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Showing: 681 - 700 of 911 results
  1. The Importance of High Titer for AAV Transductions

    Blog Post
    ...References 1.Clark, K. Reed. "Recent advances in recombinant adeno-associated virus vector production." Kidney...PMID: 11841606. 2. Schultz BR, Chamberlain JS. Recombinant Adeno-associated Virus Transduction and Integration...
  2. Pushing the Limits of DNA Assembly

    Blog Post
    ...restriction enzymes results in scarless assembly. Finally, the NEBuilder® HiFi DNA Assembly method from New...typical two oligos, is more cost effective and eliminates the annealing step usually used to create a double-stranded...
  3. How Dry Ice Affects Viral Vector Sample pH & How to Avoid It

    Blog Post sufficient to return the sample back to the original pH. What about putting it back in the freezer...Zolotukhin S. A simplified purification protocol for recombinant adeno-associated virus vectors. Mol Ther Methods...
  4. Addgene Depositors Get More Citations

    Blog Post
    ...Sloan School of Management. Professor Feng Zhang’s original 2013 gene editing paper on CRISPR/Cas amassed ... Research Methods. We also pulled the big interdisciplinary journals: Nature, Science, PLOS One, and PNAS...
  5. Plasmids 101: Environmental Plasmids

    Blog Post
    ...integrate into the host chromosome using DNA recombination systems. Some of these systems have been modified...One way to triumph over your neighbours is to eliminate the competition via the production of toxins and...
  6. Kiran Musunuru on the Newest TALEN Genome-Editing System

    Blog Post
    ...plasmids out of the library in the appropriate combination and do a restriction enzyme digest to cut out...scientists relied on traditional homologous recombination. That technology had been used for decades to...
  7. Clear and Accessible Writing

    Blog Post, as an instructive step-by-step guide.  Finally, when writing your alt text, use all of this information... equal to the buoyant force of the solution. Contaminants of lower densities are captured at the 17%, ...
  8. CRISPR 101: Non-Homologous End Joining

    Blog Post
    ...Ku then acts as a scaffold for recruitment of a kinase (DNA-PKcs) and a two subunit DNA ligase (XRCC4-...reduces breaks and mutations at off-target sites. Christina Mork contributed to the update of this post. Thank...
  9. Viral Vectors 101: Viral Applications

    Blog Post
    ...biology – they can deliver materials to specific destinations, haul a variety of cargo, and even handle a ...applications Vaccine development Attenuated and inactivated viruses pioneered vaccine development well over...
  10. Viral Vectors 101: Viruses as Biological Tools

    Blog Post
    ...them ideal for applications with whole organisms. Finally, viral delivery is typically straightforward across...for multiple diseases, including hemophilia B and spinal muscular atrophy.   Type of Virus Pros Cons ...
  11. Communicating Your Science With Help From ComSciCon

    Blog Post
    ...writing grant proposals to be reviewed by interdisciplinary panels.  And highly successful scientists ... graduate students in different regional and disciplinary communities gather at ComSciCon's local and ...
  12. Hot Plasmids - February 2022

    Blog Post
    ...identifying guide selection rules, and reducing recombination by finding acceptable variations in DR sequences... cassette provides increased simplicity for combinatorial genetic screens, and this optimized toolkit ...
  13. GPCRs: How Do They Work and How Do We Study Them?

    Blog Post
    ...dissociation from the GPCR allows for binding of a new inactive heterotrimeric G protein complex and subsequently...pathways from ligand to receptor to G-protein, and finally, to a response? Let’s take a look at a few examples...
  14. Luminescent Imaging with Nano-lanterns

    Blog Post
    ... very similar to the widely used FRET, but it eliminates the need for an excitation light source. Instead... medium to allow RLuc8 to produce photons. The original nano-lantern emitted yellow-green light and exhibited...
Showing: 681 - 700 of 911 results