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Showing: 521 - 540 of 581 results
  1. 27 Hot Plasmids from 2016

    Blog Post
    ...population within a given tissue rather than a mixed sample. TRIBE was developed in Drosophila, and further...
  2. Antibody Guide

    ...application Collect and lyse samples to make proteins available. Tissue samples may need additional processing...culture samples to extract proteins. Homogenize (tissues only) and lyse. Cross-link the samples with formaldehyde...isotype. Overview of application Fix your samples. Prepare your samples using permeabilization, antigen retrieval...Blank controls in the form of sample buffer must also be run. Unique samples (non-biological replicates)...cultured B cells, where each culture should produce the same antibody clone, or from plasmid-based expression...factors, binding partners, location in the cell, and sample processing can hide or reveal epitopes on an antigen...contain antibodies targeting various epitopes on the same antigen. Polyclonal antibodies are often more environmentally...
  3. CRISPR Guide

    ...protein, instead of a two-component system (Figure 9C) SAM activators - co-expression of dCas9-VP64 with a modified... ensures that all gRNAs will be expressed in the same cell. This is called multiplexing , and increases...deletions or inversions with two gRNA sites on the same chromosome. Most multiplex systems enable researchers...sequence ~1 kb shorter than SpCas9 while retaining the same basic function. Its size allows it to be efficiently...from Neisseria meningitidis ), which are about the same size as SaCas9, with higher fidelity than SpCas9... types of base edits: Base transitions - edit to same classification of nucleotide base ( enzyme evolved to excise inosine to access the same repair pathway and convert A to any other base. ...
  4. AAV Titration by qPCR Using SYBR Green Technology

    ...empty NTC C AAV reference Sample 3 D E Sample 1 Sample 4 F E Sample 2 Sample 5 F Perform data analysis...most samples. If sample is expected to have a titer <1 x 10 12 GC/mL, use dilutions 3–6 If sample is expected...standards and samples in duplicate at least If possible, include an AAV reference sample of known titer...Count the number of samples (n) and prepare master mix for an additional 10 samples (n+10 – the additional...that there is enough master mix for all samples). Each sample requires 15 μL of master mix. Pro-Tips Use...pipetting error and sample evaporation. Make the master mix after all the samples have been added to the...virion). 5 μL sample + 39 μL H 2 O + 5 μL 10X DNase buffer + 1 μL DNase Gently mix sample (do not vortex...
  5. Centrifugation

    Protocol filled with water to the same volume as your samples. If your samples are significantly higher density...liquid sample. It achieves this by using centrifugal force, which is generated by spinning the sample at ... which you need to spin your samples. For example, spinning down samples in 1.5 mL microfuge tubes at ...the pellets form in approximately the same place in each sample. Place the centrifuge’s internal lid on...centrifuge to separate different components in a liquid sample. Protocols... containers, spin at different speeds, or keep samples at specific temperatures. This protocol will cover...for the biosafety level of the lab space Reagents Sample to be centrifuged Water Background Information ...
  6. Using a Light Microscope Protocol

    ...helps concentrate the light onto the sample, and then through the sample. However, some of that light won’...hitting the sample or b) using dyes or stains that add color to some components of the sample but not others... power objective to find your sample. Place your slide (or other sample type) on the microscope that the light shines onto your sample. To ensure that your sample is adequately illuminated, look through... coarse focus knob to bring your sample into focus. Once your sample is in focus, use the stage arm to... you can easily see your sample. Then use the focus knobs to bring the sample into focus. Pro-Tip As you...magnification used, any stains used in your sample, and sample information so that you or others can interpret...
  7. Coomassie Purity Stain of Recombinant Antibodies

    ...of 4X sample buffer to each sample. Add 2 µL 10X reducing agent to each sample. Spin the sample briefly...concentration of your samples based on your sample’s HC + LC area. Example calculation: If the sample HC + LC Area...Invitrogen NP0001 4X NuPage sample buffer, Invitrogen NP0007 10X NuPage sample reducing agent (500 mM dithiothreitol...microcentrifuge. Heat the samples for 10 min at 100 °C in a heat block. Spin the sample briefly in the lane before loading samples. Load 20 µL of each recombinant antibody sample to the appropriate well... mobility of the bands (sample AR0016 in Figure 1) indicates that the samples may not have been processed... SimplyBlue SafeStain) and ImageJ software. The sample is separated by denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis...
  8. Affinity Purification of Recombinant Antibodies with Protein A or Protein G

    ...finite binding capacity. If your sample exceeds the capacity, divide the sample among multiple columns. For...4 mL of recombinant antibody sample. Pro-Tip If the volume of the sample is greater than 4 mL , then divide... Slowly apply the sample to the center of the compact resin bed. Pro-Tip For sample volumes <1.5 mL top...the sample with 0.2 mL PBS to aid protein recovery. Allow the resin bed to fully absorb the sample. Centrifuge...Spectrophotometer to see if the sample has reached the desired concentration. If the sample concentration is still... to see if the sample has reached the desired concentration. Gently transfer the sample from the reservoir...Determine the protein concentration of the pooled sample on the NanoDrop Spectrophotometer using the A280...
  9. Kit Free RNA Extraction

    ... 10 seconds. Incubate sample(s) for 15 minutes on ice and centrifuge the sample(s) for 15 minutes at 12,000...Always wear gloves, and whenever possible, keep RNA sample and reagents cold and work quickly to reduce RNA...use 1 mL of Solution D per 1 X 10 7 cells. Allow sample(s) to sit at room temperature for 5 minutes to ... tissues such as bone, or bacteria/yeast/plant samples will require additional steps to effectively the cells. Extract RNA from the homogenized sample(s).Transfer tissue/cell lysate to a 4 mL tube. ...of the tissue/cell lysate. Pro-Tip Having your samples spin at 4°C helps reduce RNA degradation. If you.... You may have to collect twice or more from the same tube, but unlike using a p1000 tip it will give ...
Showing: 521 - 540 of 581 results