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Showing: 101 - 120 of 262 results
  1. Neurodegeneration Plasmid Collection

    ... PINK1 N-GFP PINK1 GFP CMV Parkinson's Mark Cookson 13316 pcDNA-DEST47 PINK1 C-GFP PINK1 GFP CMV Parkinson's...21190 GFP-pcDNA3-PKCgamma-cys1Acys1B PRKCG GFP CMV Spinocerebellar ataxia 27 Tobias Meyer 21204 GFP-N2-PKCgamma...PKCgamma PRKCG GFP CMV Spinocerebellar ataxia 26 Tobias Meyer 21205 GFP-C1-PKCgamma-C1A PRKCG GFP CMV Spinocerebellar...-HtrA2-EGFP HTRA2 GFP CMV Parkinson's L. Miguel Martins 14122 pcDNA3-HtrA2-EGFP S306A HTRA2 GFP CMV Parkinson's... GPD 25QDProGFP p416 HTT GFP GPD Huntington's Susan Lindquist 15569 GPD 104QDProGFP p416 HTT GFP GPD Huntington's...GAL 25Q+ProGFPp416 HTT GFP GAL1 Huntington's Susan Lindquist 15581 GAL 46Q+ProGFPp416 HTT GFP GAL1 Huntington's...GAL 72Q+ProGFPp416 HTT GFP GAL1 Huntington's Susan Lindquist 15583 GAL 103Q+ProGFPp416 HTT GFP GAL1 Huntington's...
  2. Fluorescent Protein Guide: Subcellular Localization

    ... Gerlich 25999 LV-GFP Chromatin H2B GFP Elaine Fuchs 11680 H2B-GFP Chromatin H2B GFP Geoff Wahl 21210 ...61803 GFP-Rab7A Late endosomes Rab7a AcGFP Gia Voeltz 12605 GFP-rab7 WT Late endosomes RAB7 GFP Richard...Gadella 50057 pLYS1-FLAG-MitoGFP-HA Mitochondria MCU GFP Vamsi Mootha 49153 GFP-Mff Mitochondria-Outer ...89472 GFP-hChibby1 Mother Centrioles / Ciliary Base Chibby1 GFP Ken-Ichi Takemaru 89770 pLenti-EGFP-hChibby1...Filaments beta-actin EGFP Robert Singer 27382 pDEST/N1-hEB1-GFP Microtubules EB1 GFP Robin Shaw 40908 pDEST...Beta-catenin GFP Adherens Junctions Beta-catenin EGFP Alpha Yap 67937 mouse E-cadherin GFP (423) Adherens...38277 pMXs-puro GFP-p62 Autophagosome Sequestosome-1 EGFP Noboru Mizushima 38272 pMXs-IP GFP-WIPI-1 Autophagosome...
  3. Empty Backbones - Choosing Your Perfect Plasmid Backbone

    ...pPS808 - N-terminal GFP for yeast expression pET GFP - C-terminal GFP for...gene expression GFP Varies pBABE GFP - Retroviral gene expression pMKO.1 GFP - Retroviral ...C elegans expression GFP Localization pcDNA3-EGFP - C-terminal GFP for mammalian expression... from the SP6 promoter pCS2 mt-GFP - Create myc-tag, GFP-tag fusions for transcription ...expression pcDNA3 GFP LIC cloning vector - C-terminal GFP for mammalian expression...expression MSCV-IRES-GFP - Mammalian retroviral gene expression with GFP selectable ...cassette pBTG (pBigT-IRES-GFP) - pBigT modified to contain IRES-GFP Hynes Lab ...
  4. Quick Guide to All Things Lentivirus

    Blog Post
    ...containing the gene of interest (pTet-IRES-EGFP, pPRIME-Tet-GFP-FF3) and one with either tTA or rtTA (FUW-M2rtTA...viral titre to the number of cells transduced by a GFP encoded virus, and the reverse transcriptase activity...
  5. Caltech Systemic Capsids

    ...Dimidschstein 135631 pAAV-S5E2-GFP-fGFP E2 regulatory element GFP, membrane-targeted GFP Control Dimidschstein ...Boyden 37825 pAAV-CAG-GFP CAG GFP Control Boyden 50469 pAAV-CaMKIIa-EGFP CamKIIa EGFP Control Roth 59462 ...104061 CAG-NLS-GFP CAG NLS-GFP Control Gradinaru 105530 pAAV.CMV.PI.EGFP.WPRE.bGH CMV EGFP Control Wilson...tdTomato Control Boyden 83900 pAAV-mDlx-GFP-Fishell-1 Dlx GFP Control Fishell 99130 pAAV-mDlx-NLS-mRuby2...Promoter Description Category PI 37825 pAAV-CAG-GFP CAG GFP Control Boyden MaCPNS2 These viral vector preparations...Promoter Description Category PI 37825 pAAV-CAG-GFP CAG GFP Control Boyden CAP-B10 These viral vector preparations...Promoter Description Category PI 37825 pAAV-CAG-GFP CAG GFP Control Boyden CAP-B22 These viral vector preparations...
  6. Adenovirus Plasmids

