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Showing: 41 - 60 of 563 results
  1. TALEN Guide

    ...par with ZF arrays, if not slightly lower. Figure 2: Simplified representation of the Voytas/Bogdanove...variety of backbones in just a few steps ( Figure 2 ). The Bogdanove group also hosts web-based software...mammalian transcription. Nat Biotechnol. 2011 Feb;29(2):149-53. PMID: 21248753 . TALEs for the masses. Rusk.... Targeted gene disruption in somatic zebrafish cells using engineered TALENs. Sander JD, Cade L, Khayter...
  2. CRISPR History and Development for Genome Engineering

    ...RNA-guided regulation of transcription in eukaryotes. Cell . 154(2):442-51. PMID: 23849981 Ishino Y, Shinagawa ...Single RNA-Guided Endonuclease of a Class 2 CRISPR-Cas System. Cell . 163(3):759-71. PMID: 26422227 Zetsche...transcribed to make the pre-CRISPR RNA (pre-crRNA). (2) The pre-crRNA is processed into individual crRNAs...2015. Class 1 (Multi-subunit effector complex) Class 2 (Single multi-domain effector) Type I (Cas3) Type ... with unprecedented speed and specificity. Figure 2: An overview of CRISPR and NHEJ/HDR. The Cas9/gRNA...genomic loci in living human cells by an optimized CRISPR/Cas system. Cell . 155(7):1479-91. PMID: 24360272... for Mapping Multiprotein Complexes in Human Cells. Cell Rep . 13(3):621-33. PMID: 26456817 Fu Y, Sander...
  3. Adenovirus Plasmids

    ...recombining shuttle plasmids Vogelstein 16401 pAdEasy-2 Adenoviral For recombining shuttle plasmids; for use...transgene under CMV promoter Vogelstein 16407 pAdEasy 2-GFP beta-gal Shuttle Test plasmid that contains β a broad range of dividing and non-dividing cell types with almost 100% efficiency. Unlike lentiviruses...recombination of adenovirus plasmids in either mammalian cells or microorganisms, including bacteria and yeast....can then be transfected into mammalian packaging cell lines to generate adenovirus particles. Read our...
  4. CRISPR 101: Making a Knock-In Cell Line

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    ...Disable the other repair mechanisms Mammalian cells have 2 primary repair mechanisms besides HR - Non-homologous... However, if you have a larger knock-in (200 bp – 2 kb), a dsDNA donor will need to be used due to synthesis...accidentally change your protein of interest.   Fig. 2: Stop re-cutting with PAM and guide RNA disrupting.... Com., 8(2024), (2017). 10.1038/s41467-017-01836-2 Charpentier, M., Khedher, A. H. Y., Menerot, S., Brion...varying across cell types. Variance can be caused by cell cycle rates; rapidly diving cells will have higher... of your cells. Enrich S-phase cells HR operates predominantly in S and G2 phase of the cell cycle, when...HDR events, ensure cells are actively cycling through the cell cycle stages. If cells are overly confluent...
  5. Opto-Nanobodies: Using Light to Manipulate Cell Signaling and Protein Purification

    Blog Post
    ...non-specific proteins, and then elute YFP.  Option #2: Opto-Nanobodies (OptoNBs) purification You skip lights. Which option do you choose?  Option #2 may sound like fiction, but light-controlled protein...experiments.  AsLOV2 Inertion Site mCherry #1 mCherry #2 GFP Loop 1 dark-induced dark-induced dark-induced...OptoNBs to control cell signaling The second application for OptoNBs takes us into cells: light-based control... regulation of endogenous signaling activity in cells.  Let’s shed some light on the key components of...their use for protein purification and controlling cell signaling. Key components of OptoNBs OptoNBs have...can bind, it co-localizes with its target at the cell membrane and when the OptoNB can’t bind, it localizes...
  6. Antibody Plasmid Collection

    ...phage display. J Immunol Methods. 2000 Aug 28;242(1-2):159-81. Carlos Barbas Vector system for expression...+J phagemid libraries. Immunol Lett. 2015 Oct;167(2):95-102. Joanna Bereta Sybody Generation Toolbox for...expressing these in bacteria, mammalian cells, yeast, plants, or insect cells. Benefits include consistency between... research purposes include animals or hybridoma cells, but are difficult to generate due to expense and...monoclonal antibodies (R-mAbs) expressed in mammalian cells. Monoclonal antibodies are derived from an individual...transiently transfected into mammalian tissue culture cells, the R-mAbs are secreted into the culture media ...
  7. Photosensitizer Induced Cell Ablation with FAP-TAP MG-2I-dL5**

