Evolution of Brainbow: Using Cre-lox for Multicolor Labeling of Neurons
Blog Post
...fluorophore. Third, Brainbow-1 and Brainbow-2 each contained a “default” state; for example, Brainbow-1.0 expresses...visible with Brainbow-1 and -2.
The general structure of Brainbow-1.0 is retained in Brainbow-3.0, but with...applying Brainbow to your research? Check out Brainbow plasmids available from Addgene!
Find Brainbow Plasmids...attributes of Cre-lox to create the Brainbow mouse neural labeling system. Brainbow-1 and -2 have been further ...further refined to create Brainbow 3.2. Brainbow labeling has also been applied to cell marking and lineage ...systems, such as zebrafish and Drosophila.
Why Brainbow?
Brainbow highlights the trend in biology towards single-cell...synopsis of the differences amongst the Brainbow systems. Pre-Brainbow techniques, such as Golgi staining,...