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Showing: 1 - 4 of 4 results
  1. Fluorescent Protein Guide: Subcellular Localization

    ...Gadella 58473 pEGFP-C1 F-tractin-EGFP Actin Filaments F-tractin EGFP Dyche Mullins 41147 pEGFP Centrin2 Centrioles...Huttenlocher 32907 pEGFP-rNFM Intermediate Filaments (neuronal) Nefm EGFP Anthony Brown 32909 pEGFP-mNFM Intermediate...41151 pEGFP Cep170 C-term Centrioles (dependent on cell cycle) Cep170 EGFP Erich Nigg 41163 pEGFP PICH ...Tamotsu Yoshimori 21073 pEGFP-LC3 Autophagosome LC3 EGFP Tamotsu Yoshimori 24920 pEGFP-LC3 (human) Autophagosome...Mitochondria COX8A(1-29) mTurquoise2 Dorus Gadella 26673 pEGFP-C1-Fibrillarin Nucleolus Fibrillarin EGFP Sui Huang...Targeting Sequence mTurquoise2 Dorus Gadella 17990 pEGFP-SF2 Nucleus SF2 EGFP Tom Misteli 137806 mNeonGreen-peroxi...Filaments (neuronal) Nefm EGFP Anthony Brown 11908 pEGFP-N1 alpha-actinin 1 Actin Filaments alpha-actinin...
  2. Arf GTPase Family

    ...9267 398 Gateway GEF Cyth2 9266 400 Mammalian (pEGFP-C1), Gateway GEF Cyth3 9265 399 Gateway GEF Cyth4...Arap2 116984 1704 GAP Arap3 64411 1544 Mammalian (pEGFP-C2) GAP Acap1 9744 740 Mammalian (pFLAG-CMV2) GAP...
  3. Neurodegeneration Plasmid Collection

    ...Foundation MJFF 40261 pEGFP-Q23 HTT GFP CMV Huntington's David Rubinsztein 40262 pEGFP-Q74 HTT GFP CMV Huntington's...Nahum Sonenberg 45875 pEGFP-parkin WT PRKN GFP CMV Parkinson's Edward Fon 45876 pEGFP-parkin W403A PRKN GFP...Beatrice Yue 69924 pEGFP-n1-APP APP GFP CMV Alzheimer's Thomas Wassmer 69925 pEGFP-n1-AICD APP GFP CMV...CMV ALS Anthony Brown 85670 pEGFP-p97 VCP GFP CMV ALS Hemmo Meyer 85672 pEGFP-p97-E578Q VCP GFP CMV ALS ...Spinocerebellar ataxia 7 Diane Lipscombe 26674 pEGFP-C1-TBP TBP GFP CMV Parkinson's Sui Huang 26978 p3.1... 147087 pLNHA-C1-HseIF4G_O EIF4G HA CMV Parkinson's Elisa Izaurralde 147091 pT7-EGFP-C1-HseIF4G_O EIF4G...148138 pT7-V5-SBP-C1-HshnRNPA1_Z HNRNPA1 CMV ALS Elisa Izaurralde 148139 pT7-V5-SBP-C1-HshnRNPA2-B1_Z HNRNPA2B1...
  4. Trimmer Lab NeuroMab Collection

    ...Human Llama 145829 C1-82 pComb3xss anti-cFos nanobody C1-82 cFos Human Llama 145830 C1-84 pComb3xss anti-cFos...nanobody S2-77 cFos Human Llama 145835 C1-62 pComb3xss anti-cFos nanobody C1-62 cFos Human Llama 145836 S1-54...anti-cFos nanobody C1-84 cFos Human Llama 145831 C2-58 pComb3xss anti-cFos nanobody C2-58 cFos Human Llama... 135224 GC52 pEGFPN1 anti-Gephyrin nanobody GC52 Gephyrin Mouse Llama 135225 AC50 pEGFPN1 anti-AMIGO-1...Llama 135226 AC27 pEGFPN1 anti-AMIGO-1 nanobody AC27 AMIGO-1 Mouse Llama 135227 IC65 pEGFPN1 anti-IRSp53 nanobody... nanobody IC65 IRSp53 Mouse Llama 135228 SS80 pEGFPN1 anti-SAPAP2 nanobody SS80 SAPAP2 Mouse Llama 145818...
Showing: 1 - 4 of 4 results