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Showing: 81 - 100 of 581 results
  1. Antibodies 101: Avoiding the Mouse on Mouse Mess in IHC

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    ...only antibody option is from the same species as your tissue samples. The bad news: this situation is ...excess secondary with serum from the same species as your primary/sample, and then applying this mixture to...from the same species and 2) these fragments will be more likely to bind (and block) the same epitopes...processing and sample preparation can also help reduce the levels of endogenous IgGs in your samples, but know...The culprits are endogenous IgGs in your tissue sample. Most common IHC protocols use two antibodies -... the first antibody. When endogenous IgGs of the same species as your primary antibody are present, your...staining (Figure 1A). Not all tissues will have the same levels of endogenous IgGs, so some researchers can...
  2. Antibodies 101: Flow Cytometry

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    ...was raised in the same host species, of the same Ig subclass, and conjugated to the same fluorochrome as...ensure that samples are single cell suspensions. For cells that tend to aggregate, pass the sample through...single-stained samples for each fluorochrome in the experiment. Single-stained samples must be as bright...experimental sample. In addition, you should include a panel of “fluorescence-minus one” controls, samples stained...specific populations of cells in a complex tissue or sample (1). When combined with cell sorters, this technology...cells pass through the flow cell the size of the sample stream is reduced forcing the cells to line up ...information about the cell. Light that continues in the same direction as it was initially traveling is called...
  3. AAV Titers: Where Do They Come From And What Do They Mean?

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    ...each individual sample, this will reduce convenience and comparability because each sample with be quantified... low-concentration samples can also behave differently in PCR, even if both samples fall within the linear...reference sample of known titer, which is at a higher titer than the AAV RSM. By using these samples in all... titer values of new AAV samples. We also typically quantify our AAV sample by two qPCR assays and al., 2010). However, for recombinant AAV2, the same study reported a physical-to-infectious particle...amount of starting material in the PCR because the sample must fall within the linear region of the standard...of the assay. In other words, repeating the exact same PCR twice can give titer measurements that vary ...
  4. Antibody Validation for Flow Cytometry

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    ... recognize different epitopes of the same protein, show the same pattern of labeling, this is supportive...detecting the target-of-interest in your assay and sample-of-interest. The approaches available broadly map...determining the selectivity of antibodies for other sample types and for non-surface (intracellular) antigens...protocol used and the abundance of the epitope in the sample, relative to cross-reactive antigens – that is,...approaches used will be different depending on the sample and target type. To start the validation process...the target at a robust level, similar to that in samples of interest. If you are working with cells that...used with mixed populations of cells, like a blood sample containing many different leukocytes. Where data...
  5. Hot Plasmids: Summer 2024

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    ...protect fragile samples during cryo-EM grid plunge freezing By Rachel Leeson Cryo-EM samples can be damaged...and structure determination LEA proteins protect samples during cryo-EM grid freezing Engineered and evolved...antibodies for marking astrocytes MagIC-Cryo-EM for sample enrichment and structure determination By Mike ...enrichment streamlines the purification and minimizes sample loss while also supporting imaging, making it easy...cryo-EM grid.     Figure 1: MagIC-cryo-EM for sample enrichment and structure determination. A) Schematic...beads for scarce macromolecules in heterogeneous samples. bioRxiv 2024.01.21.576499; doi: during the freezing process, resulting in sample loss. Ci Ji Lim’s lab found that adding Late Embryogenesis...
  6. Antibodies 101: ELISA (Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay)

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    ...wells with an experimental sample allows for detecting one protein from the sample. A direct ELISA has many...require scientists to detect proteins in their samples. One technique that relies heavily on antibodies...principle of an ELISA is that any antigen within a sample adheres to the well (either directly or by binding...antibodies coating the wells to capture antigen from a sample, whereas antigen is bound directly to the wells...protein you are interested in detecting in your sample. When an ELISA kit is ordered, the wells are typically...already coated with the antibody. Then, you add your sample to the wells, and the antibodies bind to your protein... a monoclonal antibody) that also recognizes the same target protein. The capture antibody and the detection...
  7. Deep Dive: Fixing and Permeabilizing for Immunofluorescence

