a...1406488. PubMed Central PMCID: PMC372876 Dong, W., & Kantor, B. (2021). Lentiviral Vectors for Delivery of ...PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4515362 Robinson, W. S., Pitkanen, A., & Rubin, H. (1965). The nucleic acid of the...
  12. Live and Let Dye: Self-Labeling Protein Tags

    Blog Post
    April 16, 2024, 1:15 p.m.
    ... based on a bacterial haloalkane dehalogenase that binds a synthetic chloralkane (CA) ligand. The current...  (TMP-tag) Few Easy HaloTag 295 Chloralkane (CA) Many Easy CLIP-tag 182 Benzylcytosine...
  13. R Bodies: Membrane-Rupturing Microscopic Tools

    Blog Post
    April 14, 2016, 2:30 p.m.
    ...were first expressed in E. coli in the 1980s  (Kanabrocki et al 1986). Much later, it was shown that putting...her on Twitter @jessicapolka.     References 1. Kanabrocki, J. A., Quackenbush, R. L. & Pond, F. R. Organization...
  14. Early Career Researcher Toolbox: Social Media for Scientists

    Blog Post
    Dec. 11, 2018, 12:46 p.m.
    ... with Dr. Stephani Page, the founder of the #BLACKandSTEM Twitter community. Dr. Page shares her story...@ThePurplePage and @HelloPhD "Role" call. #BLACKandSTEM what do you do? — Stephani Page, PhD 👩🏾‍🔬...
  15. CRISPR-mediated Plant Base Editors

    Blog Post
    Jan. 3, 2019, 1:35 p.m.
    ...PMID: 30272679. 8. Hua, Kai, Xiaoping Tao, and Jian‐Kang Zhu. "Expanding the base editing scope in rice by...11.4 (2018): 627-630. PubMed PMID: 29476916. 10. Kang, Beum-Chang, et al. "Precision genome engineering...
  16. Quick Guide to Near-Infrared Fluorescent Proteins

    Blog Post
    Oct. 5, 2021, 1:15 p.m.
    ...contrast than previously developed NIR split probes (Tchekanda et al., 2014, Filonov et al., 2013). FRET biosensors...fluorescent nanobodies. Nat Methods submitted (2021). Tchekanda, E., Sivanesan, D. & Michnick, S.W. An infrared...
  17. Plasmids 101: Repressible Promoters

    Blog Post
    Dec. 20, 2022, 2:15 p.m.
    ...acid to Drosophila cells. Work by Wei et al. from Kang Shen’s lab has also shown that the Q system is also.... Wei, Xing, Christopher J. Potter, Liqin Luo & Kang Shen. “Controlling gene expression with the Q repressible...
  18. 15 Hot Plasmids from 2017

    Blog Post
    Jan. 9, 2018, 3:02 p.m.
    ... the B. subtilis Single Gene Deletion Library—Kanamycin and the CRISPRi Essential gene Knockdown library...regions (excluding start and stop codons) with kanamycin cassettes and were carefully designed to allow...
  19. 27 Hot Plasmids from 2016

    Blog Post
    Dec. 22, 2016, 3:03 p.m.
    ...Cas9-based AID tagging Seven years ago, Masato Kanemaki's lab successfully used the plant-based auxin-inducible...described in their recent Cell Reports paper, the Kanemaki lab overcame this hurdle using CRISPR technology...
Showing: 1 - 20 of 56 results