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Showing: 141 - 160 of 560 results
  1. Improved Plasmid Maps Powered by SnapGene

    Blog Post In fact, SnapGene’s feature library includes nearly 3x as many features as could be detected by our...extraneous ORFs that cluttered our old plasmid maps. Clearly Annotated Features, Enzymes, and Primers - The ...start thinking about your next cloning experiment early on. Beyond these simple but powerful display improvements...
  2. Sweating the Small Stuff: Details in the Lab

    Blog Post
    ...What fixed it was not trying even harder to start earlier, but simply moving all my prep work to the day ...would build a wall of pipette tip boxes when she particularly needed to focus, which was extremely effective... Guide to Getting Started in Undergrad Research Early Career Researcher Toolbox  8 Tactics for Choosing...
  3. Plasmids 101: Golden Gate Cloning

    Blog Post
    ... in the final construct, allowing for precise, scarless cloning. The cloning scheme is as follows: the...but Golden Gate assembly can be designed to be scarless. Golden Gate assembly is also less expensive than...Marillonet. Golden Gate and genome engineering In early 2011, the Bogdanove and Voytas groups described ...
  4. The Breast Cancer Microenvironment: A Tumor’s Backstage Team

    Blog Post
    ...Centro Ciência Viva" in Aveiro, Portugal. She is particularly interested in science journalism and writing...PMID: 15261139. Barsky, Sanford H., and Nina J. Karlin. "Myoepithelial cells: autocrine and paracrine ...absence of stromal caveolin-1 expression predicts early tumor recurrence and poor clinical outcome in human...
  5. Uncertainty about Labor Law Brings More Uncertainty to Postdoc Wages

    Blog Post
    ...institutions doing after the injunction? We are particularly interested in whether institutions planning ...postdocs at other institutions to see if we can similarly convince them to go ahead with raises. What will...salaries. In addition, salary uncertainty may be particularly problematic for two-postdoc households. To better...
  6. Transferable Skills Guide: Public Speaking

    Blog Post
    ... in front of an audience and convey your ideas clearly and strategically is powerful in almost any career...and/or apprehensive. I still get nervous quite regularly, and I've had multiple jobs where all I did was...developed a valuable skill set that will be useful in nearly any other job you may choose to pursue. So take...
  7. All in a Twist: dsRNA

    Blog Post dsRNA generation. While these molecules are clearly associated with cellular damage and dysfunction... acid hybrids are always around. R-loops are particularly enriched in highly transcribed regions and repetitive...responses can mount in the absence of infection. Similarly, if endogenously synthesized dsRNA finds its way...
  8. Summer SciComm Series: Cognitive Load

    Blog Post
    ...that you think are clearly connected, step back and ask yourself, “are these clearly connected because understand why you’re not communicating as clearly as you intended (it happens to us all!) and offer...
  9. Mouse Modeling, Part 1: Genetically Engineered Mice

    Blog Post
    ...identical and all mice of the strain are homozygous at nearly all loci. This reduces variability in genotype ...reproducibility of experiments. Inbred mice are particularly useful for understanding a specific effect related...Examples of outbred strains include Swiss Webster and Harlan (Hsd) National Institutes of Health (NIH) Swiss...
  10. Science communication: 9 Strategies to Get Your Foot in the Door

    Blog Post
    ...Sainsbury Laboratory. Are you a science student or early career researcher looking to break into science ..., Scientific American or National Geographic. Similarly, media fellowships from the British Science Association... Media Production at Imperial College London. Similarly, the University of Cardiff offers an MSc in Science...
  11. Addgene's Cancer Collection Pages Connect the Research Community

    Blog Post
    ...the accelerator of a vehicle being stuck down. Similarly, a mutation that turns a tumor suppressor “off...the Gateway Cloning Platform (Life Technologies, Carlsbad, CA) that represents 180 genes from the Ras signaling... 25877186. 4. Prior, Ian A., Paul D. Lewis, and Carla Mattos. "A comprehensive survey of Ras mutations...
  12. The Importance of a Fun Workplace: Company Culture at Addgene

    Blog Post While things were incredibly busy in those early years, the founders knew that company culture and...throwing fun into the mix. Thus, our founders and early employees spent this remaining time by elaborately... you are planning, dangle the carrot (or more popularly- cookies). 3. Do something outside of your ordinary...
  13. Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experiences (CUREs)

    Blog Post
    ...When Karl Barry Sharpless was awarded this year’s Nobel Prize in Chemistry, he joined an elite club, ... scientists to larger groups of trainees at an earlier point in their careers? A CURE for Biochemistry...protein with easily measured activity, MDH is particularly amenable to in-class labs. Provost ultimately...
  14. Twenty Years of Sharing: Addgene's Viral Vector Service

    Blog Post
    ... cell types depending on their serotype, are particularly challenging. Their efficacy in any given system...from 2016–2023. All three generations are regularly requested and a valuable part of our viral vector..., new partnerships, and new platforms, from our early engagement with UPenn to our launch of the redesigned...
  15. Antibodies 101: Immunoprecipitation

    Blog Post
    ... interfering with downstream assays. This is particularly advantageous if the antibody used for IP is ...despite the size difference. Magnetic beads are particularly advantageous because they do not require centrifugation...binding proteins involved in histone modification. Similarly, RNA IP (RIP) can be used to isolate proteins ...
  16. Tips for Writing a Good Cover Letter

    Blog Post
    ...out.  In some fields, a cover letter is vital, particularly in fields where communication and writing are...skills-based ones, may not use them very often. Similarly, entry-level jobs are less likely to require cover...working for that organization or group. This is particularly important for labs and nonprofits, who tend ...
  17. Viral Production at Addgene

    Blog Post
    ...immunogenic properties of the final product, particularly in large animal studies. Endotoxin contamination...detected. pAAV-Ef1a-mCherry-IRES-Cre was a gift from Karl Deisseroth (Addgene viral prep # 55632-AAVrg). pAAV-CAG...being discarded and replaced with a new vial of early passage cells. Approximately two weeks post-thaw...
  18. New Acoustic Reporter Genes: Ultrasound Imaging of Gene Expression

    Blog Post
    ...could produce ultrasound contrast. That is, until earlier members of our lab - the Shapiro Lab - developed...applicability. They also did not scatter ultrasound nonlinearly, making them difficult to distinguish from bARGs that could scatter ultrasound nonlinearly and be easily expressed heterologously by bacteria...
Showing: 141 - 160 of 560 results