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Showing: 561 - 563 of 563 results
  1. Protocol - How to Ligate Plasmid DNA

    ...10μL reaction for 5X buffer) 0.5-1μL T4 DNA Ligase H 2 O to a total of 10μL Notes: If the DNA concentrations...complete plasmid can be transformed into bacterial cells for propagation. The majority of ligation reactions...Interpretation Uncut vector - Checks viability of competent cells and verifies the antibiotic resistance of the plasmid...
  2. Plasmid Cloning by Restriction Enzyme Digest (with Protocols)

    ...DNA concentration alone. One method is to conduct 2 ligations for each plasmid you are trying to create...use electro-competent cells instead of the more common chemically-competent cells. The number of bacterial...might need to express YGOI in cultured mammalian cells. The problem is that the only version of full-length... manufacturer’s instructions for your competent cells. For most standard cloning, you can transform 1-...1-2μl of your ligation reaction into competent cells such as DH5alpha or TOP10. If using much less total...colonies, you might want to use higher competency cells. Additionally, if your final product is going to...
  3. Plasmid Cloning by PCR (with Protocols)

    ...DNA concentration alone. One method is to conduct 2 ligations for each plasmid you are trying to create...use electro-competent cells instead of the more common chemically-competent cells. The number of bacterial... manufacturer’s instructions for your competent cells. For most standard cloning, you can transform 1-...1-2μl of your ligation reaction into competent cells such as DH5alpha or TOP10. If using much less total...colonies, you might want to use higher competency cells. Additionally, if your final product is going to...
Showing: 561 - 563 of 563 results