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Showing: 601 - 620 of 901 results
  1. Adenoviral Vector Production and Troubleshooting

    Blog Post
    ...response against AdV. Importantly, recombination-competent adenovirus (RCA) can be generated if the E1 gene...negligible toxicity. However, their production is more complex and the presence of helper virus contaminants have...amplification.*Pro-Tip*: The cells will become completely confluent and the media will turn yellow. Do ...
  2. Simple CRISPR-based Epigenetic Editing: dCas9-directed DNA Demethylation

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    ...machinery.   Well, I’ve got some good news: complete DNA demethylation can be achieved by dCas9 alone...too.  High dCas9 and gRNA expression are key for complete DNA demethylation – tight binding is crucial for...Charlton J, Jung EJ, Mattei AL et al. (2020) TETs compete with DNMT3 activity in pluripotent cells at thousands...
  3. 7 Simple Strategies to Resolve Conflicts with Difficult Supervisors

    Blog Post
    ...who are usually antagonistic and impolite, Complainers, who spend most of their time moaning about their...with negative comments (hostile-aggressives, complainers, know-it all experts, wet-blanket from your colleagues or other supervisors to complete your work. Whether your supervisor is a negative...
  4. Antibodies 101: Choosing the Right Isotype

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    ...choosing antibodies   Complexity is a key factor Biological systems tend to be complex with a variety of ...proteins interacting. Experiments tend to be equally complex with users trying to probe multiple targets in ...
  5. No Llamas Required - Synthetic Nanobodies Against Membrane Proteins

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    ...proteins on the cell surface. Figure 1: Comparison of common antibody, HCab, and nanobody. For more...starting library size (up to 1012 members) in comparison to other display systems using phage and yeast...the end of the mRNA molecule, forming a ribosome complex consisting of the translated protein (sybody), ...
  6. Polymerase Chain Reaction Overview and Applications

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    ... fluorescent signal throughout the reaction is compared to a standard curve of amplified DNA of a known...The cycle in which the unknown DNA is detected compared to the standard curve can be used to determine... to note however, that multiplex PCR is more complicated to develop and is often less sensitive than PCRs...
  7. PRIDICT: Predicting Efficiencies of Prime Editing Guide RNAs

    Blog Post
    ...RNA (pegRNA). The pegRNA consists of a target-complementary spacer, a scaffold sequence, and an extension...accounting for some of the inherent inaccuracies of computational prediction models. In addition, we provide options...Switzerland), where he developed a strong passion for computational biology. His expertise includes applying machine...
  8. Which Fluorescent Protein Should I Use?

    Blog Post
    ...also is also called Bimolecular Fluorescence Complementation (BiFC). 8 points to keep in mind when choosing...divided by 1000. In many cases the brightness is compared to that of EGFP which is set as 1. Some proteins... BD bioscience. ilovegfp – a site with very comprehensive data sheets on many FP variants Plasmids 101...
  9. Plasmids 101: Optimizing Plasmid Yields

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    ...the cell lysis process. To ensure that lysis is complete, use a reagent like Qiagen’s LyseBlue, which uses... uses color to show you if lysis is incomplete. Protein expression strains are not good for cloning Bacterial...the material used for inoculation. To further complicate matters, plasmid copy numbers are often ambiguous...
  10. Isolating Genomic Regions of Interest with the CRISPR System

    Blog Post
    ...engineered DNA-binding molecule such as the CRISPR complex is expressed in cells to be analyzed, the Fujii...another "in vitro" form. In this form, the CRISPR complex, consisting of a recombinant dCas9 protein and ... a genomic locus through a specific gRNA-dCas9 complex. When combined with next-generation sequencing,...
  11. Deep Dive: Fixing and Permeabilizing for Immunofluorescence

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    ...your samples, the relationships between cellular components, and the accessibility of your target by dehydrating and precipitating cellular components. This method of fixation is good for epitopes...away your target (for example, some cytoskeletal components) and you want to fix and permeabilize in one ...
  12. Capturing a Moment with Marc Zimmer’s “The State of Science”

    Blog Post
    ...No examination of the state of science would be complete without the inclusion of some interesting case...Prashers will find it increasingly difficult to compete (for funding, etc.) with that produced by the confident...the U.S. environment, and a decline in the competitiveness of U.S. science and technology.” This last ...
  13. Better Dyeing Through Chemistry & Small Molecule Fluorophores

    Blog Post
    ...cells can decrease the number of fluorophores, compromising the photon budget. Likewise, the switch from...labeling chemistry easier and more functional in complex biological environments such as live cells and ...brightness of the resulting conjugate, and the complexity of the system. A particularly desirable property...
  14. Tips for CRISPR Gene Editing in Mice

    Blog Post
    ...ordering the sgRNA is simple and easy. Several companies supply gRNA sequences, such as GenScript, ThermoFisher...order them yourself through whatever DNA supply company you currently use. You can also find many previously...explored and it allowed control over each individual component of the system. However, it is easier to directly...
  15. Fluorescent Proteins 101: Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP)

    Blog Post
    ...importance of the entire GFP protein, which is almost completely required to maintain fluorescent activity; very...may not apply. Table 1: The specific mutations comprising common fluorophores Fluorescent Protein Mutations...chromophore to form with an indole rather than phenol component (cyan derivatives) Y66H Blue-shifts the wavelength...
  16. Viral Vectors 101: Pseudotyping

    Blog Post
    ...are differentially inactivated by nonspecific complement mechanisms in serum. Sometimes this is due to...sugars end up in the envelope and are targets for complement-based killing by anti-alphaGal antibodies. The... as described above and is inactivated by the complement system in serum (DePolo et al., 2000). Other ...
  17. To Codon Optimize or Not: That is the Question

    Blog Post
    ...the anticodon,  a three nucleotide sequence complementary to the mRNA sequence. The 3’ end of  the tRNA...resources (Athey et al., 2017) and many DNA synthesis companies, such as IDT, Genewiz and GenScript, offer tools...the other while other codons are under expressed compared to others. Image from Hiss et al., 2017. Most...
  18. Plasmids 101: Control Plasmids

    Blog Post
    ...needs a standard against which the results can be compared; results from an experiment lacking the proper...baseline/standard against which other samples can be compared. The Empty Vector Control (mentioned above) could... where expression of that gene is knocked out completely. These controls may or may not be plasmid-based...
  19. Viral Vectors 101: Preparing Pooled Libraries

    Blog Post
    ... amplify well and others don’t. The size and composition of your library can drastically impact what conditions...suffice…and the answer is no. Due to the size and complexity of pooled libraries, NGS is the best way to validate... plasmids didn’t amplify after your screen is completed!  Producing Your Lentiviral Library Once you've...
Showing: 601 - 620 of 901 results