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Showing: 461 - 480 of 563 results
  1. Summer SciComm Series: A PhD in Science Communication

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    ...perceived climate change risks. Nature Climate Change, 2(10), 732-735. doi:10.1038/nclimate1547 Kunda, Z. (...spend the afternoon lovingly tending to the stem cells I was using in an experiment, then spend the evening...
  2. 3 Challenges in Plant Synthetic Biology

    Blog Post
    ...and open a new conversation about GMOs.  Challenge #2: Technical obstacles to plant synthetic biology In...challenging to engineer a specific function in these multicellular organisms. However, the rewards are great if...
  3. Mouse Modeling, Part 1: Genetically Engineered Mice

    Blog Post
    ...covered in more detail in part 2 of this blog series) controls the cell types in which the conditional...modified zygotes or embryonic stem cells. Modified embryonic stem cells are injected into a blastocyst which...engineered cells. Similar to transgenic mice, knockout mice are engineered during the embryonic stem cell stage...not all cells in the blastocyst were successfully edited by the injection of embryonic stem cells. Also,... interest into a zygote, or into embryonic stem cells that are then injected into a blastocyst. There ...of interest into a zygote or into embryonic stem cells. Non-homologous recombination incorporates this ...targeting vector is electroporated into embryonic stem cells and this will insert the gene at a specific site...
  4. Tips for Titering Your Lentiviral Preps

    Blog Post
    ...protocols 4.4 (2009): 495-505. PubMed PMID: 19300443. 2. Geraerts, Martine, et al. "Comparison of lentiviral...can actually infect cells. These assays typically involve infecting a target cell line with your virus...distinguish between a cell that has had one viral particle integrated into its genome and a cell that has had ...arrived; you’ve painstakingly cared for your packaging cell line, prepped your DNA, transfected and harvested...move ahead with your infection and make your stable cell line. While we’ve all experienced the pressure to...viral copies that have integrated into the target cell’s genome. Physical titer The two most common assays...functional titer uses FACS to count the number of target cells that are positive for vector encoded transgene expression...
  5. Fluorescence Titering Assay

    ...method 2): Method 1 Method 2 $$T = {N*F*D\over V_T}$$ Where: T = Titer, TU/mL N = Number of cells transduced...Workflow Timeline Day 0: Seed 293T cells Day 1: Transduce cells Day 2 (am): Remove media, replace with ...,000 cells into 14 mL of DMEM complete. Mix well by pipetting or inverting. Aliquot 2 mL of cell suspension...fluorescent cells Equipment Class II, Type A2 Biological Safety Cabinet 0.5–10 µL single channel pipette 2–20 ...Lentivirus is generally considered biosafety level 2+. Please ensure that you are in compliance with your... 200–1000 µL single channel pipette Ice bucket CO 2 incubator Pipet controller Hazardous waste container...added to 150,000 cells resulted in 25% fluorescent cells, then the titer is: (150,000 cells x 0.25 fluorescent...
  6. Plasmids 101: The protein expression toolbox

    Blog Post
    ... the transcriptional level.     Fig. 2 Tetracycline on/off promoters and modes of action ...force to control protein expression in mammalian cells: easy to use biological tools are abundant! In this...tag prior to introduction of the construct into cells. However, if you would like tunable control of an...
  7. Announcing the Winners of the 2021 Michael Davidson and Roger Tsien Commemorative Conference Awards

    Blog Post
    ...processes that happen inside the cell,” says Pedre Pérez. Figure 2: Micrographs of the biosensor ...sensitive GFP2 (roGFP2)-based biosensors for live cells. His work focuses on the enzyme hydropersulfide-...biosensor expressed in the human cell line, Hep3B. From left to right: Mitotracker Red, GFP for the biosensor,...studies opioid use disorder. Her goal is to identify cell populations in the brain that contribute to the ...will explore the connectivity patterns of these cells and the functional contribution to a variety of ...administration and withdrawal to explore how these cells may encode the negative affect associated with drug...library of mutant sensors expressed in a mammalian cell line engineered to be electrically excitable. The...
  8. RNA Extraction Without A Kit

