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Showing: 101 - 120 of 292 results
  1. Sweating the Small Stuff: Details in the Lab

    Blog Post manage details. For example, setting up your pipette tips to match your plate layout can help you track...too - one of my coworkers would build a wall of pipette tip boxes when she particularly needed to focus...
  2. 3 Challenges in Plant Synthetic Biology

    Blog Post
    ...(anthocyanins), and the plant circadian clock. Petunias have been a model organism for plant research ...mechanisms and components of the circadian rhythm in petunias. Because of the extensive research that has come...
  3. All in a Twist: dsRNA

    Blog Post
    ...particularly enriched in highly transcribed regions and repetitive regions, such as telomeres and centromeres. These...presumably due to their abundance of R-loops and repetitive sequence. All of the R-loops described above...
  4. Viral Vectors 101: Virus Safety

    Blog Post
    ...into the host genome, the virus is replication incompetent, meaning it can’t replicate and continue the ...Viral cargo-specific safety   After replication competency, the second concern with virus safety is the ...
  5. 10 Basic tips for mammalian cell culture

    Blog Post
    ...70% ethanol immediately. Finally, avoid sticking pipettes into solution bottles directly, rather decant ...material that is intended for reuse (e.g. Pasteur pipettes for liquid waste) should be sterilized before ...
  6. Lentiviral Vector Uses and Overview

    Blog Post
    ...system, the possibility of creating a replication-competent virus via recombination between the transfer and...recombination events necessary to create a replication-competent virus. Second, Tat is eliminated through the addition...
  7. Plasmids 101: Colony PCR

    Blog Post
    ...single colony with a sterile flat toothpick or pipette tip and swirl in a small amount of sterile water...loading dye with glycerol to your samples before pipetting them onto the gel. The figure above summarizes...
  8. CRISPR Antimicrobials

    Blog Post
    ...replication that can be packaged into replication-incompetent phage particles using a helper system. These ...antimicrobials combines them with both replication-competent phages and antibiotics. Phage therapy fell out...
  9. Plasmids 101: Choosing an Antibiotic Resistance Gene

    Blog Post
    ...division. These non-plasmid-containing bacteria can compete with and confound the goal of your experiment — the Tn5 element, but thankfully, most competent cells do not express this factor. Zeocin is handy...
  10. An Introduction to Adenovirus

    Blog Post
    ...virions) are not expressed. Note that replication-competent AdV vectors also exist and are used in certain...topic, which is that natural AdVs, replication-competent viruses with a recombinant genome, and adenoviral...
  11. How to Negotiate a Successful Lab Start Up Budget

    Blog Post, categorize all of your minor tools, like pipets, or mini-centrifuges, etc. Be sure to capture as...phones.  As for reagents and consumables (such as pipet tips, glassware, etc), get a simple list from your...
Showing: 101 - 120 of 292 results