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Showing: 441 - 460 of 911 results
  1. Viral Genome Sequencing - A One Stop Shop for AAV Identity and Serotype Confirmation

    Blog Post
    ...preparation approaches described previously require a preliminary double stranding step. The double stranding step... library preparation procedures. This finding eliminates the double-stranding step and reduces both the...confirm the identity of AAV genomes and detect contaminating AAV DNA. In addition, we wrote an open-source...uses the VGS data to determine the percent of recombination present in Cre-dependent vectors and a script...
  2. Viral Vectors 101: What is a Virus (and a Viral Vector)?

    Blog Post
    ...particles. A single viral particle is called a virion. Finally, viral vectors, which are used in the lab, are ...contrast to bacteria and eukaryotes, which use a binary replication process whereby one cell copies controls — changes made to the virus that eliminate or reduce the risk of infection — researchers ...genetically modified to either limit or completely eliminate their replicative ability. The remaining particle...
  3. 10 Great Guest Posts We're Thankful For

    Blog Post experiment. Nucleic acid based machines Recombinase-based State Machines Enable Order-dependent Logic...inputs are received by a cell. These so-called recombinase-based state machines could potentially be used...development. Read this post to learn more about recombinase-based state machines and how they function. Adapting...them. CRISPR Pairing CombiGEM and CRISPR for Combinatorial Genetic Screening CombiGEM is a technology that...
  4. Identifying Sequence Elements with SnapGene's Feature Database

    Blog Post
    ...sequences on a daily basis, many found these tools inadequate for planning, visualizing, and documenting their...elements such as promoters and transcription terminators, the boundaries are less obvious. We found that.... In an effort to be rigorous, we dug into the original literature, some of it decades old, to provide...mismatches, our algorithm could annotate a feature inaccurately. The best example is fluorescent proteins, which...
  5. RUBY-Red Siliques

    Blog Post
    ...disturbing the tissue for imaging or collection could contaminate it. I have used it for selecting transformation...promoter with self-cleaving 2A site linkages and a terminator. Image from He, Y., Zhang, T., Sun, H. et al....untransformed seed from the same plant beginning to germinate. (Top right, second panel) Transformed seedlings... Biology Department at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He has a passion for microscopy...
  6. New and Upcoming Viral Vectors - Spring 2019

    Blog Post
    ...electrical activity through imaging. Since it’s illuminated by red/orange light, Archon1 can also be used...Chimeric channels for neuronal manipulation Recombinases Plasmid Serotype Name 50363  AAV5  AAV ...labeled neurons because background fluorescence from inactive neurons is reduced. 105322  AAV1  pGP-AAV-...densely-labeled neurons because background fluorescence from inactive neurons is reduced.  Additional resources...
  7. Revamp Your Lab Meetings With Creative Virtual Collaboration

    Blog Post
    ...annotate things as they come up in their minds. The final screen can also be saved and exported as a picture...miscommunication, a lack of leadership, and inappropriate tools or writing approaches can lead to frustration...frustration, delay of publication, or even the termination of a project.” Take brain breaks Meetings can...Wuchty S, Jones BF, Uzzi B (2007) The Increasing Dominance of Teams in Production of Knowledge. Science 316...
  8. Four Factors that Differentiate the Stem Cell Field

    Blog Post
    ...nearly all cell types in the body from otherwise terminally differentiated cells simply by expressing four... a community largely created due to Yamanaka’s seminal work. It didn't take very long to realize that...Hideyuki Okano presented ground-breaking work on spinal cord injuries; Jessica Young shared research on..., a half-brother who is a quadriplegic due to a spinal cord injury, and numerous family friends who had...
  9. Cultivating Community Science at BosLab

    Blog Post
    ...projects, we offer classes, workshops, book clubs, seminars, and social events. Building a community projects. Recently, Timothy Stiles and Mrina Nikrad have started the Open Yeast Engineering Project... not be pursued in an academic or industry lab. Mrina Nikrad, Ph.D., is an expert in microbial ecology...! Dennis Oleksyuk, Raphael Laurenceau, and Tami Pudina have initiated a soil microbiome project. This ...
  10. Summer SciComm Series: A PhD in Science Communication

