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Showing: 61 - 80 of 563 results
  1. Zinc Finger Consortium: Nuclease Expression Vectors

    ..., Nat Biotech 2007 ) in mammalian cells or zebrafish). pMG10 (a '“2-in-1” ZFN cassette for expression ...vectors designed to express nucleases in different cell types. Zinc finger arrays can be transferred in-...vectors designed to express nucleases in different cell types. Zinc finger arrays created using ZFC reagents...nuclease domains: pST1374 (for expression in mammalian cells or zebrafish) pDW1775 (for expression in plants)... Miller et al., Nat Biotech 2007 ) in mammalian cells or zebrafish (can be used as a substitute for pMLM335... Miller et al., Nat Biotech 2007 ) in mammalian cells or zebrafish (can be used as a substitute for pMLM336... Miller et al., Nat Biotech 2007 ) in mammalian cells or zebrafish). pMLM802 (for expression of a ZFN ...
  2. CRISPR Plasmids - Epigenetics

    ...Cas enzymes? CasPEDIA is an encyclopedia of Class 2 CRISPR systems with wiki entries describing enzyme... time and are potentially heritable in dividing cells. CRISPR Activate and Interfere technologies also...
  3. Adenovirus Guide

    ...the use of pAdEasy-2 can increase the capacity of the adenoviral vector. pAdEasy-2 does not contain the...Adenovirus packaging plasmid that lacks E1 and E3 pAdEasy-2 Adenovirus packaging plasmid that lacks E1, E3, and...compatible with the pAdEasy-2 packaging plasmid; Supplies viral protein E4 E1 Supplied in trans by 293...AdEasier-1 cells BJ5183 E. coli cells containing the pAdEasy-1 packaging plasmid 911E4 cells Cell line compatible...then transformed into AdEasier-1 cells , which are BJ5183 E. coli cells containing pAdEasy™. pAdEasy™ is... 293/911 cells throughout virus production. During experiments, GFP can be used to sort cells infected...must be transfected into 911E4 cells for virus production, as 293 cells do not contain E4. Adenovirus ...
  4. Fluorescent Proteins 101: Monitoring Cell Mobility Using Fluorescent Proteins

    Blog Post
    ...the specimen.  2. Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorter (FACs) A machine that sorts cells according to whether...photostability of your fluorescent protein when using 2-photon microscopy as this hasn't been well reported...PMID: 18703742. PubMed Central PMCID: PMC2606057. 2. Chtanova, Tatyana, et al. "Dynamics of neutrophil...labeling T cells, B cells, and antigen presenting cells, scientists have been able to decypher cellular dynamics...tracked by cell sorter giving immunologists the ability to count cells and statistically analyze cell T cells could jump from one antigen presenting cell to another. Indeed, we now know that T cells are...2016)? How do dendritic cells migrate to lymph nodes to activate T cells (Celli et al 2008, Kitano et al...
  5. Plasmids for Optogenetics Research

    ...optogenetic tool is the widely used Channelrhodopsin-2 (ChR2) from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii . ChR2 is a ...optical switch plasmids) to measure and manipulate cells and their governing biomolecular processes. blue light and allows cations to flow into the cell. Variants of channelrhodopsin have been engineered...improve the expression and membrane targeting in host cells. Other microbial opsins, such as the Halorhodopsins...actively move cations or anions into or out of the cell. When using these opsins as a tool to control neuronal...plasmids that use light to control a protein or cellular activity. For example, search "Cdc42", "transcription...
  6. Antibody Guide

    ...surface of most immature B cells; function is unknown Monomer with a valency of 2 IgE Protects against parasites...such as anaphylactic shock Monomer with a valency of 2 IgG The most abundant isotype in blood, also found...secondary immune response Monomer with a valency of 2 IgG1; IgG2; IgG3; IgG4 IgM Produced during the primary... ranging from antibody fragments (shown in Figure 2) to completely unrelated molecules. Examples include...used for assembling protein nanostructures. Figure 2: An antibody (IgG, far left) compared to alternative... produced. Cells - Antibodies can also be produced in cell cultures using hybridomas, cell cultures created...created by fusing B cells with myeloma cells (immortalized B cells). The genetic reorganization that creates...
  7. A New Generation of Adenine Base Editors Improves Editing in Primary Human Cells

    Blog Post
    ...NGG-3′ (“N” can be any nucleotide base, followed by 2 guanines). This limits the use of ABEs as DNA sites... in the promoter region of gamma hemoglobin (HGB1/2) leads to continuous expression of fetal hemoglobin...primary human cells  Cell therapy approaches can use base editors to correct mutations in stem cells and return...primary human cell editing, the researchers tested ABE8 in CD34+ hematopoietic stem cells. ABE8 efficiently... In addition to stem cells the authors targeted 6 genes in primary human T cells using 8 selected edit primary human T cells efficiently makes it a promising tool for T cell therapy development. introduced into cells as a plasmid or as mRNA constructs. In primary human cells mRNA delivery of ABEs...
  8. CRISPR Plasmids - Tagging

