PRIDICT: Predicting Efficiencies of Prime Editing Guide RNAs
Blog Post
...models. In addition, we provide options for nicking gRNAs (used for PE3 and PE5 prime editing strategies) ...resources on the Addgene blog
How to Design Your gRNA for CRISPR Genome Editing
PRIME Editing: Adding ...CRISPR: PRIME Edit Collection
The CRISPR Guide
Empty gRNA Expression Vectors...together with a prime editing guide RNA (pegRNA). The pegRNA consists of a target-complementary spacer... where pegRNAs are coupled to their target allowing us to edit and evaluate all of the pegRNAs in one ...transcription template (RTT). The design of the pegRNA has been shown to play a critical role in the editing...could design hundreds to thousands of different pegRNAs for each desired edit, it simply becomes impossible...