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    ... permeabilize a sample. But you can also use organic solvents after fixing your sample with a cross-linker...the point?  Fixation allows you to freeze your samples in a given state or point in time. You want to ...processes while maintaining the structure of your samples, the relationships between cellular components,... molecules and it is great for preserving your samples and maintaining cellular and tissue morphology....formaldehyde solutions.  Along with preserving your sample, cross-linking can block the epitope of some targets...sensitive to cross-linking, but it doesn’t preserve sample structure quite as well as a cross-linker. This...during fixation with these chemicals, which impacts sample structure and could also cause your target to be...
  8. Viral Vectors 101: Chemogenetics

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    ... results (Goutaudier et al., 2019). Using PSAMs PSAMs PSAMs, or pharmacologically selective actuator modules...interactions and still set off the same pathways, giving rise to the same cellular responses. The cellular...working with PSAM receptors, your impact on the cell is determined by what IPD your PSAM is combined with... will promote hyperpolarization. PSAM ligands The advantage of PSAMs lies in their ability to be specifically...manipulate. It is important to consider that the same receptor can elicit different responses depending...currently used in chemogenetics are DREADDs and PSAMs. Using DREADDs DREADDs DREADDS, or designer receptors...activation and reduced off target activation by ligands. PSAMs themselves are modified ligand binding domains. ...
  9. Antibodies 101: The Basics of Western Blotting

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    ...thiols, to cleave disulfide bonds. Load the samples, one sample per lane, onto the top of a resolving gel...all of the proteins in a sample migrate through the stacking gel at the same pace and enter the resolving...consistent size and density present in all samples. Uneven sample loading or incomplete protein transfer ...Figure 1: Overview of the Western blot process. The sample, a mixture of protein is separated in a gel, the first step of a western. To prepare the samples for SDS-PAGE, measure the protein content and normalize...normalize to ensure equivalent loading. Denature the samples to their primary amino acid sequence by boiling...crosslinked polymer acrylamide. In addition to the samples, a protein standard of known molecular weight in...
  10. Antibodies 101: Validation

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    ...antibody signal in the retinal sample, but little to no signal in the liver sample, which you do (C), so your...epitopes on the same target reduces the likelihood that both antibodies would bind to the same off-target - particularly when you start using complex samples such as whole cell lysate or tissue sections. It...require variable expression of your target across samples - it is hard to distinguish between specific, invariable...there is a wealth of transcriptomic data from this sample type, so you use your bioinformatics skills (or...Removing (or reducing) the protein of interest in your sample, should lead to reduced or eliminated antibody ... signal between your control and your knock-out sample, you should be concerned that your antibody is ...
  11. Plasmids 101: Plasmid Incompatibility

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    ... Plasmids with the same replicon are incompatible because they compete for the same replication control...incompatibility due to having the same replication machinery. High copy plasmids with the same centromere-like binding...if they have the same centromere-like region, and the NTPases end up “walking” the same plasmids to one... when multiple plasmids within one cell have the same replicon and/or partitioning system. Let’s start...model, iterons of two separate plasmids bind to the same RepA molecules, forming a “handcuff” structure that...replication machinery. However, when plasmids have the same origin of replication, the negative regulation system...binding region compete for the same CBPs and NTPase to correctly partition plasmids to each daughter cell...
  12. Plasmids 101: In-house NGS Plasmid Quality Control Now at Addgene

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    ...holes are then filled with other samples in our queue such as viral samples for Viral Genome Sequencing (...preps and pooled libraries.  Viral samples are filled into the same process as our normal Complete Plasmid...unique barcodes per sample so we can assign sequencing reads to the correct sample. The PCR is then performed... process that yields high-quality isolated DNA samples of sufficient quantity for sequencing. This process...yielding anywhere from two to six plates of 96 samples per week. This is where our new process will begin...of a pipeline that takes the raw data from each sample in our pool and individually assembles the reads...quantification on each and every isolated plasmid sample and normalize each to fall within a 10 fold range...
  13. Corralling and Cornering the Goldilocks Antibody

    Blog Post different clones of the same target to see if the results are the same/similar, emphasizing the antibody...your sample to. For example, we use our negative control to compare exposure times of our samples. A prominent...confirming it will produce the same results even to a different sample. Finally, as a lab we discuss the...Baker, 2015), causing a huge waste of precious samples, time, and funds – up to US$350 million in 2015...noise. We then compare the negative control to a sample with the primary included to confirm that the signal...antibody and not from the background noise. If the sample images similarly to the negative control, that ...weak or with general non-specific binding. If the sample differs from the negative control, such as showing...
  14. PCR Applications for Copy Number Variation Assays