    ...gene-specific CRISPR and donor vectors as well as pX330S-2-PITCh, expressing a generic gRNA targeting the PITCh...Protocols, 2016 . Yamamoto Tagging Plasmids: pX330S-2-PITCh - expresses Cas9 & PITCh-gRNA pX330A-FBL/PITCh...Drosophila cells. N terminal tagging in Drosophila cells 3.2 MB C terminal tagging in Drosophila cells 3.3 MB...following article: Natsume, et al. Cell Reports 2016 Förstemann Drosophila Cell Tagging System The Förstemann... Allen Institute for Cell Science Plasmid Collection The Allen Institute for Cell Science has produced...tagged, human, induced pluripotent stem cell (hiPSC) lines. These cell lines were created using CRISPR and...tagging transcription factors with FLAG in human cell lines. To repeat the tagging in your system, use...
  9. Optogenetics Guide

    ...nonspecific cation influx into the cell when stimulated. Channelrhodopsin-2 (ChR2), the first widely adopted... (Phy) interaction 660 Cryptochromes Cryptochrome 2 and CIB1 Blue-light–mediated induction of protein ...interactions based on Arabidopsis thaliana cryptochrome 2 and CIB1 450 LARIAT Inhibits protein function by reversibly...customizable TALE DNA-binding domain with cryptochrome 2 protein and its interacting partner CIB1 to control...transcription effectors OPTOSTIM PHR domain2 of cryptochrome 2 (Cry2) from Arabidopsis thaliana is fused to truncated... with single-spike temporal resolution. PLoS One. 2(3):e299. PMID 17375185 Kim B, Lin MZ. 2013. Optobiology...comparative analysis of microbial opsins. Nat Methods. 9(2):159-72. PMID 22179551 Saunders A, Johnson CA, Sabatini...
  10. AAV Viral Preps

    ...AAV vectors for trial purposes in serotypes AAV1, 2, 5, 8, 9 and retrograde Engineered Serotypes Retrograde...Tetracycline Transactivators Affinity Purification Cell Ablation Monosynaptic Neuronal Tracing Rabies Virus-Based...
  11. CRISPR Plasmids - gRNAs

    ...Cas enzymes? CasPEDIA is an encyclopedia of Class 2 CRISPR systems with wiki entries describing highly recommended that you determine if your cell type contains the target sequence before using any...
  12. Adeno-associated virus (AAV) Guide

    ...capsids from serotypes 1, 2, and 5 display differential efficiency and cell tropism after delivery to ...indicates a virus containing the genome of serotype 2 packaged in the capsid from serotype 5. Use of these...neurons that are not efficiently transduced by AAV2/2, and is distributed more widely in the brain, indicating...PJ, Mandel RJ, Muzyczka N. Mol. Ther. 2004 Aug;10(2):302-17. PubMed . From virus evolution to vector revolution...persist in non-dividing cells for a period of years without damaging the host cell. In contrast, viral particles...through cell lysis. Episomal stability enables long-term transgene expression in non-dividing cells and is... the helper plasmid are transfected into HEK293 cells, which contain the adenovirus gene E1+, to produce...
  13. Chemogenetics Guide

    ...Figure 2. PSAM4-based LGICs, their effect, and outcome in neurons. Please see the text or table 2 for details... Reference Rq(R165L) Human M3 muscarinic Arrestin-2/-3 CNO* Increase Arrestin translocation Arrestin signalling...hM1Dq hM5Dq Human M3 muscarinic G αq CNO* Increase Ca 2+ Neuronal burst firing Armbruster et al, 2007 rM3D... details. Table 2. Descriptions of PSAMs and their activity in neurons PSAM Ion Pore Domain Ligand(s) ...Forbes SL, Liggett SB (2001). Modification of the beta 2-adrenergic receptor to engineer a receptor-effector...targeted to specific tissues, cell types or even subcellular regions of a neuron. Cell-specific expression of...Human Stem Cell-Derived Neurons Repair Circuits and Restore Neural Function. Cell Stem Cell 28:112-126...
  14. pCXLE toolkit: Efficient episomal plasmid-based method to reprogram peripheral blood cells to iPSCs

