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Showing: 81 - 100 of 438 results
  1. CRISPR 101 eBook...en español

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    ...La primera edición de nuestro libro electrónico CRISPR 101 ya está disponible en español! Esta traducción...para editarla. Estamos orgullosos de anunciar que CRISPR 101: Una herramienta de edición ahora es parte ...nuestra colección de libros electrónicos. Descargar CRISPR 101: Una herramienta de edición Addgene tiene una...accedan a recursos útiles para sus experimentos CRISPR. Muchas gracias a: Daniel Mejías Sánchez, PhD,[email protected] The first edition of our CRISPR 101 eBook is now available in Spanish!  This translation...the translation. We are pleased to announce that CRISPR 101: Una herramienta de edición is now an official...official part of our eBook collection.  Download CRISPR 101: Una herramienta de edición  Addgene has a large...
  2. What's New in CRISPR - March 2020

    Blog Post Download the CRISPR 101 eBook Find our CRISPR 101 blog posts Read our CRISPR cheat sheet Resources...the new CRISPR plasmids available at Addgene. We will still periodically focus on specific CRISPR plasmid...Resources on Read our CRISPR guide Find CRISPR plasmids by function Find recently deposited plasmids...editing CRISPRi in Caulobacter crescentus Multiplexed gRNA for human pluripotent stem cells CRISPR-based...that this blog series will help you find more new CRISPR tools for your research! This time: Optogenetic... Scientific Reports Find the plasmids Enhanced CRISPR-based DNA demethylation Figure 2: The ...Communications Find Casilio-ME plasmids If you have a new CRISPR tool you’ve recently deposited to Addgene and you...
  3. Giving gRNAs a Facelift - Synthetic and Beyond

    Blog Post your CRISPR gRNA CRISPR 101: Ribonucleoprotein (RNP) Delivery Components of CRISPR/Cas9 ...sequence for CRISPR-Cas9 targeting is led by a ~20 bp gRNA which is part of the larger CRISPR RNA (crRNA...vectors View Addgene's CRISPR resources Request ready-to-use viral preps of select CRISPR lentiviral plasmids...surprise then that stability of the RNA used in CRISPR-Cas9 experiments – the “gRNA” – suffers from the...modifications listed above were developed before CRISPR-Cas9, for use in applications like siRNA and find pre-tested gRNA sequences for your next CRISPR experiment.    Chemical RNA modifications... On-off switches for gRNAs A major drawback of CRISPR-Cas9 technology is that most expression systems...
  4. CRISPR Meets Synthetic Biology: A Conversation with MIT’s Christopher Voigt

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    ...the future.  Building circuits from CRISPRs Addgene: What can CRISPR do for synthetic biology? Voigt: The...multi-input CRISPR/Cas9 genetic circuits References: Nielsen AA, Voigt CA. Multi-input CRISPR/Cas genetic...Nielsen describe what’s possible when multi-input CRISPR/Cas genetic circuits are linked to the regulatory...about this collision that’s taking place between CRISPR technology and synthetic biology, the tools he’... proteins that don’t interfere with each other. CRISPR is so orthogonal and programmable that you can ...straightforward surprisingly. So I think a nice thing about CRISPR is how much easier it is to work with than regulatory...One thing is that Cas9 is toxic. When cells carry CRISPR circuitry, it can slow their growth. Something ...
  5. With Our New Viral Service, We're Taking CRISPR Further!