    Blog Post
    ... post treatment (see figure 2). Induced cell death was confirmed by TUNEL staining.  The video below shows...fluorogen activating protein - dL5** in this case), and 2) a fluorogen (the TAP - targeted and activated photosensitizer...PMID: 26808669. PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4916159. 2. Jacobson, K., Rajfur, Z., Vitriol, E., & Hahn, K....HEK293 cell culture and in live zebrafish. For cell culture experiments, only dL5**-expressing cells treated...inactivate target proteins or cells while having little effect on neighboring cells. The photosensitizer used...Here Light-induced cell ablation with MG-2I-dL5** He et al tested out light-induced cell ablation with MG...effective killing of dL5** cells without death of neighboring bystander wild-type cells.   Zebrafish experiments...
  8. Starter Guide to induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSCs) Part 2:  Reprogramming and Transdifferentiation

    Blog Post
    ...Induction of Human Germ Cell Fate from Pluripotent Stem Cells. Cell Stem Cell, 2015. 17(2): p. 178-94. PubMed... of human induced pluripotent stem cells. Stem Cell Rev, 2015. 11(2): p. 242-53. PubMed PMID: 25578634...differentiated somatic cell to revert back to a pluripotent stage (iPSC formation) [2, 3]. The iPSCs then...somatic cells via various methods. Some of the more common delivery methods include retrovirus [2], lentivirus...PubMed PMID: 16810240. 2. Takahashi, K., et al., Induction of pluripotent stem cells from adult human fibroblasts...three routes to regeneration. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol, 2011. 12(2): p. 79-89. PubMed PMID: 21252997. 37. Merrell...differentiation of human ES cells and iPS cells into mature pancreatic insulin-producing cells. Cell Res, 2009. 19(...
  9. Adeno Associated Virus (AAV) for Cell and Gene Therapy

    Blog Post
    ...postmitotic, long-lived cell types. AAVs in the clinic Thus far, AAV vectors AAV1, AAV-2, AAV1-AAV2 hybrids...neutralizing antibodies against some AAV types, AAV1, 2, 3 and 5 are thought to be as high as 70% among the... 10.24 (2003): 1999-2004. PubMed PMID: 14566358.  2. Hirsch, M. L., et al. "Self-complementary AAV mediates... do so, their T-cells were grown in vitro, their mutations corrected, and the T-cells were transferred...functioning T cell repertoire (1). In this example, it was possible to transduce the T-cells outside the...a wide range of cell types including but not limited to muscle, liver, and brain cells. There are a multitude...chain (c) and is characterized by a lack of immune cell development and function. To date, gene therapy ...
  10. Cloning Mammalian Cells with the Agarose Method

    Blog Post
    ...splitting transfected cells into 3 plates at different densities for selection). A 2% agarose solution is...transition from a 48-well cell plate to a 96-well assay plate. We generally freeze at least 2 ampules each of 4...of agarose, which is then overlaid with the firmer 2% agarose gel solution discussed above for picking.... a wide variety of cell lines, from HEK to CHO cells to neural and endocrine cells such as AtT-20, PC12...then handled. Additionally, many cell lines, especially the endocrine cell lines we most commonly work with...specific cell line, and its transfection efficiency. We often trypsinize the transfected cells on the day...increased). For some cells, add a drop of serum to aid in outgrowth. Depending on the cell type, we sometimes...
  11. Zinc Finger Consortium: Zinc Finger Arrays

    ...gene modification. Maeder ML et al. Mol Cell. . 2008. Jul 25. 31(2):294-301. PubMed PMID 18657511 . Oligomerized...OPEN OPEN gGTCATCTGCcattcGAGGCGGACa REST corepressor 2 OZ553 and OZ554 OPEN OPEN gCTCACCATCtgttggaTGCGATGGAa...
  12. Isolating a Monoclonal Cell Population by Limiting Dilution

    ...Seed individual cells in a 96-well plate Day 2–14: Monitor cells for growth and expand cells Day 14–30: Analyze...colony size. Figure 2: Cas9 expression in monoclonal cell lines generated from A549 cells transduced with ... CO 2 incubator Pipet controller Hazardous waste container Microscope Hemocytometer or other cell counter... is about 2 × 10 6 cells in a 10 cm dish. Each 10 cm dish should be seeded in 10 mL DMEM complete, which...transgene expression ( Figure 2 ). Sample Data Figure 1: Generation of monoclonal cell lines from expansion of...Biological Safety Cabinet 0.5–10 µL single channel pipette 2–20 µL single channel pipette 20–200 µL single channel...of a 5 cell/mL solution. Calculate the total cells needed: Total cells needed: 10 mL × 5 cells/mL = 50...
  13. Virus Protocol - Generating Stable Cell Lines

