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Showing: 81 - 100 of 262 results
  1. Plasmids 101: 5 factors to help you choose the right cloning method

    Blog Post
    ...determined by their homology. You might also consider FastCloning, first described by Chaokun Li and colleagues...the prices of the additional enzymes required. FastCloning may be the least expensive of all the options...Addgene!). References 1. Li, Chaokun, et al. "FastCloning: a highly simplified, purification-free, sequence-and...
  2. SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 Detection Methods Based on CRISPR/Cas

    Blog Post
    ... 100% negative prediction rate. It is also the fastest test that has been developed so far.  A similar...challenging samples as in Two-Step-SHERLOCK or in a fast, high-throughput manner in one step as One-Pot-SHERLOCK.../2020.04.07.028167 Broughton JP, Deng X, Yu G, Fasching CL, Servellita V, Singh J, Miao X, Streithorst...
  3. Viral Vectors 101: Optogenetic Tools

    Blog Post
    ...stimulate at a fast frequency without missing an action potential, then a channel with fast kinetics may...V. S., Deisseroth, K., & Hegemann, P. (2010). Ultrafast optogenetic control. Nature Neuroscience, 13(3...
  4. Sequencing Options for CRISPR Genotyping

    Blog Post
    ... require high sequencing read counts making them fast and viable options for multiplex sequencing in many... for all DSBs, doesn't require high read counts, fast multiplexing Requires delivery of dsODN (potentially... (e.g. dsODN), doesn't require high read counts (fast multiplexing) Requires large cell population, senstive...
  5. Transferable Skills Guide: Teamwork

    Blog Post
    ...accolades that would launch our careers in science. Fast forward nearly 20 years and I am known by some Jefferson’s case, even a lot about everything. Fast forward a few hundred years and there are currently... will not only get your paper out the door much faster, but getting helpful feedback from other people...
  6. Keeping Up With CRISPR/Cas9

    Blog Post
    ... of CRISPR/Cas9 technology are coming along at a fast and furious pace. In December, as we've blogged before, but CRISPRs allow research to move so fast." On the very same day the monkey story hit the ...
  7. Sensing Neuronal Dopamine

    Blog Post
    ... (e.g., 100 nm) of DA. In addition, they exhibit fast kinetics (10 ms on and 100 ms off), enabling detection...PMCID: PMC426888. Patriarchi, Tommaso, et al. "Ultrafast neuronal imaging of dopamine dynamics with designed...
  8. Hot Plasmids - October 2022

    Blog Post
    ...imaging of voltages. This includes monitoring of fast bursts, as well as slow up/down voltage states in... Sustained deep-tissue voltage recording using a fast indicator evolved for two-photon microscopy. Cell...
  9. Science Careers: Unruly Interests Feed Many Paths

    Blog Post
    ...a simple egg is packed with information. I am fascinated with how developmental programs unfold, absorbing...comparative anatomy showed me that some of the most fascinating biology is found in weird and rare organisms ...
  10. Learning Technical Skills at a Lab Central Workshop

    Blog Post
    ...more about one another. They also provided both breakfast, lunch, and snacks. At the end of the workshop...experiences like workshops at Lab Central. Because of the fast pace of work in the Addgene lab, we don’t often ...
  11. K. phaffii: Rising to the Occasion

    Blog Post
    ...easy to manipulate, it’s affordable, and it grows fast to boot. The yeast strains S. cerevisiae and S. culture and easy to work with Grows extremely fast (doubling time of ~ 2 hours) Amenable to genetic...
  12. RaPID Detection of RNA-protein Interactions

    Blog Post
    ...spatiotemporal resolution for in vivo work. APEX2, a faster peroxidase-based labeling approach, is an alternative...30-fold enrichment compared to E. coli’s BirA*. Faster labeling kinetics also means that BASU could potentially...
Showing: 81 - 100 of 262 results