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Showing: 1 - 3 of 3 results
  1. Which Fluorescent Protein Should I Use?

    Blog Post
    May 20, 2014, 2:06 p.m.
    ... range).  By mutating GFP, the variants blue FP (BFP), cyan FP (CFP), and yellow FP (YFP) were derived...will pass blue light to the detector/camera, then BFPs are of no use to you. When using more than one is translated to a few hours. For example, superfolder GFP (sfGFP) and mNeonGFP can fold in <10min at... light. Photostability can be as short as 100ms (EBFP) or as long as 1 hour (mAmetrine1.2). However, for...
  2. Avoiding the Dark Side of Fluorescent Protein Fusions with mOX FPs

    Blog Post
    Oct. 27, 2015, 3 p.m.
    ..., Lindsey M. Costantini, and Erik L. Snapp. "Superfolder GFP is fluorescent in oxidizing environments ...non-glycosylated monomeric blue fluorescent protein, secBFP2, for studies in the eukaryotic secretory pathway...
Showing: 1 - 3 of 3 results