    ...surviving cells. Even in the absence of cell death, the cell media should be changed every 2–3 days to...Day 0: Seed and transduce Cells Day 2–3 (am): Remove media, replace with fresh media containing selection...into two 75 cm 2 flasks, etc. Pro-Tip This selection method results in a polyclonal cell population, meaning...Safety Cabinet 0.5–10 µL single channel pipette 2–20 µL single channel pipette 20–200 µL single channel... 200–1000 µL single channel pipette Ice bucket CO 2 incubator Pipet controller Hazardous waste container... the cell media. Cell death by some cells in the culture may adversely affect the surviving cells in to make the cell solution in this step. To seed the cells: Prepare a batch of cells as follows: Dilute...
  14. CRISPR Protocol for Genomic Deletions in Mammalian Cell Lines [Video]

    Blog Post
    ...deletions in human cells using zinc finger nucleases. Genome Res. 2010 Jan;20(1):81-89. PubMed. 2. Bauer DE, ...with TALENs, in collaboration with the Porteus lab [2]. With the advent of CRISPR/Cas9, we began to explore...CRISPR plasmids into MEL cells by electroporation, sort your transfected cells via FACS, primer validation...article "Generation of Genomic Deletions in Mammalian Cell Lines via CRISPR/Cas9" from the Journal of Visualized...CRISPR/Cas9 to create genomic deletions in mammalian cell lines. Below Bauer and Canver discuss the motivations...deletions is to produce monoallelic deletion clones. Cells with just a single intact copy at a given locus ...screening by conventional PCR. Biallelically disrupted cells can be easily identified. Even in the case of clones...
  15. AAVED

    ...Regulation Ben Deverman 2:00 PM Cre-DOG and Combinatorial Strategies Connie Cepko 2:45 PM Break 3:00 PM (...GCaMP6f-P2A-nls-dTomato Detailed protocol: AAV Production in HEK293 Cells Please share materials by uploading to your Dropbox...
  16. CRISPR Guide

    ... or (2) a lack of efficient target cleavage in cells expressing both Cas9 and gRNA. Edited cells may be...Ferguson-Smith A, Li D, Yang L, Wu Y, Li J. Cell Stem Cell . 17(2):221-32. PMID: 26165924 Discovery of cancer...will transduce cells with the lentiviral library (panel E ). Remember - if you are using a 2-vector system...McGregor MJ, Krogan NJ, Bondy-Denomy J. Cell . Jan 12;168(1-2):150-158.e10. PMID: 28041849 Multiplex gene... JC, Weissman JS, Dueber JE, Qi LS, Lim WA. Cell . 160(1-2):339-50. PMID: 25533786 Epigenome editing by...Whitehead EH, Doudna JA, Lim WA, Weissman JS, Qi LS. Cell . 154(2):442-51. PMID: 23849981 DNA targeting specificity...Sequences Glossary Publications CRISPR Overview Class 2 C lustered R egularly I nterspaced S hort P alindromic...
  17. Huang Lab CRISPR Plasmids

    ... Ma K, Li Z, Zhang X, Zhang P, Huang X. Cell Res . 2013 Apr 2. PubMed PMID 23545779 . PMC3641603 . Individual...
  18. Four Factors that Differentiate the Stem Cell Field

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    ... Podcast Interview with Stem Cell Researcher Darrell Kotton 2. Stem cell scientists care about patients...explained that it took 50 people nearly 2 years to create the first stem cell line that could be used in clinical...prevent stem cell lines from becoming the new HeLa cells?), genome engineering and stem cells, and the difficulty...opportunity to see Shinya Yamanaka celebrate the tenth anniversary of his landmark Cell paper showing that it was...generate induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) capable of forming nearly all cell types in the body from otherwise... happening. Stem cells scientists have certainly not lost site of that. 3. Stem cell science is hard, ...otherwise terminally differentiated cells simply by expressing four proteins Oct4, Sox2, Klf4, and cMyc...
  19. Fluorescent Protein Guide: FRET

    ...referred to as intermolecular or bimolecular FRET) or (2) conformational changes within a protein where the...standard consisting of ECFP and EYFP connected by 2 GGSGGS repeats pET28CLY3 Peptide linker standard consisting...Protein Resources: Empty Backbones Biosensors Subcellular localization Optogenetics Background Förster ... Constructs to target mTurquoise2 to various subcellular compartments pCEP4CyPet-MAMM Cyan Mammalian Expresses...
Showing: 41 - 60 of 563 results