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Showing: 1 - 20 of 149 results
  1. 500,000 Plasmids Shipped and Counting!

    Blog Post collection, and shipping them to you quickly.   So, what does plasmid shipping look like at Addgene...huge milestone here at Addgene – 500,000 plasmids shipped! That's a 1/2 million plasmids sent to happy scientists... lab team creates stabs for each plasmid being shipped based on the information in our lab software, labeling...correct plasmids are packed into their boxes with shipping labels and paperwork. Our stacks of Addgene below which depicts where plasmids have been shipped to. Plasmids start out at our Cambridge office ...plasmids travel to labs around the world. We've shipped plasmids to more than 90,000 scientists at 5,200...use the repository – about 50% of plasmids are shipped to labs outside of the US. We are so excited to...
  2. Antibodies 101: Stripping and Reprobing Western Blots

    Blog Post
    ...Biosystems offer pre-made stripping solutions or kits. Mild stripping The mild stripping solution uses low pH.... Remember, stripping your membrane will remove some of your sample —and harsher stripping means more ...buffer such as PBS or TBST. Stringent stripping The stringent stripping solution uses heat and detergent to... start a whole new blot? Never fear: membrane stripping is here! Rather than start over, you can remove...reprobe. In this case, we recommend using mild stripping solution (see below) to minimize loss of your ...the antibodies, especially with more stringent stripping methods. If you are planning to detect multiple...multiple proteins through several rounds of stripping and reprobing, maximize your signal by starting with ...
  3. Zinc Finger Consortium: OPEN Reagents

    ...plasmid page and will be shipped as bacterial stabs. Add to Cart $ 350 USD + shipping Available to academics...and 3 individually packaged strains, which are shipped as bacterial stabs at room temperature. Individual...19798082 . Kit Contents The following items will be shipped as stabs at room temperature. ID Name 13421 pAC-Kan-alphaGal4...
  4. Antibody Production

    ...(Link opens in a new window) page. Storage and Shipping Stability Addgene does not recommend repeated ...20 °C. Each antibody catalog item is tested for shipping stability by incubating at 37 °C for 2 weeks, ...temperature. However, Addgene determines ideal shipping conditions for each order based on the total items...item ships safely and most economically. Actual shipping conditions will be shown in your cart. Need Some...
  5. Neurodegeneration Plasmid Collection

    ...CMV-CRY2oligo-mcherry-ANXA11 ANXA11 mCherry CMV ALS Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz 164204 CMV-CRY2oligo-mcherry-ANXA11(...CMV-CRY2oligo-mcherry-ANXA11(D40G) ANXA11 mCherry CMV ALS Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz 164205 CMV-CRY2oligo-mcherry-ANXA11(R235Q)...R235Q) ANXA11 mCherry CMV ALS Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz 164206 CMV-CRY2oligo-mcherry-ANXA11(R346C) ANXA11...ANXA11 mCherry CMV ALS Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz 164207 CMV-CRY2oligo-mcherry-ANXA11(1-185aa) ANXA11 ...ANXA11 mCherry CMV ALS Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz 164208 CMV-CRY2oligo-mCherry-ANXA11(186-505 aa) ANXA11 ...ANXA11 CMV ALS Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz 164210 pLEX-EF1a ANXA11-mEmerald ANXA11 mEmerald EF1a ALS Jennifer...Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz 164211 pLEX-EF1a ANXA11-mEmerald D40G ANXA11 mEmerald EF1a ALS Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz...
  6. Fluorescent Protein Guide: Biosensors

    ...constraints for astrocyte calcium signaling in the hippocampal mossy fiber pathway. Neuron. 2014 Apr 16;82(2...Martin Webb Phosphate FRET-based phosphate sensor (FLIPPi) A novel analytical method for in vivo phosphate...protein synaptotagmin 1 using knockoff in mouse hippocampal neurons. Elife. 2020 Jun 9;9. pii: 56469. Edwin...the dominant mechanism of vesicle retrieval at hippocampal synapses. Neuron. 2006 Sep 21. 51(6):773-86. ...
  7. AAV Made on Request

    ...Pennsylvania Vector Core. Price $3030 USD plus shipping Turnaround Due to high demand for viral items,... Service has been paused until further notice. Shipping Price varies by location. Please contact us for...
  8. Bacterial Expression Systems

    ... pZE31ms2 25860 MS2 coat protein binding sites Philippe Cluzel RNA localization: Contains a 2x array of...DsRed-ms2x2 26248 MS2 coat protein binding sites Philippe Cluzel RNA localization: Contains a 2x array of...
  9. CRISPR Guide

