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Showing: 701 - 720 of 911 results
  1. Kiran Musunuru on the Newest TALEN Genome-Editing System

    Blog Post
    ...plasmids out of the library in the appropriate combination and do a restriction enzyme digest to cut out...scientists relied on traditional homologous recombination. That technology had been used for decades to...
  2. Seven Tips for Using LinkedIn as a Scientist

    Blog Post
    ...LinkedIn may revoke your ability to send invitations. Finally, if you don’t know clearly why you are inviting...updates, or click bait of any kind. For more on inappropriate content see this article. However, do comment...
  3. Troubleshooting Your Plasmid Cloning Experiment

    Blog Post
    ... DNA that you want to assemble together in a combination of different ways according to your cloning strategy... or PCR products from a gel. You will avoid contamination from other DNA fragments and you will remove...
  4. Addgene's Tips for Plasmid Quality Control

    Blog Post
    ... (such as LTRs or ITRs), hairpins, or strong terminators. Detailed instructions on other factors to consider...when designing your primers can be found here. Finally, you will want to have a well-organized database...
  5. Career Coaching for Scientists: Why and Where Do I Find One?

    Blog Post
    ...carrying through on the actions you committed to. Finally, hiring a paid coach will make you take the experience...sensitive to this and have coaching plans that are financially accessible. Sometimes only a few hours of coaching...
  6. Rosella: A Fluorescent pH-Biosensor for Studying Autophagy

    Blog Post
    ...expressed. Pho8Δ60 localizes to the cytosol in an inactive form unless autophagy is induced. Then non-selective... Pho8 from its uncleaved to cleaved form is the final read out of this assay. This is also a quantitative...
  7. Antibodies 101: ELISA (Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay)

    Blog Post
    ...conjugated to the enzyme horseradish peroxidase (HRP). Finally, the substrate of HRP is added to the wells. This... the amount of your protein of interest in the original sample. The competitive ELISA is best used for...
  8. Hot Plasmids and Viral Preps - March 2021

    Blog Post
    ... DNA, an editor targets DNA (via catalytically inactive dCas9) to modify chromatin. A fluorescent protein...Ward lab created a tool-kit to expand upon these original tools that allows for both spatiotemporal protein...
  9. Fluorescent Proteins 101: Introduction to FRET

    Blog Post
    ...enable us to measure these properties, and what fascinating experiments could push these tools even further... Förster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) was originally described by Theodor Förster in 1948 as a variation...
  10. Cpf1 Update: Comparison to Cas9 and NgAgo

    Blog Post
    ...applications. Get More Cpf1 Background Here THE ORIGINAL NgAgo ARTICLE DISCUSSED IN THIS POST HAS BEEN ... What we still don't know about Cpf1 In their original paper characterizing Cpf1, Zetsche et al. suggested...
Showing: 701 - 720 of 911 results