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Showing: 501 - 520 of 563 results
  1. Protocols for Molecular Biology, Plasmid Cloning, and Viral Preps

    ...BSL-1 and BSL-2 Labs Learn how to best protect yourself when working in BSL-1 and BSL-2 labs Watch the...Two (BSL-1 and BSL-2) Safety measures for laboratories operating at BSL-1 and BSL-2 Watch the Video! Water...Generating Stable Cell Lines with Lentivirus Genomically integrate your DNA sequence into a cell line Isolating...Isolating a Monoclonal Cell Population by Limiting Dilution Generate monoclonal cell lines from a polyclonal...polyclonal pool of stable cells AAV Production in HEK293 Cells Produce adeno-associated virus to deliver your...Extraction Without a Kit Extract RNA from tissues or cells without a commercial kit Plasmid Cloning Name Description...Transfection Introduce plasmid DNA to mammalian cells Lentivirus Production Produce lentivirus with a ...
  2. Which Fluorescent Protein Should I Use?

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    ...system (by measuring the fluorescence intensity); and 2) to visualize the localization of the FP (fused to... localization of that biomolecule inside living cells. FPs classified by the emission color (emission .... Therefore, these can be used as “timers” for cellular processes following their activation. The four...Biosensors: Throwing color lights on molecular and cellular processes” Curr. Protein. Pept. Sci. 9(4):338....proteins and their applications in imaging living cells and tissues”  Physiol. Rev. 90:1103. Wu et. al. ... nuclear localization, and dynamics” Curr. Opin. Cell. Biol. 23:310. ...
  3. xCas9: Engineering a CRISPR Variant with PAM Flexibility

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    ...) 12 (>100) xCas9(3.7)-ABE 69 (1.4) 43 (2) 21 (3) Not examined 16 (>100) Average percent... in mammalian cells Hu et al. compared xCas9 activity with wt SpCas9 in mammalian cells, finding xCas9...NG and GAT PAMs. xCas9 3.7 Activity in Mammalian Cells Construct NGG PAM NGA PAM NGC PAM NGT... percent editing efficiencies (edit frequency in cell population measured with NGS) are shown as percentages...
  4. Mobile-CRISPRi: Bringing CRISPRi to Diverse Bacteria

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    ...integrates into the trnS-leu2 locus.   Figure 2: Introducing Mobile-CRISPRi into bacteria. Top: A ... acid (DAP), a component of the cell wall. Once in the recipient cell, the CRISPRi DNA (purple) flanked... is propagated during normal DNA replication and cell division. Mobile-CRISPRi does not disrupt gene function...mobilize these plasmids for transfer to recipient cells during a tri-parental mating scheme. Mobile-CRISPRi...
  5. Protocol - Bacterial Transformation

    ...each transformation tube by placing the bottom 1/2 to 2/3 of the tube into a 42°C water bath for 30-60 ...depending on the competent cells you are using). Put the tubes back on ice for 2 min. Add 250-1,000 μl LB...the competent cells in your hand instead of on ice Reduce step 4 from 20 - 30 mins to 2 mins on ice before...commonly referred to as 'competent cells.' Many companies sell competent cells, which come frozen and are prepared...that came with your competent cells. Pro-Tips Commercial competent cells range significantly in their ...SOC media Competent cells DNA you'd like to transform Procedure Take competent cells out of -80°C and thaw...use electro-competent cells. Instead of relying on the heat-shock to cause the cells to take up the DNA,...
  6. Bacterial Toxin-antitoxin Systems as Molecular Biology Tools

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    ...mazF gene and a gene for Zeocin resistance (Figure 2). This MazF-ZeoR cassette is flanked by two direct...unstable, meaning that the cells must continually produce antitoxin to avoid cell death. In the case of plasmids...addiction systems” require dividing cells to retain plasmids - if a cell does not inherit plasmid due to ...will be degraded leaving the cell to be killed by the more stable toxin. Cells only survive if they retain...10% of cells while plasmids containing the plasmid addiction system were retained in 75% of cells. They...consist of a toxin which can affect a variety of cellular processes and an antitoxin that suppresses the...designated this fragment as the ccdB region (for “coupled cell division”). The encoded toxin-antitoxin system consists...
  7. Hot Plasmids - November 2023