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    ...ready-to-use CRISPR lentiviral preps to researchers across the globe. Why provide CRISPR as virus? “Like...are rough approximations of the total number of CRISPR plasmids for that particular organism with the indicated function. One huge reason CRISPR has become such a popular genome editing tool is... is its developers’ willingness to make their CRISPR technologies available to the academic research community...point for the production of viruses used to deliver CRISPR components to cells or organisms under study. In... Advisory board, on the difficulty of producing CRISPR lentivirus. As we’ve heard from scientists, producing...kb) this is a particularly prominent problem in CRISPR genome editing experiments. We aim to alleviate...
  6. The Crispr Babies Saga Shows the Need for Action, Not More Delays

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    ...the Addgene blog Find all of our CRISPR blog posts Download the CRISPR 101 eBook Read our genome engineering...posts Resources on Read our CRISPR guide Find CRISPR plasmids by function Check out our genome... report. A scientist working in China was using CRISPR/Cas9 in an attempt to create gene-edited babies...overlapping, valid critiques being offered of He’s work: CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing is not far enough along, scientifically... as research published on December 13 shows us, CRISPR/Cas9 techniques are continually being refined; ...manipulate an embryo—even if it’s not necessarily via CRISPR/Cas9. This leaves us with the second critique. ...agreed-upon international moratorium on utilizing CRISPR/Cas9 in humans. This topic was to be revisited ...
  7. Adeno-associated Viruses (AAVs) for Genome Editing

    Blog Post
    ...adeno-cre. AAV-based gene editing compared to CRISPR editing CRISPR, of course, has started a revolution in ...whether to use AAV or CRISPR for a given experimental approach. First, unlike CRISPR, the AAV-based gene editing. However, while CRISPR is remarkably effective for introducing non-sequence specific frameshift...proven more challenging to develop high efficiency CRISPR-based approaches for the generation of knockins...simultaneously in the same cell, are more appropriate for a CRISPR-based approach. Second, the AAV preps generally...comparable or better than the efficiency of most current CRISPR-based approaches for the generation of knockins...combine the respective advantages of the AAV and CRISPR-based approaches, several groups have recently ...
  8. Multiplex Genome Editing with CRISPR-Cpf1

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    ...Multiplex gene editing with CRISPR-Cpf1 is one of the latest developments in CRISPR technologies.  It’s a simple... Cpf1: A New Tool for CRISPR Genome Editing Which Cas9 Do I Choose for My CRISPR Experiment A Match Made...Made in Heaven: CRISPR/Cas9 and AAV Resources on Browse Our CRISPR Multiplexing Resources...Resources Find CRISPR Plasmids for Your Research Catch up on Your CRISPR Background with Our Guide Pages ...also called Cas12a. There’s a new development for CRISPR-Cpf1 genome editing!  A recent paper from Feng ...Cpf1, check out this blog post or see Addgene's CRISPR guide page for a review of Cas9.  For a brief comparison...table below. Table 1. Comparing the Cas9 and Cpf1 CRISPR Nucleases   Cas9 Cpf1 Components crRNAtracrRNACas9...
  9. CRISPR Between the Genes: How to Experiment with Enhancers and Epigenomics

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    ...Addgene Blog Catch Up on Your CRISPR Background with CRISPR 101 Learn about CRISPR Delivery Methods Validate...sites 2. Design a CRISPR screen to target and disrupt the NANOG enhancers 3. CRISPR out the enhancers a CRISPR screen to disrupt these enhancers. The third and final step is to conduct our CRISPR screen...Resources on Find CRISPR Plasmids for Your Research Check out Our CRISPR Guide Find Validated gRNAs...embryonic stem cells, and conclude with a targeted CRISPR screen that can disrupt these enhancers. A real-world...have more to say about clinical applications of CRISPR in the next section. In order to denote the NANOG... with Quilt. Seek and destroy enhancers with CRISPR Armed with the genome math expression for NANOG...
  10. How to Design Your gRNA for CRISPR Genome Editing

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    ...on Your CRISPR Basics with Our CRISPR Guide Find CRISPR Plasmids for Your Research Find CRISPR Pooled ...How to Conduct Genome-Wide CRISPR Pooled Library Screens Read other CRISPR Blog Posts Resources on quite as broad as for knockout via CRISPR cutting. For CRISPRa, it is most-efficacious to target a ~... Scientist at the Broad Institute, John Doench. CRISPR technology has made it easier than ever both to...considerations before you start an experiment with CRISPR The hammer, the jigsaw, and the wrench are all ...the same is true when designing gRNAs for using CRISPR technology – the “best” gRNA depends an awful lot...hammer: Gene knockout by NHEJ Gene knockout with CRISPR technology is usually accomplished by Cas9-mediated...
  11. Addgene Welcomes John Doench to the Advisory Board

