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Showing: 121 - 140 of 222 results
  1. RNA Extraction Without A Kit

    Blog Post
    ...RNaseZAP. When harvesting tissues, cells, plants, fungi, or bacteria, keep samples cold and work quickly...
  2. Hot Plasmids February 2024

    Blog Post
    ...delivering a transgene, with neuron bias observed in young macaques and vascular bias in mature marmosets. ...
  3. Viral Vectors 101: Chemogenetics

    Blog Post
    ...Schimmelmann M, During MJ, Lignani G, Schorge S, Young D, Kullmann DM, Lieb A (2019) Olanzapine: A potent...
  4. Rabies and Neuronal Tracing

    Blog Post
    ...development or that blood flows through the heart and lungs and oxygenates the body. However, in neuroscience...
Showing: 121 - 140 of 222 results