27 Hot Plasmids from 2016
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...PMID: 23328393
Wu lab human lentiviral CRISPR library
CRISPR pooled libraries enable researchers to...Drosophila CRISPR library
Addgene has had the privilege of distributing several human and murine CRISPR pooled... Toronto KnockOut (TKO) CRISPR Library. This complex second-generation CRISPR lentiviral library targets...for high-throughput CRISPR/Cas9 gene modification in Caenorhabditis elegans
CRISPR/Cas9 technology has...lab overcame this hurdle using CRISPR technology. First, they used CRISPR to create OsTIR1-expressing cell...Find Lourido CRISPR Plasmids.
Sidik and Huet, et al. Cell. 2016. PubMed PMID: 27594426
CRISPR-X: dCas9-...mutants. CRISPR-X, a new system from Michael Bassik’s lab, overcomes this obstacle. With CRISPR-X, dCas9...