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Showing: 481 - 500 of 911 results
  1. Binning Singletons: Tackling Conference Networking When You Don’t Know Anyone

    Blog Post
    ...Microbe meeting, but it was my favorite because I finally felt like I had a network of people to talk to ..., Kat Milligan-Myhre, and Pragati Chengappa.  Financial and moral supporters Denise Akob, Sara Alexander...Heather Hendrickson, Jonathan Jacobs, Mo Kaze, Christina Kellogg, Heather Martinez, Pat Schloss, Tara Smith...McGovern, and Julie Wolf. Apologies to anyone I’ve inadvertently left off this list. Many thanks to our guest...
  2. Deciphering the Mysteries of Behavior with Viral Vectors

    Blog Post
    ... in directly controlling muscle activity and coordinating movement, several additional brain areas that...dark areas (protected) as opposed to brightly illuminated ones (risky). They also prefer to explore novel... (Howerton at al. 2014). Addgene has several recombinase-expressing ready-made AAV vectors which can be...scientists study such as sleep, food intake, mobility/coordination, learning, and memory. We’ll cover these in ...
  3. Advancing Biology with Zebrafish: Genetic Tools for Developmental Studies and More

    Blog Post
    ...strain distribution centers in the US, Europe, and China. In addition, the Zebrafish Model Organism Database...screens. Microscopy-based lineage tracing can help illuminate how signaling pathways—such as those regulated...patterns of gene activity and cell divisions that coordinate development of the body plan (Farrell et al.,...transgenesis with Tol2 and application for Cre/lox recombination experiments." Methods in cell biology. Vol. ...
  4. Important Considerations in Optogenetics Behavioral Experiments

    Blog Post
    ...circuit, while a nose-poke at a separate hole (inactive hole) does not. If activation of the circuit is...unwanted phenomenon or it could reveal something fascinating. Behavior is based primarily on careful observation...experimenting and hopefully optogenetics will help illuminate (is that pun worn out yet?) your research. Derek...PMCID: PMC4165888. 6.Witten, Ilana B., et al. "Recombinase-driver rat lines: tools, techniques, and optogenetic...
  5. Sonic Hedgehog? Sleeping Beauty? Learn About the Genes Behind Addgene’s Conference Room Names

    Blog Post
    ...this is where most of our conference room names originated from. Let’s take a look at some of the stories...known to play a role in neural development, sex determination, and anterior-posterior segmentation (Jennings... SB transposon system including those from the original publication, Ivics et al 1997. Spaghetti Squash...may think that a gene called "spaghetti squash" originated from the squash itself, but think again. Spaghetti...
  6. Lab to Office Culture Shock

    Blog Post
    ...their best interest to do so, sure, but it also eliminates that feeling of floundering one can have when...also need to talk to Tony from legal, Diana in finance, and Wu in graphic design. You could dread options are expanding. As someone who coordinates cross-team projects at Addgene, I find that my... that led you into science in the first place. Finally, if you still find the idea of not holding a pipette...
  7. Bacterial Toxin-antitoxin Systems as Molecular Biology Tools

    Blog Post
    ... a second recombination event between the two flanking repeats. In cells where recombination has not occured... serves as a counterselectable marker in the destination vector. Successful cloning occurs when the ccdB...6308648. PubMed Central PMCID: PMC384129. Aizenman, Einat, Hanna Engelberg-Kulka, and Gad Glaser. "An Escherichia...
  8. Overcoming the AAV Size Limitation for CRISPR Delivery

    Blog Post
    ... Originally published Jul 14, 2015 and last updated Sep 16, 2020 by Beth Kenkel.  CRISPR genome editing...catalytically dead dCas13b to the catalytic domain of RNA deaminase ADAR2. Constructs containing the ADAR2 truncation...orthologs works for some applications, it doesn’t eliminate the need to deliver larger cargo such as base ...Cytosine and adenine base editing of the brain, liver, retina, heart and skeletal muscle of mice via adeno-associated...
  9. Transferable Skills Guide: External Collaborations

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    ...suitable partner, connect the relevant teams, coordinate implementation, and now must focus on managing...some microscopy enthusiasts to start a microscopy seminar to connect the imaging community and to create approachable, friendly, and helpful. Finally, don’t forget about collaborations and projects...for lunch, make a point of talking to them at a seminars, or even set up regular meetings. Meeting people...
  10. How to Write a Scientific Review Article

