Illuminating Epigenetics with A FRET Based Biosensor
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...variant of oil palm." Nature 525.7570 (2015): 533-537. PubMed PMID: 26352475.
2. Bygren, Lars O., et al....sotires like the potential devastation of the palm oil industry through epigenetic effects on the Cover ...Central PMCID: PMC3929550.
3. Kaati, Gunnar, Lars O. Bygren, and Soren Edvinsson. "Cardiovascular and ...that compacts cellular DNA into chromosomes and reduces the risk of dangerous DNA damage. If the way DNA...studying disease
Epigenetic changes have been discovered to play a large role in a variety of diseases...passed on a trait to their granddaughters that reduced their lifespan. Because these dramatic conditions...developing, an epigenetic change is thought to have occurred that was passed down to the grandchildren; in ...