CRISPR Plasmids - Bacteria
... dCas9-FokI Screen Pooled Libraries gRNAs Empty gRNA Vectors gRNAs By Species Mammalian Bacteria Drosophila...choose does not also express a gRNA, you will need to use a separate gRNA expression plasmid to target ...using does not also express a gRNA, you will need to use a separate gRNA expression plasmid to target ....1016/j.bbrc.2013.08.013. Empty gRNA Expression Vectors Select a gRNA expression plasmid based on factors...-specific gRNA in the same cell at the same time. Single plasmids containing both the gRNA and Cas protein...double-strand break (DSB) at a specific location based on a gRNA-defined target sequence. DSBs are preferentially...flanking the DSB and a specific edit close to the gRNA PAM site. When a repair template is present, the...