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Showing: 61 - 80 of 911 results
  1. Zhang Lab's CRISPR Frequently Asked Questions

    ...Homologous Recombination (HR)? How long should the homology arms be for efficient recombination? The most...Dr. Le Cong, the first author of a seminal CRISPR article from Dr. Feng Zhang's Lab, has assembled a ...Plasmids Dr. Le Cong, the first author of one of the seminal articles from Dr. Feng Zhang's Lab ( Science , learn more. CRISPR Design FAQs Homologous Recombination (HR) FAQs At the Bench FAQs CRISPR Design FAQs... to express the Cas9n (nickase). Homologous Recombination (HR) FAQs Can you summarize HR template vector...specific mutations or insertions by Homologous Recombination (HR), what is the length of each homology arm...destroy the BbsI sites, a double digest should discriminate between positive and negative clones. Clones...
  2. CRISPR Plasmids - Empty gRNA Vectors

    ...BbsI yes, cut, N-terminal S. pyogenes Zhang PX854 62886 Mammalian BbsI yes, cut, C-terminal S. pyogenes Zhang...BbsI yes, cut, N-terminal S. pyogenes Zhang PX852 62884 Mammalian BbsI yes, cut, C-terminal S. pyogenes Zhang...activate, N-terminal S. pyogenes Zhang PX856 62888 Mammalian BbsI yes, activate, C-terminal S. pyogenes...assembled into a single T-DNA binary vector of choice through Gateway recombination. Qi Multiplex Conditional...pyogenes GFP Vakoc U6>sgRNA(F+E) 59986 Other/Ciona intestinalis BsaI none S. pyogenes Christiaen p(U6a-BsaI-...Gersbach MuLE System Mammalian MultiSite Gateway recombination-based cloning of complex polycistronic lentiviruses...expression cassettes, which can be assembled into the binary CRISPR/Cas9 vectors in one round of cloning by ...
  3. Neurodegeneration Research Collection

    ...anti-kinesin recombinant scFvs . Niwa et al. Cytoskeleton. 2023 Apr 10. Explore the recombinant monoclonal... upper and lower motor neurons in the brain and spinal cord. Over time, a loss of motor neurons leads ...familial cases, usually inherited in an autosomal dominant manner, are associated with known genetic mutations...Huntington’s disease (HD) is a fatal autosomal dominant genetic disorder that causes the progressive degeneration... gene and late-onset AD. It is more likely a combination of gene variation and lifestyle or environmental...Saha et al. Nat Commun. 2023 Feb 2. Study the C terminal domain of TDP-43 to better understand its function... tools and emphasizes their rapid and broad dissemination to the research community. This collection highlights...
  4. Fluorescent Protein Guide: Empty Backbones

    ...Bacterial Expression mCardinal 604 659 17 5.3 27 min Prone to dimerization mCardinal-N1 - Mammalian Expression...Expression mCardinal-C1 - Mammalian Expression mCardinal-pBAD - Bacterial Expression mMaroon 610 652 - Monomer...eGFP pPD95_75 - C-terminal GFP for C. elegans expression pHT101-mCherry - N- or C-terminal mCherry for C....that are used extensively by life scientists. The original green fluorescent protein (GFP) was cloned in ...Davidson Lab Plasmids - Includes many N- and C-terminal fluorescent proteins Insect Sutherland Lab Plasmids...tagging with mCherry, mOrange, mCerulean pET GFP - C-terminal GFP for bacterial expression Davidson Lab Plasmids...Methods, September 2007, Vol. 4 No. 9, pp. 741-6 Shemiakina et al. : Nature Communications, November 2012...
  5. Antibody Production

    ...methods and quality control processes for purified recombinant antibodies....webpage for further information. Production For recombinant antibodies (rAb) encoded by mammalian expression... buffer exchange using centrifugal columns. The final formulation buffer is phosphate-buffered saline ...sample is adjusted by diluting or concentrating to a final concentration of 0.9–1.1 mg/mL. Antibody and a standard curve is generated. The final antibody concentration is calculated from the standard...performed in parallel with a previous lot of recombinant antibody or the hybridoma-derived equivalent ... Residual Plasmid Sanger Sequencing Purified recombinant antibody preps contain low levels of co-purified...
  6. Rett Syndrome

    ...) N-terminal Anti-MECP2 (M7443) mouse antibody from Sigma (Link opens in a new window) C-terminal Anti-MECP2...syndrome can be inherited. In females, random X inactivation results in approximately half of cells expressing...expressing mutant MECP2 . Skewing of these X inactivation ratios can affect disease severity. The MECP2...several functional domains, including: the N - t erminal D omain (NTD) the M ethyl B inding D omain (MBD...signal (not essential for localization) the C - t erminal D omain (CTD) The most common missense mutations...antibody from Sigma (Link opens in a new window) C-terminal Anti-MECP2 (D4F3) rabbit antibody from Cell Signalling...direction and degree of skewing of X-chromosome inactivation. J Med Genet . 44, 148–152. (Link opens in a...
  7. Institute for Protein Innovation

