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Showing: 81 - 100 of 945 results
  1. Viral Vectors

    ...vector plasmids available at Addgene and other related resources. ...transfer in clinical trials. These viruses have a relatively high transduction efficiency, though this infectivity... are typically used to encode, propagate, and manipulate genetic information, viruses are a powerful tool...These engineered viral genomes are also modified (relative to natural viruses) for safety through the removal...
  2. Empty Backbones - Choosing Your Perfect Plasmid Backbone

    ...This means that the final product should be translated as a single string of amino acids that preserves... pDest vector that adds a N-terminal myristoylation signal For more information ... mammalian gene silencing (tet-regulated) L4440 - RNAi in C. elegans Transgenic... Plasmids - A system for Cre-regulated RNAi in vivo Dupuy Lab and Lehner...
  3. CRISPR References and Information

    ...and correspond to edited and non-edited cell populations. For more information, see the bioRxiv preprint...rice (Oryza sativa), tomato, corn, monkey (macaca mulatta). Cas-Designer searches for targets that tool for genome editing, as well as gene regulation (repression and activation). Genome support for...Brachypodium distachyon, Oryza sativa, Oryzias latipes CasFinder: Flexible algorithm for identifying specific...
  4. NETRF

    ...effective treatments for carcinoid, pancreatic, and related neuroendocrine cancers. The NETRF believes that...Shivdasani Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Epigenetic Regulators of Intestinal Endocrine Cells and Carcinoid Tumors...Tumors Qiao Zhou Harvard University Epigenetic Regulators of Intestinal Endocrine Cells and Carcinoid Tumors...
  5. CRISPR Plasmids - Activate Gene Expression

    ...CRISPR plasmids for activating or upregulating gene expression in various model organisms....Cut Base Edit Nick Prime Edit Transcriptional Regulation Activate Interfere Epigenetics RNA Targeting ... to direct the dCas9-activator to promoter or regulatory regions of your gene of interest. If the plasmid...
  6. Cancer Research Plasmids and Resources

    ...normal cell signaling and physiology, and, when dysregulated, can enable cancer cell survival. Although cancers...states. Ras Ras is a GTPase that is essential for regulating the growth of the cell. p53 p53, the most frequently...Esposito Lab for use with the Gateway® Cloning Platform (Life Technologies™) to permit construction of...
  7. CRISPR Plasmids - RNA Targeting

    ...Cut Base Edit Nick Prime Edit Transcriptional Regulation Activate Interfere Epigenetics RNA Targeting ...the spread of infection throughout the entire population. Type VI enzymes that function in mammalian cells...mammalian systems, Cas13a does not exhibit the collateral RNA degradation seen in bacteria. Want more information...
  8. CRISPR Plasmids - Double-Strand Break (Cut)

    ...Cut Base Edit Nick Prime Edit Transcriptional Regulation Activate Interfere Epigenetics RNA Targeting ...changes, researchers use ssDNA or dsDNA repair templates with 1. homology to the DNA flanking the DSB and...edit close to the gRNA PAM site. When a repair template is present, the cell may repair a DSB using homology-directed...
  9. CRISPR Plasmids - Zebrafish

    ...Cut Base Edit Nick Prime Edit Transcriptional Regulation Activate Interfere Epigenetics RNA Targeting ...changes, researchers use ssDNA or dsDNA repair templates with homology to the DNA flanking the DSB and ...edit close to the gRNA PAM site. When a repair template is present, the cell may repair a DSB using homology-directed...
  10. CRISPR Plasmids and Resources

    ...genome engineering. CRISPR Topic Page : Want the latest news on CRISPR? Experts cover CRISPR topics on ...information into a specific DNA site Transcriptional Regulation Screen Activate dCas9 fused to an activator peptide...Purify dCas9 fused to an epitope tag can be used to isolate a given genomic locus. Tag Various CRISPR methods...
  11. FlyCRISPR

    ...cleavage sites, while the addition of an ssODN donor template can mediate gene replacement by homologous recombination...designed for in vivo transcrition controlled by the regulatory sequences of an RNA polymerase III transcribed...restriction sites. Design oligos based on the following template: example : Resources: Protocol for generating ...
  12. Pouring LB Agar Plates

