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Showing: 81 - 100 of 911 results
  1. Brzezinski Lab CRISPR Collection

    ...developing mouse retina. To aide in their studies of the regulatory networks involved in retinal development...plasmids to study the regulatory networks involved in retinal development. Depositor...967.2 KB Plasmid and Sequence Derivative Sources Original pX458 backbone ( Addgene #48138 ) dCas9 + KRAB-MeCP2...
  2. Jaenisch Lab CRISPR Plasmids

    ...Table 4. Gateway Destination Vector ID Plasmid 48222 pAC90-pmax-DEST : Gateway Destination vector derived...48218~48221] and can be transferred to Gateway destination vectors (e.g., pmax-DEST [48222] and (Link opens...opens in a new window) Lifetechnologies Gateway Destination Vectors ) to adapt to different systems by LR...
  3. Synthetic Biology - Overview

    ... Kit Rinehart Recombinant Phosphoprotein Kit S. cerevisiae Advanced Gateway Destination Vectors TAL Effectors...synthetic regulatory elements, including promoters, terminators, repressors, activators, and more. Also contains...Mukhopadhyay Lab Efflux Pumps Voigt Lab Repressors , Terminators , Light Signaling , Sigma Factors , Resource ...
  4. Neurodegeneration Plasmid Collection

    ...CMV ALS Trina Schroer 51221 CMV-CC2 DCTN1 CMV ALS Trina Schroer 51412 CMV-p150 DCTN1 CMV ALS Trina Schroer...17800 pM-ErbB4-delta-kinase ERBB4 GAL4-BD ALS Marius Sudol 17801 pM-ErbB4-delta-kinase-PY1 mutant ERBB4 GAL4... GAL4-BD ALS Marius Sudol 17802 pM-ErbB4-delta-kinase-PY3 mutant ERBB4 GAL4-BD ALS Marius Sudol 17803 ... CMV Parkinson's Mark Cookson 25071 2XMyc-LRRK2-Kinase LRRK2 Myc CMV Parkinson's Mark Cookson 25072 2XMyc-LRRK2...ERBB4 CMV ALS Yardena Samuels 29533 pcDNA3.1-ERBB4 (kinase dead) ERBB4 CMV ALS Yardena Samuels 29534 pcDNA3.1...ERBB4 CMV ALS Yardena Samuels 29544 pCDF1-ERBB4 (kinase dead) ERBB4 CMV ALS Yardena Samuels 29591 426Gal-FUS...type IE Arthur Riggs 37057 GFP-SMN SMN1 GFP CMV Spinal muscular atrophy Greg Matera 38005 pET-21a(+)/MBP-His-PINK1...
  5. Lentiviral Prep Service

    ...18,885 human genes Puromycin Doench , Root Human inactivation pooled libraries 92385 Human CRISPR inhibition...Celltag library contains 19973 barcodes to combinatorially index cells for single-cell analysis of clonal... Celltag library contains 4934 barcodes to combinatorially index cells for single-cell analysis of clonal... Celltag library contains 5737 barcodes to combinatorially index cells for single-cell analysis of clonal...
  6. Tags and Other Markers

    ...Find recombinant antibodies targeting epitope tags and common fusion proteins....common cellular proteins. These ready-to-use recombinant monoclonal antibodies undergo application-specific...and their use, visit our Antibody Guide . ID Recombinant Antibody Description Source Species Isotype Reactivity...
  7. Fluorescent Protein Guide: Biosensors

    ...factors and the sensor behavior may differ from the original characterization (e.g. in vitro vs. in vivo , ...Zhou Calcium Twitch calcium indicator, based on C-terminal domain of troponin C Griesbeck Lab Twitch Plasmids...biosensors for mapping cellular concentrations of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotides. Elife. 2018 May 29;7....charges in live cells. Nat Biotechnol. 2017 Mar 13. Katharina Gaus Endo/Exocytosis Superecliptic pHluorin fused...-pHluorin Clathrin-mediated endocytosis is the dominant mechanism of vesicle retrieval at hippocampal ...expression of pH sensitive mt-mKeima) The ubiquitin kinase PINK1 recruits autophagy receptors to induce mitophagy...
  8. Neuroscience

    ...Find recombinant antibodies targeting neuroscience-related neuroscience research. These ready-to-use recombinant monoclonal antibodies undergo application-specific...and their use, visit our Antibody Guide . ID Recombinant Antibody Description Source Species Isotype Reactivity...
  9. Depositor Collections