    Blog Post
    ...exposing you to relevant researchers in the field. Finally, you can sound credible and cool when you casually...research papers on these particular themes, for seminal papers on these themes, and also for articles from...citations so that people can go back and read the original reference for the data. For example, we big the studies were, and you could find the original paper if you wanted to learn more. Another example...
  11. Antibodies 101: Introduction to Gating in Flow Cytometry

    Blog Post
    ...To acquire these measurements, the cytometer illuminates the passing cell with a laser and detects the...colleagues.   Figure 1: The laser pulse illuminates the cell and is scattered forward at a low angle...represents the time and intensity of the cell’s illumination (see Figure 2). H describes the maximum signal...For our last example plot, I will show you a combination of two stains, in this case through conjugated...
  12. CRISPR 101: Validating Your Genome Edit

    Blog Post
    ...This post was originally written by Melina Fan and updated Nov 3, 2022 by Susanna Stroik. You’ve designed...outlined below, the technique can be used as a preliminary validation on your bulk population. This way ...TIDER (Tracking of insertions, deletions, and recombination events). TIDER can screen for specific homology-directed...
  13. Plasmids 101: Gibson Assembly and Other Long-Homology Based Cloning Methods

    Blog Post
    ...the correct size, and purify the DNA fragments. Finally, you simply incubate these three fragments together...loop (as might be anticipated to occur within a terminator sequence), since this would directly compete step with no scar sequences remaining in the final product. The long overlapping region between fragments...different fragments. One way around this is to use a combination of standard sequences with overlap regions, such...
  14. Viral Vectors 101: Optogenetic Tools

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    ...engineered proteins responsive to light in combination with retinal) variations designed to give researchers... R., Gunaydin, L. A., Hyun, M., Fenno, L. E., Gradinaru, V., Yizhar, O., & Deisseroth, K. (2012). Principles...
  15. Finding Your Perfect Job After University

    Blog Post
    ...American system), in 2009 (at the beginning of the financial recession) I knew obtaining work in scientific...facility, where I tested materials for bacterial contamination. It was a really interesting job at first, everything... are rapidly expanding, as this might not be sustainable. After working at this company for several years...would produce the best outcome for a specific combination of genetic mutations. This is a particular challenge...
  16. Technique: Probe Phage Genomes for Host Binding Proteins

    Blog Post
    ...then be exposed to a lysis buffer to release recombinant proteins directly onto the nitrocellulose for...receptor binding protein hit and can go back to the original plate to identify which phage gene encodes that... 1 M NaCl in order to enhance folding of the recombinant proteins. Optimal salt concentration will vary...colony expressing a functional binding protein was originally located. Now you can grow up your colonies of...
  17. Transferable Skills Guide: Teamwork

    Blog Post
    ...includes: Michelle, the Senior Scientist who coordinates all kit creation and quality control efforts ...once famously said “I think this is the most extraordinary collection of talent, of human knowledge, that...successfully doled out to multiple people: someone to coordinate, someone to decide, someone to delegate, etc....Next Great Discovery is exactly that: a myth. The original Dr. Frankenstein from Mary Shelley’s novel worked...
  18. Quick Guide to All Things Lentivirus

    Blog Post
    ...testing several vectors and packaging cell line combinations, Miller et al. showed that infectious wild-type...are capable of transducing certain quiescent or terminally differentiated cells such as macrophages and ...research due to the possibility that mutation or recombination with human retroviruses could lead to RCL. ...of retrovirus packaging cell lines to avoid recombination leading to helper virus production." Molecular...
  19. Help Us Name Blugene’s New Virus Friend

    Blog Post
    ... contest is now closed. Stay tuned to see the finalists and vote for your favorite! Our mascot who has...neutral name. The Addgenies will choose up to four finalists and we’ll ask you to vote for your favorite name...We hope you submit your best ideas because the finalists will receive some newly designed Addgene swag....
  20. With an Eye Towards the Future, We Look Back at the March for Science

    Blog Post
    ...Addgene. Boston, MA, USA 42.3601°N 71.0589°W – Alina Chan The job of scientists to observe how things... and generation is in the veracity of its work. Alina Chan is a postdoctoral researcher at Harvard Medical...saying that climate change is a hoax. This has culminated in the current President holding and campaigning...interactions, and science education. Photo cred Alina Chan. Seattle, Washington, USA 47.6062°N 122.3321...
Showing: 481 - 500 of 911 results