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Showing: 721 - 740 of 911 results
  1. Experimenting with New Careers while in Grad School

    Blog Post
    ...opportunities available to me as a graduate student culminated in my founding a nonprofit called Central Indiana...skills, and meet new people. There were visiting seminar speakers each week, my department and graduate ...
  2. 3D Printing Meets CRISPR Cas9

    Blog Post
    ... structure of a protein, based on its atomic coordinates. These wire models were useful in that they a pdb file of the structure’s atomic coordinates, and “open” these structures with molecular viewing...
  3. Cloning Mammalian Cells with the Agarose Method

    Blog Post
    ...Scientific #1011-8410) is also placed in the hood. Finally, a sterile 2X DMEM solution (diluted from 10X and... backup replicates of each clone in case of contamination. We do not normally use antibiotics. Lastly,...
  4. Negotiating Work and Life: How to Find the Joy

    Blog Post
    ...This article was originally published on the Society for Laboratory Automation and Screening (SLAS) Electronic... family member, want to train for a triathlon, finally buy that charming fixer-upper house you have always...
  5. Viral Vectors 101: The Retroviral Lifecycle

    Blog Post present in the capsid, as the engineered, recombinant genome is (thankfully) gutted of many essential...particle: pseudodiploidy and high rate of genetic recombination. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences...
  6. Uncovering Ancestral Bias in CRISPR Research

    Blog Post
    ...actively use tools designed to help reduce or eliminate bias, just like the ones made available through.../s41586-022-04601-8 Lewis, Anna CF, Santiago J. Molina, Paul S. Appelbaum, Bege Dauda, Anna Di Rienzo,...
  7. A Career in Grants: How To Become a Grant Professional

    Blog Post
    ...grant professional’s job duties can range from coordinating the grant application and submitting it, to ... with research grants? Are you interested in sustainable community development? Volunteer as a grant writer...
  8. CRISPR 101: Ribonucleoprotein (RNP) Delivery

    Blog Post
    ..., such as knockout generation or homologous recombination.  However, experiments that require long-term... laboratory reagents, equipment, and expertise. Final thoughts The Cas9-gRNA RNP method provides scientists...
  9. Tips for Writing a Good Cover Letter

    Blog Post
    ...with qPCR would make it easy to master ddPCR.  Finally, it’s a good idea to state why you’re applying ... you're ready to go! Good luck! This post was originally written by Maria Soriano-Carot in September 2016...
  10. Save Time with Transient Plant Leaf Transformations

    Blog Post
    ...vinblastine and vincristine, are regulated in the medicinal plant, the Catharanthus roseus (Figure 1). The...antibodies in plants using syringe agroinfiltration." Recombinant proteins from plants. Humana Press, 2009. 41-...
  11. Plasmids 101: Control Plasmids

    Blog Post
    ...factors need to be controlled for in order to eliminate any alternative interpretation of the results.... shown in Figure 2, this was likely due to the original transfection conditions. Now that we have successfully...
  12. Plasmids 101: Codon usage bias

    Blog Post
    ...codons, the ribosome may therefore stall at inappropriate locations or fail to make it through the entire...and is folding properly. References 1. Angov, Evelina, et al. "Heterologous protein expression is enhanced...
  13. Twenty Years of Sharing: Addgene's Viral Vector Service

    Blog Post
    ...GCaMP6 and jGCaMP7 do not. Most likely, it’s a combination of many factors unique to this set of tools and...quickly. Beyond the service This brings us to the final piece of the viral vectors service puzzle: the usefulness...
Showing: 721 - 740 of 911 results