    Blog Post
    ...156–159. Chomczynski P, Sacchi N (2006) The single-step method...are commonly found in cells, and without something to block RNase activity upon cell lysis, RNA is degraded...RNases such as RNaseZAP. When harvesting tissues, cells, plants, fungi, or bacteria, keep samples cold and...before RNases had a chance to break down RNA upon cell lysis.  In the late 1970’s, Chirgwin and colleagues...keeping your samples cold until homogenization and cell lysis. This can be challenging depending on your...developed ways to “stabilize” RNA within tissues before cell lysis. These products, namely RNAlater®  from that work by inhibiting RNase activity within cells or tissues- they don’t actually chemically stabilize...
  9. Antibodies 101: Affinity Reagents

    Blog Post
    ...Antibody Fragments. Antibodies (Basel). 2019 Apr 9;8(2):28. doi: 10.3390/antib8020028. PMID: 31544834; transfected eukaryotic cells, allowing for them to be used as intracellular inhibitors.  Aptamers are...the kids say) affinity reagents deserved to be celebrated, there are many other amazing affinity reagents...small enough to be expressed in bacterial and other cell systems. Since the majority of these alternative...the constant region. Nonspecific binding, caused cell receptors for the constant region, is also reduced..., peptides, amino acids, drugs, metal ions, and cells. They can be used either with or as fluorophores... may sound. Validated antibodies are still an excellent option for many applications, and frankly, if ...
  10. Western Blot

    ...protein from cells or tissue samples. Equipment Microcentrifuge 0.5–10 µL single channel pipette 2–20 µL single...transfer, block, incubate with primary antibody Day 2: Incubate with secondary antibody Video Watch this...Heat block Mini gel tank chamber Power supply iBlot 2 Gel Transfer Device Roller Spatula Platform shaker...running buffer Prestained protein ladder Ethanol iBlot 2 PVDF Mini Stack, Thermo Fisher IB24002 20X TBS Tween...immediately or store at -80 °C until ready to use. Section 2: Determine the total protein concentration and deionized water. To prepare 20% ethanol, dilute 2 mL of ethanol into 8 mL of deionized water and mix...the transfer sandwich as follows: Unseal the iBlot 2 PVDF Mini transfer stack. Set the Top Stack to one...
  11. Hot Plasmids - October 2020

    Blog Post
    ...localizations. Figure 2: Split-wrmScarlet labeling proteins with different subcellular locations. Image from...determine cell cycle length by examining the ratio of blue to red cells. Cells undergoing rapid cell cycles...engineered C. elegans cell lines to express wrmScarlet1-10 unattached to any other cellular protein. They used...’s difficult to observe the cell cycle in vivo, particularly if the cells are migratory or in deep tissues... BaF3 cells were transduced with H2B-FT virus and grown in varying concentrations of IL-3. Cells grown...proportion of blue fluorescence, indicating cell proliferation. BaF3 cells maintained in media without IL-3 show...H2B-FT consistently predicted the cell cycle speed across these different cell types. In one example, H2B-FT...
  12. CRISPR 101: Mammalian Expression Systems and Delivery Methods

    Blog Post
    ... already have an end product in mind, steps 1 and 2 will generally be straightforward. Likewise for step...Calcium phosphate Cells Transformed cell lines Transformed cell lines Transformed cell lines Cargo Nucleic...identify and enrich positive cells or a selection marker to generate stable cell lines. Transient or stable...and enrich positive cells. Likely contains a selection marker to generate stable cell lines. Packaging and...wide variety of mammalian cell lines. Useful for difficult to transfect cell types and can be used in ...protein are degraded within the cell.   Delivery methods for mammalian cell lines As mentioned above, the...components into your target cells. Delivery of these components into mammalian cell lines is quite broad and...
  13. CRISPR in the Clinic

