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Showing: 521 - 540 of 911 results
  1. CRISPR 101: Cas9 Nickase Design and Homology Directed Repair

    Blog Post examples for this post. The D10A mutation inactivates the RuvC domain, so this nickase cleaves only...and images in this post were adapted from an IDT webinar: Optimized methods to use Cas9 nickases in genome...For more information and a link to the archived webinar, click here. We would like to thank IDT scientists...
  2. CUT&RUN: An Improved Method for Studying Protein-DNA Interactions

    Blog Post
    ...significant improvement and simplification of the original technique, specifically in terms of initial steps...excellent additional measure of DNA binding sites in combination with existing ChIP-seq data sets, of which there... a graduate student at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, where he studies enhancers and...
  3. Bricking Science: Portraying Scientific Reality Through LEGO

    Blog Post
    ...perfectionists, it took us a full two months to finally decide the LEGO laboratory was good enough., the Big Bang Theory set, and then use our imaginations to mold it all into a full laboratory. It is...It was a great treat for us to put our rusty imaginations to use in this world where we are often trained...
  4. Advice for Moving Into Sales After Your Science Postdoc

    Blog Post
    ...outside of academia, a job as a ‘Cancer Marketing Coordinator’ came up at Abcam. Unlike other job descriptions...scientists think that they are unable to tick these final two boxes, but I knew there would be a way gives you a great introduction to the financial world. It teaches you about selling products which...
  5. Mentoring for Scientists: I Have a Mentor, What Now?

    Blog Post
    ...This is the fifth and final post in the Addgene Blog Mentoring for Scientists Series. The entire series...SMART.” SMART goals are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound. It is a good idea ... open communication Feel valued by giving back Final tips for success Make mentoring meetings a priority...
  6. Single-cell tracking of lineage and identity with CellTag

    Blog Post
    ...Washington University in St. Louis provides a combinatorial indexing strategy that simultaneously tracks...cell type that can differentiate into hepatic or intestinal cell types. MEFs were reprogrammed into iEPs ...2019). Key takeaways of CellTag CellTag is a combinatory cell-indexing tool that combines scRNA-seq and...
  7. A New Optogenetic Tool Based on AraC Controls Gene Expression with Blue Light

    Blog Post
    ...Di Ventura (@barbara_synbio) May 13, 2021 The original AraC transcriptional regulator Their system is...does BLADE have over AraC? When compared to the original AraC system, BLADE is simply more precise. “We...light switch and shuts off just as quickly. The original AraC system, which uses arabinose, requires many...
  8. Safe Port in a Storm...How Addgene is Weathering the Pandemic

    Blog Post
    ...mobilized to figure out how to deliver when labs finally opened.  I was awed by the teamwork and initiative...One function that rose to the challenge was our Finance Team. With Addgene closed for almost two weeks ...for unknown amounts of time, we were facing a financial crisis. As a nonprofit organization, Addgene charges...
  9. In Vivo Biotinylation of Bacterial Fusion Proteins

    Blog Post
    ...unsuccessful. Nothing more joyful that getting to the final step and the transformed bacteria refuse to grow...(Jackson ImmunoResearch, 016-050-084; 0.2 μg/ml final). Both rabbit (EMD, AB3596) and mouse (NEB, E8032S...matrices, not so much. Maybe a calcium-independent proteinase site could be used for plasmid version 2.0? Instruments...
  10. Resume Writing for Non-academic Science Careers

    Blog Post I got my current job as a Communications Coordinator. Wondering how you can develop more transferable...Theresa Liao (@theresaliao) is the Communications Coordinator for the Department of Physics & Astronomy, University...University of British Columbia. Originally on track for a research career, she transitioned into a communications...
  11. Plasmids 101: Mammalian Vectors

    Blog Post
    ...considered an entirely new cell line from that of the original parental cells. Positive selection in mammalian...  HeLa, NIH3T3, CHO, COS-1, 293HEK Inhibits termination step of translation 2-10 ug/mL G418/Geneticin... Inhibits protein synthesis; premature chain termination 1-10 ug/mL Zeocin Sh bla HeLa, NIH3T3, CHO,...
  12. Hot Plasmids - January 2023

    Blog Post
    ...Generated against full length GFP and converted to recombinant form by the NeuroMab Facility Isotype IgG2a ...a polyclonal, with the reproducibility of a (recombinant) monoclonal. Another reason is that some antibodies...  et. al. A toolbox of IgG subclass-switched recombinant monoclonal antibodies for enhanced multiplex ...
  13. Visualizing Genomic Loci with CRISPR-Sirius

    Blog Post
    ..., cyan, or magenta) depending on the hairpin combination. A gRNA containing all three hairpins produces...generates blue, green, or red colors for labeling. A combination of MS2, PP7, or boxB sequences in the same sgRNA...increase stability and minimize misfolding and recombination during virus production needed to deliver CRISPR-Sirius...
  14. FPbase: A new community-editable fluorescent protein database

    Blog Post resource for storage and dissemination of information about FPs. to existing proteins when missing, or edit inaccuracies as they find them (anyone can register with database is free from the risk of inaccurate data submissions, so FPbase includes a versioning...
  15. Reagent Repositories Are Speeding up Science During the Pandemic

    Blog Post
    ...these materials may not be available from their original sources. Figure 1: Biological repositories...availability of this strain from The Jackson Laboratory. Originally developed and characterized by Stanley Perlman...materials to be deposited into repositories, and financial support to maintain repositories’ capacity for...
  16. R Bodies: Membrane-Rupturing Microscopic Tools

    Blog Post break membranes of different organisms. And finally, we demonstrated that R bodies can be “tuned” with...F. R. Organization and expression of genetic determinants for synthesis and assembly of type 51 R bodies...trait: Absence of toxicity of R-body producing recombinant E. coli on paramecia. European Journal of Protistology...
  17. Crowdfight, a Platform to Boost Scientific Collaboration During COVID-19 and Beyond

    Blog Post
    ... credit for small contributions. We strive to eliminate these two barriers, creating a community where...other scientists and to help in Crowdfight’s coordination work.  We also encourage you to file a request...Biomédica de Salamanca (IBSAL) and one of the coordinators at Crowdfight. She is currently based in Spain...
Showing: 521 - 540 of 911 results