    ...Find unique recombinant antibodies targeting families of cell surface and secreted proteins from a collaboration...Innovation (IPI) Collection! Here, you’ll find unique recombinant antibodies targeting families of cell surface...window) and an optimized sorting process. This combination allows IPI to generate antibodies to highly conserved...courtesy of IPI Browse Integrin Antibodies ID Recombinant Antibody Description Isotype Recommended Applications...Browse Epitope Tag Antibodies IPI has developed recombinant versions of antibodies that recognize common ... tags and other common cellular proteins. ID Recombinant Antibody Description Isotype Recommended Applications...
  8. CRISPR Plasmids - Tagging

    ...or C-terminal tagging in Drosophila cells. N terminal tagging in Drosophila cells 3.2 MB C terminal tagging...deposited a plasmid which introduces an N- or C- terminal affinity tag (3xFLAG-2xSTREP) on endogenous genes...untagged SpCas9 (Addgene 41815 or #44719 ) in combination with gRNA_AAVS1-T2 (Addgene #41818) or using ...modification. This system can be used to create C- and N-terminal epitope tags. The plasmids in the following articles...selection markers are available. An improved FLP recombinase expression vector allows for efficient marker...
  9. AAV Molecular Tools

    ...Expression of the tet-off transactivator (tTA) 2 Gradinaru 99120 pAAV-ihSyn1-tTA Inducible Synapsin loop for amplified tTA expression. 1 Gradinaru 99121 pAAV-ihSyn1-DIO-tTA Cre-dependent and loop for amplified tTA expression. 1 Gradinaru 117383 TRE-DIO-eYFP Cre-dependent and Tetracycline-inducible...Cre-dependent, Tet-inducible expression of EYFP 1 Gradinaru Tools for Affinity Purification These AAV encode...tdTomato and synaptophysin-EGFP for labeling of axon terminals. 1 Zeng 71760 pAAV hSyn FLEx mGFP-2A-Synaptophysin-mRuby... and synaptophysin-mRuby for labeling of axon terminals. 1 Luo Tools for Cell Ablation These AAV encode...
  10. Plasmids for Stem Cell Research

    ...and shRNA against p53 in different gene/insert combinations A more efficient method to generate integration-free...NR5A2, and microRNA 302/367 in three different combinations of reprogramming factors Efficient germ-line...40. Hochedlinger MMLV-derived Retrovirus Mouse Original set of Yamanaka factors for generating mouse iPS... and c-Myc from polycistronic cassettes KLF4 N-terminal variance modulates induced reprogramming to pluripotency...beta-cells. Nature. 2008 Aug 27. Melton Pancreatic Acinar Cells induced Beta Cells Adenoviral Mouse Long-...pancreatic beta cells generated by lineage conversion of acinar cells. Nature Biotechnology. 2014 Dec;32(12):1223... of mouse and human fibroblasts into functional spinal motor neurons. Cell Stem Cell. 2011 Sep 2;9(3):...
  11. CRISPR Plasmids - Base Edit

    ...nickase or catalytically inactive “dead” Cas9 (dCas9) to a cytidine deaminase like APOBEC. Base editors...creating an A to G (or T to C) change. Adenine DNA deaminases do not exist in nature, but have been created... of the Escherichia coli TadA, a tRNA adenine deaminase. Like cytosine base editors, the evolved TadA ...modifying the linker region between Cas variant and deaminase to adjust the editing window, or adding fusions... Cas9 is fused to activation-induced cytidine deaminase (AID). Want more information on the wide variety...
  12. Genomic Deletions in Mammalian Cell Lines

    ... and H 2 O to final volume of 50 μl. This reaction may be scaled down to a smaller final volume if, you can find the protocol section from the original publication below. You can also download the full-text...., sgRNA-B in Table 4 ) and do not add C to the final position of the reverse complement oligo. In this...Buffer, 6.5 μl ddH 2 O, and 0.5 μl T4 Polynucleotide Kinase (PNK) (10,000 U/ml). NOTE: Phosphorylated oligos...contains 50 μl cell culture media per well for a final volume of 150 μl. This facilitates screening by ...research. Gehl J. Acta Physiologica Scandinavica . 2003. PubMed . Purifying plasmid DNA from ...
  13. Control AAV Preps