    Blog Post a reference sequence present in the same amount in all samples (usually to a ubiquitously expressed,... reference sample with two copies of the gene (Ma, 2014.) As with all qPCR assays, samples, standard curves...housekeeping’ gene), and quantified relative to a 'normal' sample with known copy number set as the expression baseline...since you’re looking at the amount of DNA in your sample relative to your normal control - you can set up...number (RQ value) matches the copy number of your sample. In that case, an RQ value of one (or, more realistically... and the gene of interest to be amplified in the same reaction. Taqman’s increased sensitivity allows by using oil droplets to partition a single sample into thousands of PCR reactions using Taqman chemistry...
  15. Plasmids 101: Colony PCR

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    ...briefly boiling the sample before use or by directly adding a small volume of the sample to the PCR reaction...enzyme digest; however colony PCR can accomplish the same thing in less time and for less money. The key steps...also great for screening clones created with the same backbone but that contain different inserts. When...sequence of the insert is, allowing you to use the same primer pair to screen for the presence of many different...used to screen clones that were created with the same backbone because primers are plasmid dependent ...going to complete your colony PCR analysis in the same day, you can save the leftover bacteria-water suspension...experiment. The best controls for a colony PCR are the same ones used to verify if the colony PCR primers work...
  16. Antibodies 101: Introduction to Antibodies

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    ... exact amount of protein in your sample, you’ll compare your samples to a standard curve. This curve is...the known samples is used to calculate the concentration of protein in the experimental samples. Get more...multiple proteins on the same cell simultaneously as well as compare between samples. Learn more about flow...of different isotypes can be used together in the same experiment because the reagents used to detect the... population of antibodies that all recognize the same epitope of the target protein. Most commonly these...expression in cell lysates, whole cells, or tissue samples. Many experiments that use antibodies use a primary...are used to detect the presence of proteins from samples containing a mixture of proteins. The proteins ...
  17. Technical Design of a Western Blot

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    ...and your sample(s), as you can only compare samples to a standard curve generated on the same blot. If...protein expression varies from sample to sample. To compare one sample to another, you’ll need to normalize...antibodies — mixtures of different rAbs that target the same protein — can be used to reproduce the benefits ...protein, and can require more antibody or loading sample, which may not be practical. Conjugated primary...Bradford assay or BCA assay. Be sure to aliquot your sample(s) before adding in your denaturing and/or loading... when you’re looking at proteins all roughly the same size, or a slightly more expensive gradient gel,...optimizing western blots. If you need to preserve sample, check the ingredients before using, as some contain...
  18. Droplet Digital PCR for AAV Quantitation

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    ... if you set up two identical assays with the same sample, you could end up with a titer of 4 x 1012 genome...standard curve is giving an accurate readout of your samples.  Of course, if qPCR were perfect there would be...must serially dilute your virus before adding your sample to a mastermix. At Addgene, we typically load 3... a wide range of titers. We usually dilute our samples 1:6 million to 1:25 million.  After making the ...and droplet oil that you use should come from the same manufacturer. Otherwise you will end up with poor...droplet quality. Using a droplet generator, the sample and the droplet generation oil are moved through...droplets is used to calculate the concentration of the sample. This concentration can then be used to calculate...
  19. Advice for Starting a Biotech Company from a Grad Student turned Entrepreneur

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    ... into Sample6 as graduate students in Dr. Jim Collin’s Lab in 2009. From 2009 to today, Sample6 has changed...leadership, and grown to 25 members.  What is Sample6Sample6 is an enrichment-free bacterial pathogen detection...current VP of Business Development & Operations of Sample6, for advice on how to take an idea developed during...etc. What project in the Collins lab inspired Sample6? The initial work focused on using bacteriophages... the focus of the application was changed, but Sample6 still leverages the core engineering and scientific... embodied, and driving the enterprise value of Sample6.  “Concisely and effectively presenting the value...your audience you are doing amazing things."  As Sample6 raised more money, the team grew, and Mike stepped...
  20. Transferable Skills Guide: Cross-team Communication

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    ... and engineers were attending the same meetings and hearing the same words, they were leaving these meetings...aforementioned lab manager, said the word “sample,” did the word convey the same concept to Morgan, our senior get everyone on the same page. Others in the meeting might also have the same question and asking can...When everyone at a meeting is using the same words with the same meanings consistently, meetings will be...counsel, used the word “service,” did he mean it the same way as Bryan, our customer support manager? When... an Addgene-specific definition. Words such as “sample,” “material,” “item,” and “format” all received...
Showing: 81 - 100 of 581 results