    ...Pooled Libraries Antibodies NeuroMab/Trimmer Lab Recombinant mAb Plasmid Collection CRISPR CRISPR-on: an RNA-guided... Simpson Reagents for improved expression of recombinant phosphoproteins - Rinehart FreeGenes Project ... Repressor Plasmids Sigma (σ) Factor Plasmids Terminator Plasmids Viral Vectors pLEG/pREG Modular Viral...
  10. Fluorescent Protein Guide: In Vivo Imaging

    ...Emission Brightness Find Plasmids mCardinal 604/659 18 All mCardinal plasmids from article mNeptune 600... in living animals. Further development of the original iRFP has resulted in a split fluorescence complementation...
  11. Viral Prep Service for Plasmids and Pooled Libraries

    Collection have the right to use the original plasmid. Distribution of the original plasmid is important because...which is a sample of the purified DNA from the original plasmid that was used to make the virus. In order...
  12. All Antibodies

    ...Browse Addgene's collection of recombinant monoclonal antibodies....Addgene distributes ready-to-use recombinant antibodies. These monoclonal antibodies undergo application-...Antibody Suggestion Form . Browse All Antibodies ID Recombinant Antibody Description Source Species Isotype Reactivity...
  13. Ginkgo Bioworks COVID-19 Collection

    ...genes in E. coli vectors with various N- and C-terminal tags for protein expression and/or purification...genes in yeast expression vectors with various C-terminal tags for protein expression and/or purification...mammalian expression vectors with various N- and C-terminal tags for protein expression and/or purification...
  14. EXtracellular Plasmid RESource (EXPRESs) Consortium

    ...surface receptor and secreted proteins as soluble recombinant molecules....surface receptor and secreted proteins as soluble recombinant molecules. The proteins are typically used in...series of expression vectors which have different C-terminal tags. Most vectors are based on the pTT3 plasmid...
  15. Distribution to Industry

    ...Labeling from New England Biolabs Cancer Research from Sinai Health System Plasmids from the Structural Genomics... Antibodies Addgene distributes ready-to-use recombinant antibodies made from plasmids in our by our trusted partner labs. Learn More ID Recombinant Antibody Reactivity Recommended Applications ...
  16. Fluorescent Protein Guide: Subcellular Localization

    ...gamma GFP Tom Misteli 55068 mCherry-LaminA-C-18 Nuclear Envelope LaminA1 mCherry* Michael Davidson 98831 ...Davidson 98822 Lck-mTurquoise2 Plasma Membrane Lck N-terminal lipidation signal mTurquoise2 Dorus Gadella 98821...98821 Lck-mScarlet-I Plasma Membrane Lck N-terminal lipidation signal mScarlet-I Dorus Gadella 50057 pLYS1...
  17. Qi Lab CRISPR Page

    ...Description 44246 pdCas9-humanized A catalytically inactive, human codon-optimized Cas9 expression plasmid...plasmid 44247 pdCas9::BFP-humanized A catalytically inactive, human codon-optimized Cas9-BFP fusion expression...constructs 44249 pdCas9-bacteria A catalytically inactive bacterial Cas9 expression plasmid 44250 pwtCas9...
  18. Kazuhiro Oka Lentiviral Vectors

    ...virus, plasmids expressing both the Cre and Flp recombinases to remove genes flanked by either loxP or frt...gene of interest from the PGK (phosphoglycerate kinase I) promoter pCDH-CMV4 72284 Express gene of interest...variety of reporters as well as the Cre and Flp recombinases. Genes can be cloned into these transfer vectors...
  19. Open Enzyme Collection

    ...9N7polA (CT) 9 degrees N-7 DNA Polymerase chain terminating 165511 pOpen-K12polLF DNA Polymerase I, Large...methyltransferase 165520 pOpen-T4 PNK T4 PNK polynucleotide kinase 165521 pOpen-lambda red operon lambda red operon...pOpen-BovDNTT Bovine DNTT 165555 pOpen-ALPI CIP (calf intestinal phosphatase) Return to top Additional Resources...
  20. Fluorescent Protein Guide: FRET

    ...Aqua Cyan Bacterial Expresses Aquamarine with N-terminal His tag pAquaN1 Cyan Mammalian Expresses mammalian...pCyPet-His Cyan Bacterial Expresses CyPet with C-terminal His tag SCFP3A Cyan Mammalian Express a gene of...pYPet-His Yellow Bacterial Expresses YPet with C-terminal His tag SYFP2 Yellow Mammalian Express a gene ...
Showing: 81 - 100 of 911 results