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Showing: 581 - 600 of 904 results
  1. Addgene’s Viral Service - Why Virus? Why Now?

    Blog Post
    ...service supporters We would like to thank the companies who supported this project with funding. Alnylam...donations. That seed money was used to build a completely self-supporting service so that Addgene is not...distribution, this project involved every Addgenie in the company. Our Finance, Business and Legal teams had to pave...
  2. Developing a cold tolerant E. coli using specialized chaperones

    Blog Post
    ...However, one of the many proteins which are not compatible with regular mesophilic systems are the psychrophilic...chaperones protein resulted in higher levels of growth compared to the E. coli strain expressing the empty vector... Medal in the Undergrad category at the iGEM Competition 2019. He has an active interest in scientific...
  3. Viral Vectors 101: Types of viruses

    Blog Post
    ...that use reverse transcriptase to synthesize complementary DNA copies of their genome upon infecting a ...gamma-retrovirus are so closely related, their required components are very similar. While plasmids containing virus-specific...between the two systems, other, more general, viral components such as a heterologous envelope or a post-transcriptional...
  4. Viral Vectors 101: Viruses as Biological Tools

    Blog Post
    ...nature, extra safety measures, like replication incompetent viral particles, are required. We will be covering...infect both non-dividing and dividing cells. They accomplish this through nuclear localization signals which... immunodeficiency virus type 1 preintegration complexes.” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 89 (1992) 6580...
  5. Form Your Own Peer Mentoring Group: A How-To Guide for Scientists

    Blog Post start a more formal mentoring program at my company, but there weren't enough senior people willing... such as pre-reads, videos or exercises to be completed in preparation for the meeting or to be read or... and help each other practice meeting people – compete for fastest to set up a coffee date or most cards...
  6. Plasmids for Endogenous Gene Tagging in Human Cells

    Blog Post
    ...get the molecular components of CRISPR/Cas9 (Cas9 protein and the crRNA-tracrRNA complex) and the donor ...destabilizes the cell’s outer membrane and allows the components to physically enter the cells so they can go ...
  7. Uncertainty about Labor Law Brings More Uncertainty to Postdoc Wages

    Blog Post
    ... had been collecting data and documenting the compliance of universities with the FLSA in our online resource... salary raising as the only viable option for compliance. However, 10 days prior to the implementation...opportunity of the lapsed mandate (or are being compelled at the state level, in the case of some public...
  8. Gendered Innovations: Why Does Sex of the Cell Matter?

    Blog Post
    ...Stanford University. Sex and gender are critical components of biological research that are often forgotten...cost at this early stage of research is minimal compared to that of human clinical trials. And, as Janine...studies that draw from a body of research that is incomplete (because sex was not analyzed) may harm humans...
  9. RNA Extraction Without A Kit

    Blog Post
    ...or tissue collection method, so biotechnology companies have marketed several products that help to further... RNAzol®, QIAzol®  and sold by many different companies). TRIzol® is an all-in-one acid-guanidinium-phenol... is the carryover of DNA that can potentially complicate results of a downstream application such as quantitative...
  10. Hot Plasmids - March 2020 - base editors, GEVI, MoClo, and optogenetics

    Blog Post
    ... was also between 1013 - 1014 vg/kg, a dosage comparable to those currently used in human gene therapy...fluorescent voltage indicators, however, fall short compared to GFP-based sensors in terms of response and ...precision of gene expression and reduces toxicity as compared to previous Cre/lox or drug-induced Cre systems...
  11. Plasmid Tools for Microbiome Studies

    Blog Post
    ...validated their platform on clinical stool samples by comparison to qPCR and demonstrated that it can also detect...without fixation or preparation, and deliver CRISPR components for gene disruption or CRISPRi. While designed...bacteriophage shell protein or a bacterial microcompartment protein. The expression of this fusion is ...
  12. Channelrhodopsins with improved light sensitivity for minimally-invasive optogenetics

    Blog Post
    ... light sensitive and have enhanced conductance compared to current channelrhodopsins. Their new channelrhodopsins...neurons do not express as many copies of the ChRs as compared to direct injection. This lower multiplicity of...better suited for systemic delivery with PHP.eB compared to the existing ChR2(H134R).  In the second experiment...
  13. To Each HIS Own

    Blog Post
    ...proteins within a system. This can be pretty complicated given that a single cell has tens of thousands...strategy a single protein can be isolated from a complex mix using affinity chromatography against an amino...then eluted using a high imidazole buffer that outcompetes the interaction between the protein of interest...
  14. CRISPR 101: Cas9 vs. The Other Cas(s)

    Blog Post guided by an RNA molecule, the gRNA, to a complementary site in the genome where it will proceed to ...that Cas14 also indiscriminately cleaves non-complementary ssDNA when engaged by its target sequence. Why...Cas7-11 Cas7-11 is a naturally occurring RNase composed of the fusion of several Cas7 and Cas11 domains...
  15. Addgene's Tips for Plasmid Quality Control

    Blog Post
    ...Cloner, and Snapgene), and save these to a shared computer or server. This will ensure that future members...more than two sequencing reactions. In the more complex cases, we sometimes have to design new primers ...saves us the step of purifying the DNA and gives comparable success rates and sequence quality, which is ...
  16. Engaging with science and society at pgEd

    Blog Post
    ...of science, even while I was a bench scientist completing my graduate studies in molecular biology and ...for the past three years. pgEd is a small team comprised of individuals from diverse backgrounds and context. This “general public” audience comprises the taxpayers who fund much of scientific research...
  17. Adenoviral Vector Production and Troubleshooting

    Blog Post
    ...response against AdV. Importantly, recombination-competent adenovirus (RCA) can be generated if the E1 gene...negligible toxicity. However, their production is more complex and the presence of helper virus contaminants have...amplification.*Pro-Tip*: The cells will become completely confluent and the media will turn yellow. Do ...
  18. Lab Automation at Addgene

    Blog Post
    ...allowing us to do up to 96 transformations in one run compared to doing about 50 transformations in the same ...increased plasmid demand it was too time consuming to complete this process by hand and we welcomed yet another...liquid handler can fill 400 vials in 35 minutes compared to a lab assisstant filling about 200 vials in...
  19. Science communication: 9 Strategies to Get Your Foot in the Door

    Blog Post
    ...itself. Among other things, science communication comprises broadcasting, science writing, and certain aspects... get on stage for a Science Slam – a sort of competitive TED talk – to win the audience’s applause and participate in a science photo competition. Or nominate yourself as an educator for a short...
  20. Simple CRISPR-based Epigenetic Editing: dCas9-directed DNA Demethylation

    Blog Post
    ...machinery.   Well, I’ve got some good news: complete DNA demethylation can be achieved by dCas9 alone...too.  High dCas9 and gRNA expression are key for complete DNA demethylation – tight binding is crucial for...Charlton J, Jung EJ, Mattei AL et al. (2020) TETs compete with DNMT3 activity in pluripotent cells at thousands...
Showing: 581 - 600 of 904 results