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Showing: 601 - 620 of 791 results
  1. The 12 Days of CRISPR

    Blog Post
    ...the 1st day of CRISPR, Addgene gave to me: An engineered prime editor with enhanced editing efficiency...
  2. Summer Fun at Addgene!

    Blog Post
    ...webinar “Navigating an Expanding Landscape for Engineered Systemic AAVs” with the director of CalTech’s...
  3. Our New Antibody Mascot is....

    Blog Post
    ...  This as-yet–unnamed friend is a huge fan of scavenger hunts. In fact, they’ve been following a set of...
  4. Newly Updated AAV Data Hub!

    Blog Post
    ...dendritic spines!  Curious? Watch our AAV Data Hub Challenge recording to see two reports presented by the ...
  5. New Viral Vectors - Summer 2024

    Blog Post
    ...2xNLS-tdTomato-WPRE-hGHpolyA AAV9, PHP.eB Controls Feng New viral service, multiple serotypes Looking...
  6. Editor's Choice, October 2016

    Blog Post
    ...Grad School Advice Part 2: Building Community Engineering the Plant Genome Using CRISPR/Cas9 Healthcare...
  7. Fueled by Coffee at #SfN14

    Blog Post
    ...experiments. Speaking of CRISPRs, we were excited to have Feng Zhang (of the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard...
  8. A Scientist's Guide to Ebola

    Blog Post
    ...papers freely available here. -PLoS and The New England Journal of Medicine have similarly curated their...
  9. What's New in CRISPR - May 2019

    Blog Post
    ...deamination of RNA cytosines in human cells. Thus, they engineered two CBE variants with mutations in the rat APOBEC1...
Showing: 601 - 620 of 791 results