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Showing: 521 - 540 of 897 results
  1. Common Injection Routes in Mice

    Blog Post
    ...Engineering Guide CRISPR Mammalian Expression plasmids Cre-Lox plasmids References Prathipati, P., Rodriguez-Aguayo...
  2. Cloning Mammalian Cells with the Agarose Method

    Blog Post
    ...Time CRISPR User) The Challenges of Cell Culture Plasmids 101: Mammalian Vectors Resources on Protocols Pages Browse Fluorescent Protein Plasmids Find Mammalian Expression Vectors ...
  3. Protocol - How to Perform Sequence Analysis

    ...flank the regions of your plasmid that you wish to confirm. Addgene's plasmid information pages recommend...Sequences" link on the Plasmid Information Pages. Addgene sequences the plasmid to verify tags, mutations...the entire plasmid. Addgene strongly recommends that you sequence any portion of the plasmid that is important...sequence analysis of a plasmid Protocols... Protocols Sequence Analysis Sequence Analysis of a Plasmid You may also like...Introduction Sequence verification of important plasmid features (such as the gene/insert, fusion proteins...common primers that are often found within the plasmid backbone (See Addgene's Sequencing Primers for ...
  4. Protocols for Molecular Biology, Plasmid Cloning, and Viral Preps

    ...complicated procedures. Plasmid Cloning Protocols for constructing and analyzing your plasmids. Virus Protocols...Amplify CRISPR pooled-plasmid libraries Diagnostic Restriction Digest Verify a plasmid using restriction ... that can be used for basic molecular biology, plasmid cloning, and titering and testing your viral preparations...Bacterial Glycerol Stocks Store bacterial strains or plasmids for long term use Watch the Video! DNA Purification...spectrophotometer Restriction Digests Cut and analyze plasmid DNA with restriction enzymes Agarose Gel Electrophoresis... the Video! Sequence Analysis Verify important plasmid features using sequence analysis RNA Extraction...from tissues or cells without a commercial kit Plasmid Cloning Name Description (Link opens in a new window...
  5. Fluorescent Proteins 101: Fluorescent Protein Timers

    Blog Post
    ....  Table 1: Monomeric FP Timers and Associated Plasmids from Subach et al. Protein Excitation (nm) ...) Emission (nm) Brightness pKa Maturation Plasmids Fast-FT 403 (blue), 583 (red) 466 (blue), 606 (red...
  6. An Inside Look into Addgene's Dev Team

    Blog Post
    ... development includes everything from tracking plasmids from the moment a deposit kit is sent to a depositor...improvements, you are benefited with reassurance your plasmids will not get lost in a freezer and your viral ...
  7. CRISPR 101: Making a Knock-In Cell Line

    Blog Post
    ...experiment. Also learn about Addgene’s knock-in plasmids for reagents to help you knock your knock-in experiment...Cells Resources on Browse All CRISPR Plasmids Find Validated gRNAs for Your Next Experiment ...
  8. Tips for Using FRET in Your Experiments

    Blog Post
    ...used pairs to measure FRET. The table below lists plasmids that can be used to create your choice of fluorescent... fusion protein with your gene of interest: Plasmid Color Expression Description pPROEX Aqua Cyan...
  9. CRISPR Library Amplification

    ...differences, and plasmid recombination can all impact the representation of individual plasmids in the pooled... ). Lentiviral plasmids can recombine between their LTRs resulting in a smaller plasmid containing only...protocol to perform amplification of CRISPR pooled plasmid libraries in Escherichia coli cells. Protocols... protocol allows the amplification of a pooled-plasmid library in Escherichia coli cells. Pooled libraries...libraries contain tens to millions of different plasmids in a single sample. They are often used for screening...throughput multiplexed experiments. These pooled plasmids differ by only a short region of DNA: guide RNAs...results for libraries up to 200,000 individual plasmids and can be scaled according to the actual number...
Showing: 521 - 540 of 897 results