    ... 5, rg*, PHP.eB Gradinaru 104061 CAG-NLS-GFP CAG NLS-GFP Constitutive PHPeB Gradinaru 105530 pAAV.CMV....NLS-mRuby2 Constitutive 1, 2, 8, 9, rg*, PHP.eB Gradinaru 100896 pAAV.GFA104.PI.eGFP.WPRE.bGH GFA104 EGFP...eYFP hSyn eYFP Constitutive 5, 8, 9, rg*, PHP.eB Gradinaru 131000 pAAV-CaMKIIa-mScarlet CamKIIa mScarlet ...pAAV-CAG-DIO-EYFP CAG EYFP Cre dependent PHP.V1 Gradinaru 83895 pAAV-hDlx-Flex-GFP-Fishell_6 Dlx GFP Cre...pAAV-CAG-fDIO-mNeonGreen CAG mNeonGreen Flp dependent 1 Gradinaru INTRSECT Constructs 55650 pAAV-hSyn Con/Fon EYFP...
  14. Trimmer Lab NeuroMab Collection

    ...cloned, expressed and validated in recombinant form. The recombinant monoclonal antibodies or R-mAbs have...149451 Anti-GluK5/Grik5/KA2 kainate receptor [N279B/27R] GluK5/Grik5/KA2 kainate receptor Rat Mouse IgG2a...Anti-MMP9 matrix metalloproteinase-9 precursor [L51/82R] MMP9 matrix metalloproteinase-9 precursor Rat ...IgG2a 220411 LRRK2/Dardarin kinase, C-terminus [N241A/58R] LRRK2/Dardarin kinase, C-terminus Human Mouse ..., followed by the SV40 polyA tail (SV40 pA). Recombinant Monoclonal Antibody Plasmid Collection The following...Rat rat IgG2a Addgene distributes ready-to-use recombinant antibodies made from plasmids in our scFv [D4/154] D4/154 scFv Kv2.1 K+ channel recombinant Mouse 206788 Arx scFv [N411/51] N411/51 scFv ...
  15. MAPK Plasmids

    ...Human Kinase ORFs Genome Engineering Guide Empty-Backbone Resource Mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs...extracellular signal-regulated kinases (ERKs), are serine/threonine-specific protein kinases. They regulate diverse...Browse mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) plasmids. Plasmid...
  16. Plant Plasmids and Resources

    ...innovation for improvement of sustainable agriculture and conservation. Medicinal Plant Genomics Resource (...other monocots - Jorge Dubcovsky. Engineered biocontainable RNA virus vectors for non-transgenic a new window) - The initiative promotes interdisciplinary exchange, open technologies, and responsible...Transcriptomic and metabolomic resources for 14 key medicinal plants for the advancement of drug production ...
  17. CRISPR Plasmids - Mammalian Expression

    ... Catalytically dead dCas9 fused to a cytidine deaminase protein becomes a specific base editor that can...MS2 hairpin-tagged gRNA to recruit a cytidine deaminase and induce somatic hypermutation in a 100 bp window...the catalytic domain of ADAR2(E488Q) adenosine deaminase to catalytically dead Cas13b creates a programmable...Selectable Marker PI Publication Purify A catalytically inactive Cas9 (dCas9) can be used to purify a region of...Marker PI Publication Visualize A catalytically inactive Cas9 (dCas9) fused to a fluorescent protein (FP...
  18. Fujii Lab CRISPR Plasmids

    ...Protocols gRNA Design Tools CRISPR Blog Posts Originally developed in 2009 (Hoshino & Fujii), the locus-specific...the CRISPR system consisting of a catalytically inactive form of Cas9 (dCas9) plus guide RNA (gRNA) for...chromatin by in vitro enChIP technology using recombinant CRISPR ribonucleoproteins. Fujita T, Yuno M, ...non-coding RNAs associated with telomeres using a combination of enChIP and RNA sequencing. Fujita T, Yuno ...molecular interactions by the iChIP system using recombinant exogenous DNA-binding proteins.Fujita T, Fujii...
  19. CRISPR References and Information

    ...sites by off-target quality. Validated for gene inactivation, NHEJ, and HDR. Reference genomes include Arabidopsis...Proof-of-concept performed in zebrafish. ZiFiT Targeter Originally developed to identify zinc finger nuclease sites...and selection for Cas9-triggered homologous recombination Cas9-sgRNA target construct ; pMA122 (negative...pharyngeal co-injection marker); pDD104 (Cre recombinase) PDF 102.5 KB Jaenisch CRISPR plasmid summary... , pAC1 , pAC147 , pAC148 , pAC149 ; gateway destination: pAC90 PDF 1.0 MB Katic Nematode: Cas9 and gRNA...
  20. NETRF

    ... Cancer Institute Finding the Causes of Small Intestinal Neuroendocrine Tumors Ramesh Shivdasani Dana-...Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Epigenetic Regulators of Intestinal Endocrine Cells and Carcinoid Tumors Qiao Zhou...Zhou Harvard University Epigenetic Regulators of Intestinal Endocrine Cells and Carcinoid Tumors Bradley ...Identifying Altered Epigenetic States and Drivers in Intestinal Carcinoid and Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors...
Showing: 61 - 80 of 911 results