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    ...days.” Working with CRISPR Recently Doench has been working on developing CRISPR pooled libraries at the start of the CRISPR craze, but he says, “In the case of CRISPR, the hype was completely justified...biological process X, you can do with CRISPR technology...” and “with CRISPR, just the results are so much cleaner...Podcast.       Resources at Addgene Find CRISPR resources Find CRISPR pooled libraries Learn about other members...understanding, curation, and explanation of our CRISPR resources. We recently sat down with Dr. Doench...and has contributed much of his knowledge to the CRISPR resources at Addgene. His background in history... technology.” Doench thinks that the future of CRISPR will be in high throughput functional characterization...
  12. The PAM Requirement and Expanding CRISPR Beyond SpCas9

    Blog Post
    ...same species. Expanding the CRISPR toolbox The isolation of novel CRISPR proteins has and will continue...dramatically increase the number of CRISPR applications. The first non-Cas9 CRISPR protein adapted for genome ...trying to decide which CRISPR tools are best for your experiment, check out our CRISPR guide or leave a comment...Check out our CRISPR Featured Topic Page Resources on Check out our CRISPR Guide Browse ...variants effectively double the targeting range of CRISPR/Cas9 within the human genome. Another variant, ...AT-rich genomes (Kleinstiver et al., 2016). Type VI CRISPR systems, which target RNA, offer additional targeting...the flexibility of this system.  As the number of CRISPR reagents continues to grow, so too will the number...
  13. Hot Plasmids and Viral Preps - January 2021

    Blog Post
    ...yeast CRISPRa plasmids here Reduce the scale of your CRISPR screens by using this lentiviral CRISPR human...for use in bacteria CRISPR-Casɸ mGold, a new yellow fluorescent protein New CRISPR plasmids New items ...Hypercompact genome editor CRISPR-Casɸ By Melina Fan The Doudna Lab adds to the CRISPR-Cas toolbox with their...sciadv.abb7438 The CRISPR corner By Jennifer Tsang Here are a few highlights from recent CRISPR plasmids. To...To find all of the CRISPR plasmids available from Addgene, head over to our CRISPR Plasmids and Resources...their discovery of CRISPR-Casɸ, a hypercompact genome editor from the Biggiephage clade of huge phages. ... B is G, T, or C). The authors demonstrate that CRISPR-Casɸ is active in vitro as well as in human and...
  14. CRISPR 101: Off-Target Effects

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    ...on CRISPR software and resources Addgene CRISPR Guide Addgene’s CRISPR 101 eBook More ...the Addgene blog CRISPR 101: Which Cas9 do I choose for my CRISPR experiment? CRISPR 101: Cas9 The Other...for unintended consequences in an experiment. For CRISPR work, this often means DNA cleavage at unanticipated...will discuss when off-targets can be an issue in CRISPR, how to predict and minimize them, and ways to ...t be avoided. What are off-target effects? The CRISPR-Cas system is an RNA-guided nuclease that either...sequence similarity to the on-target site. When a CRISPR-Cas system localizes to unintended sites and performs...all. Let’s consider several scenarios below for a CRISPR experiment which involves making specific knock-out...
  15. RUBY-Red Siliques

    Blog Post
    ...was integrated into a CRISPR system, then tracking the segregation of the CRISPR construct could be achieved...First, red CRISPR-positive transformants can be produced. In the following generation when CRISPR needs to...resources on the Addgene blog  CRISPR 101: Engineering the Plant Genome Using CRISPR/Cas9 Tips for Arabidopsis...Arabidopsis Transformation CRISPR 101: CRISPR-Mediated Plant Base Editors...the transgene free individual. For example, with CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing, transformation may be identified...Arabidopsis floral dip). In the next generation the CRISPR construct needs to be segregated away to prevent...currently used in these situations to select against CRISPR positive plants, but screening these can be challenging...
  16. Pooled CRISPR Libraries Offer Genome-Wide Control for Large-Scale Functional Screens

