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Showing: 161 - 180 of 560 results
  1. Transferable Skills Guide: External Collaborations

    Blog Post
    ...scientific expertise. Organizing a career fair for early-career scientists provided a crash course in this...I find it useful to remind myself to check in regularly with collaborators for example on a holiday or...regard to reaching out to new people, checking in regularly, and maintaining useful notes that remind me about...
  2. Hot Plasmids - August 2020

    Blog Post
    ...markers tagged with mTurquoise2, mNeonGreen, and mScarlet-I for labeling a list of specific structures within...CRISPRa) are great ways to modulate the expression of nearly any gene via specific guide RNA (gRNA) sequences... New from the viral service By Ina Ersing We regularly add new viral aliquots from our plasmid collection...
  3. Plasmids 101: E. coli Strains for Protein Expression

    Blog Post
    ...products may be toxic to the host when expressed, particularly those that are insoluble, act on DNA, or are... can neither restrict nor methylate DNA. dcm: Similarly, strains with this mutation are unable to methylate...dead cells, and, conversely, you cannot induce too early as there are not enough cells in the culture to ...
  4. Treating Muscular Dystrophy with CRISPR Gene Editing

    Blog Post
    ...improve muscle function, and they must be injected regularly. Dystrophin and genome editing Since complex oligonucleotide...approaches for exon skipping. Addgene depositor Charles Gersbach used paired zinc finger nucleases to remove...force, and other muscle tests, muscle function is clearly improved, although not to wild-type levels. With...
  5. CRISPR 101: Epigenetics and Editing the Epigenome

    Blog Post
    ...H3K27ac histone modification at specified loci. Charles Gersbach’s lab has deposited mammalian expression...pMAGIC (R4-R3) NLS-Sa dCas9-NLS-LSD1. LSD1 is a particularly large protein, and this fusion allows for packaging...this article. References Haldeman JM, Conway AE, Arlotto ME, et al (2018) Creation of versatile cloning ...
  6. The Fluorescent Vegetables in Aptamer Soup

    Blog Post
    ...fluorescent and can be challenging to track intracellularly, but aptamers permit the study of better able to maintain its fluorescence intracellularly due to a lower dependency on magnesium and ...binding with RNA by about 7x). Mango fluoresces nearly as brightly as Spinach, but binds with much higher...
  7. March for Science

    Blog Post
    ...inconvenient data must not be ignored. Returning to an earlier analogy, no amount of shouting will make an apple...comparison to 37% of the general public (5, 6). Similarly 90% of active research scientists believe climate...13th the March for Science homepage has amassed nearly 500,000 ‘likes’, while their website lists over...
  8. Hot Biosensors 2022: Year-End Roundup

    Blog Post
    ...research directions that were inaccessible with earlier tools. They also produce more than 20 other MTRIA...MTRIA biosensors are generated by inserting a circularly-permuted GFP into an intracellular loop of various...brightness, expression, and sensitivity compared with earlier SF-iGluSnFR. Image from Aggarwal 2022.   Find iGluSnFR3...
  9. Five Popular Model Organisms

    Blog Post
    ...transparent. Thus scientists can easily observe early developmental stages which can be difficult in other... large experiments over multiple generations. Similarly to other model organisms, the C.elegans genome... PubMed PMID: 26712014. Pandey, Udai Bhan, and Charles D. Nichols. "Human disease models in Drosophila...
  10. Is this the right place for me? 8 tactics for choosing a lab

    Blog Post
    ...are always traveling, or too busy to interact regularly with the newer lab members. You must get an idea... the lab head? Are meetings with the lab head regularly scheduled or only ad hoc? Does the mentor your data and suggest follow up experiments regularly? Can you work on some experiments of your own ...
  11. Scientific Reproducibility - Focusing on Solutions at the Minisymposium on Reproducibility

    Blog Post
    ...the description to watch any sections you’re particularly interested in, but I’d recommend watching the...Reproducibility Project: Cancer Biology have produced similarly low rates of reproducibility. Failed attempts ...modified analyses on published data if you need to. Similarly, FigShare also makes it easier to share data through...
  12. PiggyBac-ing Through the Genome Editing Field

    Blog Post
    ...Controlling the expression levels of your gene may be particularly useful when the gene being expressed has threshold...transposase/transposon gene modification system and the scarless, Footprint-Free™ removal of cargo with the excision-only...accessory transposon sequences.  The use of PBx is particularly important to avoid any possible random re-integration...
  13. 9 tips for a successful postdoctoral experience

    Blog Post
    ...reason most people enter postdoctoral training. Similarly, there are several factors to consider when selecting... get an experimental system up and running very early on. Once your system is working, you should strengthen your new model?  PFs need to be regularly thinking about manuscripts. The other items will...
  14. Quick Guide to All Things Lentivirus

    Blog Post
    ...and applied research since their first use in the early 90’s to genetically modify primary cells. Amongst...un-transfectable cells, labs use viral vectors and particularly retroviral vectors because they target a broader...was obvious that its safety was a disadvantage particularly for clinical development. In addition, MoMLV...
  15. When Fidelity Matters: A frank discussion about ligase fidelity

    Blog Post
    ...base-pair size nearly indistinguishable from a Watson-Crick base pair, are joined with nearly the same efficiency...high-throughput profiling of ligase fidelity that extends earlier studies through a high-sensitivity multiplexed ...
  16. A Primer on Optogenetics: Introduction and Opsin Delivery

    Blog Post
    ...that other technologies need to be discarded but clearly we are in an era of neuroscience research where...where optogenetics will be a standard tool used in nearly any neuroscience project or topic of interest. ...elsewhere (here and here for instance) [2], [3]. Karl Deisseroth of Stanford University , one of the key...
  17. Viral Vectors 101: Systemic Capsids

    Blog Post
    ...brain along with high off-target expression, particularly in the liver, when administered intravenously...different efficacy and tropism between NHP species, particularly between New World and Old World monkeys. Selecting...but its neuron transduction encompasses more molecularly-defined neuronal subtypes and with less bias ... to AAV9 in the pigtail macaque brain slices. Similarly, AAV9-X1.1 outperformed the other capsids in the...
  18. Hot Plasmids Podcast Episode 2: New RFPs, AAVs, & More

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    ...Listen to Our Segment on mCyRFP1 Hot Plasmid 4: mScarlet - a new, bright, and monmeric red fluorescent ...fluorescent protein.  Listen to Our Segment on mScarlet Special thanks to our sound engineer/producer, Eddy Page...
  19. New FLIS Plasmid (April Fools 2022)

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    ...been an important animal model for research, particularly genetics research, for decades. Its short life...during our stay there. Yet capturing the flies is nearly impossible, due to their small size and inconspicuous...
  20. Using AAV for Neuronal Tracing

    Blog Post
    ...brain tissue is injected with compounds that intracellularly spread away from the site of application and...transport has been observed for AAV1, -5, -8 (McFarland et al., 2009), and bidirectional transport for...Neuroscience 193, 249–258. PubMed PMID: 21782903. McFarland, N.R., Lee, J.S., Hyman, B.T., and McLean, P.J...
Showing: 161 - 180 of 560 results