    Blog Post
    ... Cure for HIV/AIDS. Int J Mol Sci. 2023 Jan 13;24(2):1563. doi: 10.3390/ijms24021563 Resources on in Intestinal Stem Cell Organoids of Cystic Fibrosis Patients." Cell Stem Cell. 13, 653-658 (2013). ...patient’s own cells that have been modified ex vivo, previously edited healthy donor cells can be delivered...Genetic Disease in Mouse Via Use of CRISPR/Cas9." Cell Stem Cell. 13, 659-662 (2013). Gerald Schwank et al. ...on editing animal models of disease and cultured cells. For example, in 2013, Jinsong Li and colleagues...applied CRISPR to disease correction in adult stem cells isolated from two patients with cystic fibrosis directly to the patient. Patient-derived cells can alternatively be harvested, edited ex vivo, ...
  14. Hot Plasmids May 2018 - Optogenetics, Decaffeination, Biosensors, and Fluorescent Protein Tools

    Blog Post
    ...C-terminus of human codon-optimized  cryptochrome 2 (CRY2) from Arabidopsis thaliana. When exposed to ...illumination of neighboring cells evokes action potentials (APs) in patched cells expressing wild type CoChR...techniques for live-cell imaging of the dynamic changes in biochemical activity within the cell. Their Fluorescence...distribution of clusters without accumulation in subcellular compartments such as nuclear speckles. Furthermore...OptoSTIM1), caused two-fold faster changes in intracellular Ca2+ levels than the original version containing...CRY2clust should prove a useful tool to further probe cellular function. The CRY2clust Plasmid can be found here...28646204. soCoChR: A novel opsin that enables single-cell optogenetics Article contributed by Meghan Rego ...
  15. Transfection for Recombinant Antibodies

    ...Workflow Timeline Day 1: Seed cells Day 2: Transfect cells Day 3-6: Feed cells Day 7: Harvest antibody Equipment...Pro-Tip Do not use cells that are over 30 passages. Section 2: Transfection Check the cell density and viability... (EBNA). Safety Warnings HEK293 cells are considered biosafety level 2. Please ensure that you are in ...compatible with 50 mL conical tubes Automated cell counter 37 °C, 5% CO 2 incubator with shaking platform set to...density of 0.9 x 10 6 cells/mL in a 500 mL vented flask.Incubate in a 37 °C, 5% CO 2 incubator on a shaking ...Pro-Tip Culture should be between 1.5–2 x 10 6 cells/mL with >95% viability to proceed with transfection...250 mg Benzamidine 25 mL Aprotinin saline solution (2 mg/mL) Mix well and sterilize through a 0.2 µm PES...
  16. Split-BioID: An Improved Method for Studying Protein-Protein Interactions

    Blog Post
    ...dimerization-dependent protein interactions. FEBS letters, 591 2, 415-424. PubMed PMID: 28032891. This is a different... expressed in cells via plasmids or by the creation of stable cell lines and these cells are then grown... complex. Not performed in a native cell context. For AP-MS, cells are lysed before the bait protein is...and interacting proteins in mammalian cells. The Journal of cell biology. PubMed PMID: 22412018. PubMed...against PPIs that aren't stable outside the native cell context. The Split-BioID method Enter Split-BioID...tagging of proteins in both BioID or Split-BioID, cells are lysed, protein extracted, and labeled protein...proteins that interact with the bait in a native cell contact. Other PPI methods may require protein interactions...
  17. Adapting Toehold Switches to Detect Zika Virus

    Blog Post
    ...Components." Cell (2016). PubMed PMID: 27160350. Find Plasmids from the publication at Addgene 2. Green, ...circuits to be deployed out of the laboratory in a cell-free and biosafe format that was stable for up to...possible and submitted our manuscript to the journal Cell just six weeks later. The Zika publication timeline...of Toronto. His research is focused on developing cell-free synthetic biology applications for human regulators of gene expression." Cell 159.4 (2014): 925-939. PubMed PMID: 25417166. PubMed...Keith, et al. "Paper-based synthetic gene networks." Cell 159.4 (2014): 940-954. PubMed PMID: 25417167. PubMed...
Showing: 461 - 480 of 563 results