    Blog Post
    ...PMC5118044. 2. Kim, Y., et al., The Generation of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells from Blood Cells: An Efficient...blood are reprogrammed immediately after collection [2]. PBMCs display unique epigenetic signatures that ...human-induced pluripotent stem cells from cord blood and peripheral blood cells. Stem Cells, 2013. 31(3): p. 458...possible to reprogram differentiated cells into induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) by the addition of reprogramming... somatic cells that are otherwise difficult to obtain. These can then be used to perform cell therapy vitro. Find stem cell plasmids at Addgene Many sources of adult somatic cells have been probed for...Using Serial Plating of Reprogrammed Cells by Centrifugation. Stem Cells Int, 2016. 2016: p. 1329459. PubMed...
  15. CRISPR References and Information

    ...encyclopedia of Class 2 CRISPR systems with wiki entries describing enzyme activity, experimental considerations...library amplification 1 vector system: lentiCRISPR v2 2 vector system: lentiCas9-Blast and lentiGuide-Puro...and introducing it into cells. Protocol for Genomic Deletions in Mammalian Cell Lines CasPEDIA : An encyclopedia...interest and correspond to edited and non-edited cell populations. For more information, see the bioRxiv...134.7 KB Musunuru CRISPRs in human pluripotent stem cells pCas9_GFP ; gRNA empty vector Link O'Connor-Giles...Bauer Protocol for Genomic Deletions in Mammalian Cell Lines pSpCas9(BB) (pX330) Link Parrott NEBuilder...
  16. Resolute Plasmid Collection

    ... funding from the Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 Joint Undertaking under grant agreement No 777372....quality of research output, RESOLUTE expects to accelerate the pace of research in the field of SLCs to ...
  17. Stem Cell Models for Disease & Open Science: Interview with Darrell Kotton

    Blog Post
    ...develop therapies to treat disease in the lung. Chapter 2: Balancing research with medical practice as an MD...engineered cells in therapy. The lungs are difficult, but other tissues like the retina have cell-based therapies...Chapter 9: Using stem cells as in-vitro models of disease. How Darrell is using stem cells from patients to...sharing reagents, cell lines, data, and knowledge without exclusivity. Chapter 11: The Stem Cell Bank (CReM ...the lungs, and, among other projects, using stem cells to develop in vitro models for lung disease. Darrell...what drives him as a praticing physician and stem cell researcher. Darrell's ultimate goal - to develop...means to treat disease through tissue repair, stem cells, gene therapy, and tissue engineering. How the multidisciplinary...
  18. Cre-lox system

    ...Cre-ERT2 CAG Mammalian Heller 112622 pVHC_PGKneoLox2DTA.2 Venus, Cre-ERT2, targeting vector with MCS for homology...homology arms Mammalian Heller 112623 pEHC_PGKneoLox2DTA.2 Emerald, Cre-ERT2, targeting vector with MCS for homology... arms Mammalian Heller 112624 pmTHC_PGKneoLox2DTA.2 TFP, Cre-ERT2, targeting vector with MCS for homology...arms Mammalian Heller 112625 ptdTHC_PGKneoLox2DTA.2 tdTomato, Cre-ERT2, targeting vector with MCS for ...25;1504(4):467-86. doi:10.1016/0022-2836(81)90375-2. PubMed . Ventura A, Meissner A, Jaenisch R, Jacks...allowing for direct comparison of Cre+ and Cre- cells. While Cre-lox recombination is a very useful tool...promoter like CAG, or expressed only in a subset of cells under a more specific promoter (e.g. Rho-Cre is ...
  19. AAV for Neuronal Tracing

    ...G-protein is delivered to the starter cell. (2) The starter cell now expresses TVA and G-protein. EnvA-pseudotyped...spread from this cell to synaptically connected cells (meaning, it can spread to cells that are projecting...infect a single "starter" cell, but new virus cannot spread to any neighboring cells. To enable monosynaptic...provided to the starter cell in trans , via delivery by an AAV. Since this starter cell now has all the viral...projecting to the starter cell). Once in the secondarily infected cells that lack the G protein, the virus ...connected cells. To further refine the targeting of G-deleted rabies to specific starter cells, the delivered to the starter cell, and specifically targets the starter cell via the EnvA receptor. RABV...
  20. X-CHIME: Context Dependent Germline Knockout in Immune Cells

    Blog Post
    ...), 1668. More resources on the Addgene blog CRISPR101: Validating...hematopoietic stem cells with a lentiviral vector containing a gRNA. These transduced stem cells can be implanted...Annotation of genes in immune cells typically involves the creation of germline knockout mice, which ...CRISPR-based systems enable gene knockout in immune cells in a high-throughput manner, but these systems have..., ubiquitous knockout of single genes in immune cells in vivo (LaFleur et al., 2019a and LaFleur et al...many genes have different functions in different cell types, at different times, and in combination with... L-CHIME Knocks out a single gene in defined cell types (lineage-based) pXPR_070 Violet-excited...
Showing: 61 - 80 of 563 results