Fluorescent Protein Guide: Biosensors
... Biosensors Luciferase Plasmids Subcellular Localization Optogenetics Plasmids Viral Service: AAV Biosensors...suggestions for other plasmids that should be added to this list? Fill out our Suggest a Plasmid form or e-mail...Collection of plasmids encoding fluorescent biosensors to measure biomolecules or genes via FRET or other... Plasmid Collections Fluorescent Proteins Fluorescent Biosensors Fluorescent Proteins: Biosensors...our catalog . Use the article links to find the plasmids associated with the article. We also offer ready-to-use...ready-to-use AAV preparations of select plasmids; these are noted with the viral service icon . Metal Ions... localized dTomato fluorophore Ting Lab GCaMP6 Plasmids 2014 Jonathan Ting Calcium Intersectional viral...