    Blog Post
    ... the CRISPR system was a large one.  The question for her then was this: Can you engineer CRISPR-Cas9 ...Two-way CRISPR screening In October, Jonathan Weissman’s lab introduced additional pooled CRISPR libraries...CRISPR technology has changed how scientists edit and control genes, but according to the Broad Institute's...Institute's Silvana Konermann, the first generation of CRISPR-Cas9 plasmids were not designed with gene activation...lab describe just such a system, which they call CRISPR/Cas9 Synergistic Activation Mediator or SAM. SAM...earlier by the Zhang lab for GeCKO, a lentiviral CRISPR library enabling genome-scale, knockout the steps for how to use pooled lentiviral CRISPR libraries and keep the following in mind: These...
  17. Tips for CRISPR Gene Editing in Mice

    Blog Post
    ...Design You gRNA Find CRISPR Plasmids for Use in Mammalian Cells Check out All of Our CRISPR Resources  ...contributed by guest blogger Samantha Young. The use of CRISPR/Cas9 for gene editing has expanded since its al., 2014). There are several variants of the CRISPR/Cas9 system floating around, and many pre-designed...running as soon as possible! Selecting your target CRISPR/Cas9 is often used to study the biology well). Therefore, if you’ve started down the CRISPR path, you’ve probably got a gene you’d like to that do it for you. One such option is the CRISPR Design tool supplied by the Zhang lab. This simple... the available gRNA targets in that region. The CRISPR Software Matchmaker can be used to determine the...
  18. Alex Chavez on MD PhDs, CRISPR, Gene Drives, & More

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    ...on Check Out Our CRISPR Guide Pages Find Ready-to-Use CRISPR Lentivirus Learn about Other ...had on the podcast, has worked extensively with CRISPR, and recently became a member of the Addgene advisory...getting an MD PhD, the inside scoop on developing new CRISPR tools, and the potential uses of gene drives. DNA repair informed his decision to work with CRISPR during his postdoc 12:01 - 13:21 : The Wyss Institute...07 : Alex's projects at the Wyss Institute - New CRISPR tools and the importance of moving on from "failed... work and what work he's planning on doing with CRISPR-based gene drives focusing on safety and the ability... crispr...
  19. Some Like it Hot: Thermostable GeoCas9

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    ... Read about CRISPR Methods for Bacterial Genome Engineering   Interested in using CRISPR/Cas9 RNPs? Check...Other Blog Posts on CRISPR Additional Resources on Brush Up on Your CRISPR Background with ...Addgene’s CRISPR Guide Page Find CRISPR plasmids at Addgene ...opened up the field of thermophilic bacteria to CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing. How was GeoCas9 discovered...plasma. The discovery of GeoCas9 clears the way for CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing in facultative and obligate...the plasmids are available from Addgene. Happy CRISPRing! References Harrington, Lucas, et al. "A thermostable... crispr...
  20. Celebrating Outstanding CRISPR/Cas9 Achievements at the Dr. Paul Janssen Award Dinner

    Blog Post
    ...  New to CRISPR/Cas9 Technology? Learn More: Addgene's CRISPR/Cas9 Guide History of CRISPR Cas - A tale... awards that will be bestowed upon discovers of CRISPR/Cas9 genome engineering, Dr. Jennifer Doudna and...Addgene Scientist Matt Ferenc (one of our resident CRISPR experts) at the 2014 Johnson & Johnson’s Dr. Paul...disease. They are finding they have been able to use CRISPR/Cas9 to generate mice with genes knocked out in...technologies. Addgene is proud to be helping get CRISPR reagents out to academic labs. It is our hope that.... He offered the great analogy of comparing the CRISPR/Cas9 system to Norton Antivirus. Antivirus programs... crispr/cas9...
Showing: 81 - 100 of 438 results