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    ... vivo and in vitro applications.   Figure 2: Modular features of DIRECTED particles where the ... between living cells by TransitID. Cell, 186(15), 3307–3324.e30. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2023.05.044. PMID... efficient prime editors. Cell, 186(18), 3983–4002.e26. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2023.07.039. PMID: 37657419...lentivirus and MMLV gag, to specific cell types. It can also make CAR-T cell therapy more accessible by simplifying...Optogenetic proximity labeling and TransitID Tracking cellular history with protein ticker tape Teaching an old...called DIRECTED (Delivery to Intended REcipient Cells Through Envelope Design). This modular approach ...viral surface, expanding the range of targetable cell types. DIRECTED is compatible with fusogens from...
  8. Viral Vectors 101: Preparing Pooled Libraries

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    ...replicate, then purify the DNA.     Figure 2: A pooled library page with protocols boxed in red...transduction of cells, resulting in cell population mutated by the viral pooled library. These cells can then...transduce your cells.  Titering After generating your lentivirus, you’ll want to infect your cells with the ...of a cell being infected by only one viral particle, but it also increases the chances that a cell doesn...adequately represented in the cell population, you’ll need to infect many more cells than the number of plasmids...appropriate packaging and envelope plasmids into HEK cells allows production of lentivirus. Purification of...small aliquot is not enough to transfect producer cells, so your first step will be to amplify the library...
  9. Hot Plasmids - August 2020

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    ...CRISPR in human cells) is a CRISPR-Cas13 based antiviral method to degrade RNA from SARS-CoV-2 sequences and...for labeling specific structures within cells. HeLa cells were transfected with plasmids encoding...protein evolution Fluorescent tools for mammalian cells Nanobody purification CRISPRi and CRISPRa system...selection in the cytosol (instead of on the yeast extracellular surface) which enables tracking of protease ...mCitrine gene. mCherry is constitutively expressed. Cells are then cultured and FACS sorted. Image from Mateo...labeling structures and compartments in mammalian cells By Angela Abitua Genetically encoded fluorescent...or specific localization of biomolecules within cells. However, sometimes these fluorescent proteins might...
  10. Advancing Biology with Zebrafish: Genetic Tools for Developmental Studies and More

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    ...externally fertilized, transparent progeny (Figure 2). These features give it a leg up (or a fin up?) over...development. Single cell sequencing-based lineage tracing Recently, gene expression in all cells of the developing...proportions of otherwise normal cell types are produced, rather than novel, abnormal cell types. Sequencing-based...understanding how genes control biology (a fact celebrated by the Nobel prize committee). But as the field...applications. For example, specific tissues such as blood cells or neurons can be fluorescently labeled, allowing...divisions, and movements of each of the thousands of cells in the developing zebrafish embryo have been tracked...developing zebrafish embryo has been mapped using single cell RNA sequencing approaches (Harland, 2018). Several...
  11. New CRISPR Tools: Cas7-11 and PASTE

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    ...rate of 10-55% - the PASTE system.     Fig. 2: Schematic of programmable gene insertion with detectable effect on cell viability – meaning there was no measurable cell toxicity – using Cas7-11...such as mouse embryonic stem cells and glioblastoma cells. PASTE Development and discovery The first ...observed in non-dividing cells, meaning that this system wasn’t dependent on the cell’s intrinsic machinery...turning potential into impact. In molecular and cellular biology, this happens through the development ...exclusively on this space — developing tools for cellular targeting. Lately, they’ve been working on two... shRNA and Cas13 systems in a range of mammalian cell lines. However, in those same comparisons, the AbuGoot...
  12. Plasmids 101: Multicistronic Vectors

    Blog Post (Nature. 1988 Jul 28;334(6180):320-5.) PubMed. 2. A segment of the 5' nontranslated region of encephalomyocarditis...them. Why Use multicistronic vectors? Detecting cells that are expressing your gene, especially if you...reporters allow you to easily screen or select for cells that are expressing your gene of interest at high...promoter, multicistronic plasmids ensure that any cells that are positive for your marker should also be...anytime you want to express multiple genes in the same cell. Although it is possible to drive co-expression ...promotes translation of the viral genome in eukaryotic cells.1,2 Since then, a variety of IRES sequences have...discovered - many from viruses, but also some from cellular mRNAs. What they all have in common is the ability...
  13. New Optimized Genome-wide CRISPRko, CRISPRi, and CRISPRa Libraries

