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Showing: 581 - 600 of 934 results
  1. Lab to Office Culture Shock

    Blog Post
    ...their best interest to do so, sure, but it also eliminates that feeling of floundering one can have at an office job. I’ve frequently told job candidates over the years that one of the things I options are expanding. As someone who coordinates cross-team projects at Addgene, I find that my...
  2. Supporting Reproducibility with a Connected ELN

    Blog Post
    ...describe how each of these kinds of connectivity facilitates reproducibility. Connectivity to other data sources...available for public access, review, and query. Gates Open Research and Wellcome Open Research both accept...Framework, Data Dryad, and Figshare. Any ELN that facilitates reproducibility has to make it easy to export...
  3. Bacterial Toxin-antitoxin Systems as Molecular Biology Tools

    Blog Post
    ...grows resulting in the appearance of unmethylated sites in the chromosome. The more stable endonuclease immune response. As a proof of concept, they tested a lux-mediated bioluminescence reporter in vivo...hok/sok system of plasmid R1: Sok antisense RNA regulates hok gene expression indirectly through the overlapping...
  4. Four Base Editing Reporters to Monitor and Enrich Editing in Real-time

    Blog Post
    ...base-pair mCherry insertion. Editing of these motifs generates lesions that are subject to excision and ssDNA...-Beier et al., 2019. The team put TREE to the test by infecting HEK-293 cells with the BFP variant,, 2020. As a proof of concept the Dow lab tested their hypothesis with GFP fluorescence. To do this...
  5. Rett Syndrome: A History of Research and Therapeutic Outlooks

    Blog Post
    ...role of the MECP2 gene, and highlights some of the latest breakthrough therapeutic approaches. What is Rett... the work of the consortium, two gene therapy candidates advanced into clinical development programs in... syndrome gene therapy improves survival and ameliorates behavioral phenotypes in MeCP2 null (S51.002)...
  6. The PAM Requirement and Expanding CRISPR Beyond SpCas9

    Blog Post
    ...HDR-mediated gene editing is most efficient when target sites are located in close proximity to the region to ...editing than wild-type SpCas9, even when targeting sites that are known to produce off-target editing was Cas12a (formerly Cpf1), a nuclease that generates double strand breaks in target genes resulting...
  7. Changing Labor Laws Bring Increased Postdoc Wages

    Blog Post
    ...increase from $23,660 to $47,476 per year, under updates to the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). This is... must be above this level, and certain job duty tests must be met. In the Department of Labor’s general...postdocs should be paid according to the National Institutes of Health National Research Service Award (NRSA...
  8. Plasmids 101: Common Lab E. coli Strains

    Blog Post
    ...them in 1885. E. coli are mainly found in the intestinal tract of animals. There are many different naturally...coli used today are descended from two individual isolates, the K-12 strain and the B strain. K-12 was isolated...typically standard; just having the gene listed indicates it is non-functional. If a gene is deleted, it...
  9. New Optogenetic Tools for Cytoskeleton and Membrane Control

    Blog Post
    ...GFP-PASS (green). After 30 minutes of blue light illumination, substantial PA accumulates in the plasma membranes...optogenetics plasmids – and keep an eye out for future updates to the collection! Resources and references Additional...
  10. Antibodies 101: Beyond Surface Labeling

    Blog Post
    ...advantage of this system is that streptavidin conjugates are commercially available for a wide range of... heterogeneous cell mixes, like bulk lympho-/splenocytes, you might only be interested in one of the various...mummification). Permeabilization, as the name suggests, perforates the cell membrane to allow for antibodies to ...
  11. Five Popular Model Organisms, Part 2

    Blog Post
    ...propagated and have a generation time of around 20 minutes, they are perfect for molecular cloning and far from perfect. One of the most limiting attributes of rats is their difficult to manipulate genome...making them useful for in vivo studies. These attributes make frog eggs some of the most useful tools ...
  12. Transferable Skills Guide: Time Management

    Blog Post
    ...saying something like, “I’ll be there in a few minutes, I just need to split some cells.” Inevitably, ... Word or google doc that I can comment and make notes on as I progress. I’ve also recently started using...Business Review article on procrastination recommends testing out how much time you can possibly handle doing...
  13. 10 Steps to a Perfect Science Talk

    Blog Post
    ...speakers talk without looking at their slides or notes. Listen to their stories and narratives (see below... that you can deliver most of your talk without notes. Don’t be hard on yourself if you stumble or make...more engaging session. The best speakers use no notes and can concentrate on delivery, rapport with the...
  14. Plasmids 101: Dimers and Multimers

    Blog Post
    ...expected fragments for that plasmid. This phenomenon indicates the presence of a multimer.   Fig. 1:... be used to detect multimers, since restriction sites in multimers usually repeat in tandem along with... of the plasmid monomer (see this article from BiteSize Bio for more information on how different plasmid...
  15. Is this the right place for me? 8 tactics for choosing a lab

    Blog Post
    ...for the PI and lab members.  Make coffee or beer dates to talk to as many lab alumni as you can or schedule...or at least observe grant writing? Get equipment quotes? Understand administrative responsibilities? Is...this blog as a guide. Start a document to record notes and observations so you have data to review when...
  16. Protocol - pLKO.1 – TRC Cloning Vector

    Protocol worn at all times. Use plastic pipettes in place of glass pipettes or needles. Liquid waste should be...shRNA oligos are cloned into the AgeI and EcoRI sites in place of the stuffer. The AgeI site is destroyed... 10x NEB buffer 2 35 μL ddH 2 O Incubate for 4 minutes at 95°C in a PCR machine or in a beaker of boiling...PCR machine, incubate the sample at 70°C for 10 minutes then slowly cool to room temperature over the period...following manufacturer’s protocol. Plate on LB agar plates containing 100 μg/mL ampicillin or carbenicillin...swirling or gently flicking the tube. Incubate for 5 minutes at room temperature. e. Add 80 μL of FuGENE® master...gently flicking the tube. f. Incubate for 20-30 minutes at room temperature. g. Retrieve HEK-293T cells...
  17. Antibodies 101: Validation

    Blog Post
    ...aware of any possible alternative translation start sites or alternative splicing that could lead to some ...with your protein of interest and show just the faintest band from the cells transfected with the great in another context! So the next time you test an antibody (perhaps one from Addgene!), consider...
  18. Finding Your Science Policy Path

    Blog Post
    ...Each path to science policy is unique and this creates a rich and diverse workforce. Out of all the career...interests.  Action Items:  Sign up to receive updates from ESAL and explore their Local Engagement Playbook...others (see more in Figure 2). Starting early demonstrates not only your interest to future positions, ...
Showing: 581 - 600 of 934 results