    Collection of DNA libraries, the CRISPR library will be shipped at a concentration that is too low to be used in...from promoters and enhancers. 2015. Hilton IB, D'Ippolito AM, Vockley CM, Thakore PI, Crawford GE, Reddy...CP, Bonetti C, Vidigal JA, Han YC, Ogrodowski P, Crippa A, Rekhtman N, de Stanchina E, Lowe SW, Ventura...
  10. Antibody Guide

    ...price, and other factors like availability and shipping time. Choose antibodies from companies that are...several to compare, or select one based on price, shipping availability, ease of purchase, or similar factors...
  11. Treating Muscular Dystrophy with CRISPR Gene Editing

    Blog Post
    ...forms of dystrophin can still be functional, exon skipping is a good option for DMD treatment. Clinical trials... trials have used oligonucleotide exon skipping (OEN) to remove mutated exons from the dystrophin transcript... to explore genome editing approaches for exon skipping. Addgene depositor Charles Gersbach used paired... Could this approach work with dystrophin exon skipping? For such a therapy to be successful, multiple...downregulated in mature tissues - no problem, as exon skipping proceeds through the non-homologous end joining...difference in DMD, and it’s estimated that exon skipping therapies would be applicable to 80% of DMD patients... and Tabebordbar et al. each chose to try exon skipping in DMD mice, which have a mutation in dystrophin...
  12. Celebrating One Million Plasmids Shared!

    Blog Post
    ...tubes, and to packing and shipping. Every single day. 673 plasmids shipped daily may be easy to picture...milestone by ending the day with 1,000,002 plasmids shipped. Reaching one million plasmids shared might have... tremendous coordination amongst the lab team, shipping team, and others to ensure that everything will...picture (see the picture of our shipping room above), but as Joanne Kamens, Addgene’s executive director,... and we just reached our 10,000th viral vector shipped! In the upcoming months, we will be moving into...
  13. Using AAV for Neuronal Tracing

    Blog Post
    ...regions. For example, communication between the hippocampus and the prefrontal cortex brain regions is involved...specific example of episodic memory, a subset of hippocampal neurons projects axons directly to the prefrontal...immunogenicity and cellular toxicity. AAV vectors can be equipped with strong promoters for high and neuron-specific...Cre recombinase only in pyramidal cells of the hippocampal region CA2 allowed for detailed mapping of the...PMC2293646. Jin, J., and Maren, S. (2015). Prefrontal-Hippocampal Interactions in Memory and Emotion. Front Syst...type-specific genetic and optogenetic tools reveal novel hippocampal CA2 circuits. Nat Neurosci 17(2), 269–279. PubMed...sensitive retrograde tracer in the rat brain hippocampal system. Brain Res 152, 145-150. PubMed PMID: ...
  14. Troubleshooting and Optimizing a Western Blot

    Blog Post
    ...Increase volume of wash buffer Incomplete stripping (If stripping/reprobing) Check for antibody signaling...signaling after each round of stripping* Use a harsher stripping buffer Too little signal Large proteins...ability of proteins to stick to the membrane by stripping away the SDS. To speed up larger proteins and ...need to compare the protein amounts directly, stripping and reprobing. Just make sure to go from least...least to most abundant protein if you’re stripping, since you’ll lose protein with every strip cycle. Troubleshooting...
  15. Twenty Years of Addgene Sharing: CRISPR

    Blog Post
    ...distribution and deposits. (A) Cumulative CRISPR plasmids shipped by year. (B) Cumulative CRISPR plasmids year. (D) Cumulative CRISPR pooled libraries shipped by year.   As of the end of 2023, Addgene had...even mix of plasmids (by age) are requested and shipped out each year.     Figure 3: Percentage...from labs in ~40 different countries, and we’ve shipped CRISPR plasmids to labs in ~100 countries.  The...distributed per year, or approximately 104 plasmids shipped per working day, including appropriate MTAs and...
  16. Important Considerations in Optogenetics Behavioral Experiments

    Blog Post
    ...need. For example, as shown in this study [3], hippocampal neurons are activated when the mouse is placed...expression, thus showing successful inhibition of hippocampal neurons. Initial monitoring Second, this may ...associated with a visual or auditory cue. The hippocampus has long been known to be responsible for mediating...the function of specific subregions within the hippocampus were only recently studied in detail thanks to... PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3082132. 9.Del Bene, Filippo, and Claire Wyart. "Optogenetics: a new enlightenment...
  17. DNA Service - Cloning Grade DNA

    ...including the check out and will require separate shipping charges. Where can I find cloning resources or...
  18. Distribution to Industry

    ...MTA documents, your order will be processed and shipped. Industry Distribution Policy A portion of Addgene...
Showing: 1 - 20 of 149 results