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    ... PMID: 25184501. PubMed Central PMCID: MC4262738. 2. Doench, John G., et al. "Optimized sgRNA design to...when trying to screen a limited number of cells like primary cells or in vivo. Recently, the labs of David... cultured cells as well as more difficult conditions such as model systems and primary cells. References...with both A375 (melanoma) and AT29 (colon cancer) cells and assessed the libraries performance via the depletion...important criterion for probing a limited number of cells. Get the Brunello CRISPRko sgRNA library as pooled...subject to an increase in dsDNA breaks that can cause cell death. Thus, CRISPR inhibition (CRISPRi) screening for vemurafenib resistance in A375 cells. The SAM system (CRISPR/Cas9 Synergistic Activation...
  14. Split Fluorescent Proteins for Studying Protein-Protein Interactions

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    ...split at 175 Arabidopsis homolog of the yeast TREX-2 mRNA export complex: components and anchoring nucleoporin...measuring protein expression or localization in cells, or even single-particle tracking of the bound complex...) for use with GFP(11) Multiplexed labeling of cellular proteins with split fluorescent protein tags. ...(1-10) and GFP(11) Versatile protein tagging in cells with split fluorescent protein. Kamiyama et al. ...pairs with sfCherry2(11) Multiplexed labeling of cellular proteins with split fluorescent protein tags. ...tracking of protein-protein interactions in living cells. Shao S, Zhang H, Zeng Y, Li Y, Sun C, Sun Y. Commun...
  15. Immunocytochemistry

    ...HeLa cells per well. Allow the HeLa cells to grow to the desired density before labeling. Section 2: Fixing...coated coverslips HeLa cells 24-well plate 4% Paraformaldehyde 5 mg/mL 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI...Fluorescent microscope 0.5–10 µL single channel pipette 2–20 µL single channel pipette 20–200 µL single channel...of the diluted antibody to the wells and incubate 2 h at RT . Remove the primary antibody and dispose ...detect antigens in cells. Here we describe the basic steps for fixing and labeling cells in culture with ...2022 Workflow Timeline Day 1: Seed cells Day 3-4: Fix and label cells Equipment Pipette controller Pipette... Seeding cells Place a sterile poly-D-lysine coated coverslip in each well of a 24-well cell culture treated...
  16. Protocol - How to Inoculate a Bacterial Culture

    ...mL glass bottle: 4 g NaCl 4 g Tryptone 2 g Yeast Extract and dH 2 O to 400 mL Note: If your lab has pre-mixed... to do a mini-prep you will usually want to start 2 mL in a falcon tube, but for larger preps you might...might want to use as much as a liter of LB in a 2 L Erlenmeyer flask. Using a sterile pipette tip or toothpick...bacterial cell. Large plasmids usually have a low copy number (approximately one or two copies per cell) and... can be present in large numbers, 50 or more per cell and have a high copy number. High copy number plasmids...increase this to 350 - 400 rpm to obtain a higher cell density. Reference Page Top Index...
  17. Tips from the Repository Trenches: Using Barcodes to Track Samples

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    ...that numbers are not switched around or misread.  2. Track the container - It is just as important to ... reader and an Excel spreadsheet. Start by scanning the sample barcodes into the cells in the same order...using an electric charge to help the DNA enter the cells. Some samples require a reduced antibiotic concentration...concentration or need to be transformed into different cells than were originally requested. Most of our samples...tubes and use this ID to name the corresponding Excel sheet.3. Be specific  - When assigning a process - from deposited DNA to transformed cells and finally to bacterial glycerol stocks that are...
  18. Corralling and Cornering the Goldilocks Antibody

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    ...non-specific binding in our IHC condition.   Fig. 2: Schematic of the goldilocks antibody selection process... Innovative Neurotechnologies (BRAIN) Initiative Cell Census Network, the Wu lab will be screening over...
Showing: 501 - 520 of 563 results