    Blog Post
    ...I’ve always been fascinated by the human body and how it works. I used to stay up past my bedtime,’s health but adamantly refused to get them vaccinated. A classmate told me that they never finish a...more likely to rate that study as untrustworthy, inaccurate, methodologically flawed, and biased. As a result...information gained from that research remains inaccessible, behind paywalls and in technical jargon that...
  11. Quantifying DNA? Here are Five DNA Quantification Methods to Consider

    Blog Post
    ...many cases, you won’t see any signs of DNA in your final tube after purification. How do you know if you ...your DNA prep and whether there are any other contaminants. Nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) absorb maximally...method also gives an indicator of DNA or RNA contamination based on the presence of other bands or streaking...methods, this method doesn’t tell you about contaminating proteins or chaotropic salts. Capillary electrophoresis...
  12. Choosing Your Fluorescent Proteins for Multi-Color Imaging

    Blog Post
    ...recent years, there are many fluorescent protein combinations that can be imaged together, but this also means...microscope(s) you intend to use. An accurate determination of whether two fluorescent proteins can be separated...Cy5 (e.g. Semrock's) and the similar 4-laser combination on a confocal (405 / 488 / 561 / 640 nm). In ...try several proteins in your system of interest. Finally, in this set of proteins the green and red proteins...
  13. Synthesized by Ginkgo Bioworks, Shared by Addgene: SARS-CoV-2 Plasmids for Many Expression Systems

    Blog Post
    ...backbone with a T7 promoter driving multiple combinations of WT, codon optimized, untagged, cleavage sites... sites (thrombin and TEV), and C-terminal tags (StrepII, 3xFLAG, 6xHIS, MBP, Myc). These constructs include...found in the bacterial expression plasmids. Each combination is present in two sets of backbones which drive...expression system. Mammalian expression plasmids Finally a set of wild type and codon optimized, full length...
  14. Antibodies 101: Isotypes

    Blog Post
    ..., but it’s also found in tissues. IgG is the predominant isotype during a secondary immune response, which...switching is caused by a specialized type of DNA recombination. Heavy chain constant genes are clustered together... Figure 2: Isotype switching requires DNA recombination of the antibody gene locus. B cells start by...heavy-chain constant domain gene cluster. DNA recombination can delete intervening heavy-chain constant ...
  15. Antibodies 101: Monoclonal Antibodies

    Blog Post
    ...continue to produce the specific antibody that the original B cell produced. Because of this, all of the antibodies...hybridomas producing the most specific antibodies. Finally, the selected hybridoma is expanded as a clonal...reproducible experimental results. When you are originally selecting a hybridoma, you can choose one that...from the hybridoma into a plasmid to create a recombinant antibody.     Figure 2: Changes to the...
  16. 7 Tips to Secure a STEAM Internship This Summer

    Blog Post
    ...the page. Finally, as previously mentioned, enlist the help of your network to polish the final draft prior...don’t guess. Simply reach out to the program coordinator with your question(s). This precautionary step...notice within 24 hrs, send a note to the program coordinator.   6. Virtual interview prep Prepare for your...
  17. Viral Vectors 101: Viral Vector Elements

    Blog Post
    ...sides of this promoter-gene combo are two long terminal repeats (LTRs). These LTRs define the limit of...respectively, act as RNA polymerase II promoter and terminator regions and are slightly different in sequence...expression constructs. Sandwiched between two inverted terminal repeats (ITRs) is the promoter and cargo, in that... it to evade detection by the host. Of note, recombinant adenovirus is missing the endogenous E1 gene,...
  18. Plasmids 101: Screens vs. Selections

    Blog Post
    ...lot in common. In fact, selections are often inappropriately categorized as screens! Why the confusion? ...Alternative screening techniques While CRISPR and drugs dominate the screening scene, there are other options which.... Non-functional traits will be automatically eliminated, unlike in screens. Selections begin and end ...require there to be a culture condition which eliminates manipulations that do not affect the function...
  19. Cancer, Inflammation and Immunity - Harnessing the Body’s Defenses to Fight Cancer

    Blog Post
    ...Inflammation and Immunity, as well as various combinations thereof (so called “Immuno-Oncology”) is exploding...tackle the challenge of curing cancer in cross-disciplinary projects and collaborations. Summarized by Professor...the boost it needs to help rid us of cancer in combination with chemotherapy. To dive deeper into this field...exciting development in immunotherapy is the combination of the CRISPR/Cas9 methodology with T cell receptor...
Showing: 441 - 460 of 911 results