    ... in E3 and insertion of GFP expression cassette. Bunz 179202 pAd5-B6/7 ∆E3-GFP Adenoviral A block for ...regions present in pAd5-B6 ∆E3-GFP and pAd5-B7 . Bunz 179203 pAd5-B1-deltaE1-GFP Adenoviral A block for the...production of GFP-trackable viruses containing transgene under CMV promoter Vogelstein 16407 pAdEasy 2-GFP beta-gal...with large inserts Vogelstein 179201 pAd5-B6 ∆E3-GFP Adenoviral A block for the AdenoBuilder genome assembly...system. Block 1 with deletion in E1 and insertion of GFP expression cassette. Bunz 16402 pShuttle Shuttle ...Vogelstein 16404 pAdTrack Shuttle For production of GFP-trackable viruses containing transgene under a chosen...beta-gal Shuttle Test plasmid that contains β-gal and GFP; contains ∼10Kb genomic DNA stuffer Vogelstein 18703...
  7. Cre-lox system

    ...48201 CAG-GFP-IRES-CRE Cre and GFP coexpression CAG Retroviral Gage 49054 CAG-GFP/cre Cre-GFP fusion CAG...116879 CAG-Cremyc-2A-GFP GFP and Cre CAG Mammalian Lu 117148 Hiv7CMV-Cremyc-2A-GFP GFP and Cre CMV Lentiviral...iRFP670-EFS:Cre-2A-GFP iRFP670, Cre, and GFP TRE Mammalian Jacks 68544 AAV-Cre-GFP Cre CMV AAV Nestler...13770 pCALNL-GFP Cre dependent GFP expression Mammalian Cepko 8389 p212 pCMV-EGFP/RFP EGFP-dsRed gene switch...promoterless CRE-GFP fusion none Mammalian Sauer 11960 pBS537 tet-hCMV-GFPcre tet inducible Cre-GFP fusion tet-hCMV... CMV Lentiviral Fuchs 26646 pCAG-Cre-IRES2-GFP Cre and GFP coexpression CAG Mammalian Chenn 26647 pCAG-Cre...CAG Retroviral Gage 49056 AAV-GFP/Cre Cre-GFP fusion CMV AAV Gage 49111 pEMS1980 iCre with MCS for inserting...
  8. Brain Initiative Collection

    ...Fishell 83895-AAV1 pAAV-hDlx-Flex-GFP-Fishell_6 Cre recombinase-dependent GFP expression in forebrain GABA-...Fishell 83895-AAV2 pAAV-hDlx-Flex-GFP-Fishell_6 Cre recombinase-dependent GFP expression in forebrain GABA-...Fishell 83895-AAV8 pAAV-hDlx-Flex-GFP-Fishell_6 Cre recombinase-dependent GFP expression in forebrain GABA-...Fishell 83895-AAV9 pAAV-hDlx-Flex-GFP-Fishell_6 Cre recombinase-dependent GFP expression in forebrain GABA-...Fishell 83895-AAVrg pAAV-hDlx-Flex-GFP-Fishell_6 Cre recombinase-dependent GFP expression in forebrain GABA-...element Gordon Fishell 83900-AAV1 pAAV-mDlx-GFP-Fishell-1 GFP expression in forebrain GABA-ergic interneurons...element Gordon Fishell 83900-AAV2 pAAV-mDlx-GFP-Fishell-1 GFP expression in forebrain GABA-ergic interneurons...
  9. Brain Armamentarium

    ...Viviana Gradinaru 37825-CAP-B10 pAAV-CAG-GFP AAV expression of GFP from the CAG promoter Edward Boyden Viviana...Viviana Gradinaru 37825-CAP-B22 pAAV-CAG-GFP AAV expression of GFP from the CAG promoter Edward Boyden Viviana... Gradinaru 37825-CAP-MaCPNS1 pAAV-CAG-GFP AAV expression of GFP from the CAG promoter Edward Boyden Viviana... Gradinaru 37825-CAP-MaCPNS2 pAAV-CAG-GFP AAV expression of GFP from the CAG promoter Edward Boyden Viviana...
Showing: 101 - 120 of 262 results