    ...number of plates you’d like to pour. For example: Because we’d like to make 20 plates, and our plates can hold... Protocols Pouring LB Agar Plates Pouring LB Agar Plates You may...Sterile H 2 O Sterile plates of your desired size - we usually use 60 mm x 15 mm plates which can hold 5-10...colonies, we recommend using larger plates. Many labs use 100 mm x 15 mm plates which can hold 10 - 15 mL of ...appropriate number of plates and stack them on your lab bench. Label the plates with the date and the ... the first plate to get a good idea of what that volume looks like in your particular plate. For the remainder...remainder of the plates, pour directly from the bottle. Pro-Tips Be sure to swirl your plates after pouring...
  13. Antibody Production

    ...using Protein A or Protein G affinity columns. Formulation Buffer After affinity chromatography, using centrifugal columns. The final formulation buffer is phosphate-buffered saline containing...generated. The final antibody concentration is calculated from the standard curve. Using ImageJ software...
  14. Retrovirus Plasmids

    ...called γ-retroviruses. γ-Retroviruses can package relatively high amounts of DNA (up to ∼8 kb), and infection... variant that has WRE, a post-transcriptional regulatory element that increases export to the cytoplasm...retroviral plasmid Vignali 27995 TtRMPVIR CMV/MSV Tet-regulated expression of shRNA; expresses rtTA. See Zuber...
  15. Plant Plasmids and Resources

    ...technologies: from genome engineering and gene regulation to fluorescent proteins. Addgene’s collection...seed and other stocks of Arabidopsis thaliana and related species. The Arabidopsis Information Resource (..., computational and experimental resources that relate to the control of gene expression in the grasses...
  16. Lentiviral Prep Service

    ...Libraries Control Lentivirus COVID-19 Research Related Lentivirus By Cas9 Function Edit Activate Pooled... CMV promoter, Hygro Campeau COVID-19 Research Related Lentivirus Browse our list of available viruses...viruses based on plasmids in our repository that are related to COVID-19 research. ID Name Description PI 141391...
  17. University of Florida Serotype Testing Panel for the Eye and Brain

    ...plasmid ( Addgene #157970 ). Viral preparations are formulated in one of the following three buffers. All buffers...serotype displays highly efficient transduction and lateral spread in the retina following subretinal injection...E531D) serotype has increased transduction and lateral spread in the retina following subretinal injection...
  18. Protocol - How to Streak a Plate

    ... and Isolating Bacteria on an LB Agar Plate You may also like... Making LB Agar Plates Bacterial Transformation... last section of the plate, to create streak #3. Incubate plate with newly plated bacteria overnight (... DNA from it, you will want to isolate an individual clonal population (single colony) of bacteria from...single colony from a freshly streaked agar plate to inoculate a bacterial culture for DNA purification ...explains how to isolate a single bacterial colony by streaking it onto an LB agar plate. Last Update: Feb... LB agar plate (with appropriate antibiotic) Bacterial stab Procedure Obtain an LB agar plate with appropriate... one edge of the plate. Then streak horizontal lines in another section of the plate, and then diagonal...
  19. Protocol - How to Inoculate a Bacterial Culture

    ... Protocols Inoculating a Liquid Bacterial Culture Inoculating a Liquid... may also like... Streaking and Isolating Bacteria on an LB Agar Plate Creating Bacterial Glycerol Stocks...culture bacteria in the lab. LB agar plates are frequently used to isolate individual (clonal) colonies of ...necessary to isolate enough plasmid DNA for experimental use. The following protocol is for inoculating an overnight.... You can now isolate your plasmid DNA from the bacterial culture by following Isolating Your Plasmid ...your LB agar plates are not fresh, you should streak your bacteria onto a new LB agar plate before growing... for Inoculating a Bacterial Culture Protocols...
  20. Protocol - Over-Agar Antibiotic Plating

    ... on LB Agar Plate Over-Agar Antibiotic Plating You may also like... Making LB Agar Plates Bacterial Transformation...device that fits the plate. Incubate plates at 37 ℃ for 18 hours. Day 2 Observe plates for colony formation...concentrations of carbenicillin plated over-agar. Control Plate with No Carbenicillin Plate shows a lawn of E. coli...Carbenicillin plated over-agar Plate shows less individual colonies than the 1 mg/mL plate and effective...purpose, provided that they fit your petri plate. Incubate the plate at room temperature for at least 30 minutes...selection. 150 µL of 0.1 mg/mL Carbenicillin plated over-agar Plate shows a lawn of E. coli and no apparent...selection. 150 µL of 1 mg/mL Carbenicillin plated over-agar Plate shows several individual colonies and effective...
Showing: 81 - 100 of 945 results