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Showing: 421 - 440 of 911 results
  1. Microbes: Look, Listen, and Tell

    Blog Post
    ...with a confocal microscope, yet I was once again fascinated by the world that reveals itself when looking... both interesting and approachable!   The grand finale of visual impressions was delivered by the ASM ...ASM Agar Art Winners! It is absolutely fascinating to see the living art designed by creative minds with...steady hand. By connecting art and science, a fascinating interface is created that produces loads of inspiration...
  2. Stem Cell Models for Disease & Open Science: Interview with Darrell Kotton

    Blog Post
    ...Darrel does 20% clinical work 80% research and was originally focused on becoming an MD but later got obsessed... therapy, and tissue engineering. How the multidisciplinary nature of the Center for Regenerative Medicine...lungs are difficult, but other tissues like the retina have cell-based therapies underway. Chapter 7: ...Additional Resources from Addgene Learn about Retinal Gene Therapy from Connie Cepko Find Plasmids from...
  3. What's New in CRISPR - Spring 2019

    Blog Post
    ...plasmids  Plant base editing with a Cas9-adenosine deaminase fusion Caixia Gao’s lab has developed a new plant...plant base editor from an evolved tRNA adenosine deaminase that is fused to a nicking Cas9. This base can also be regulated spatially with Cre-recombination. Read the paper in Frontiers in Molecular alternative to the conventional Cre or Flp recombinases used to excise markers. It has the advantage...
  4. Quick, Versatile Plant Transgenesis with GreenGate Plasmids

    Blog Post
    ...promoters, N-terminal tags, coding sequences of the gene of interest, C-terminal tags, plant terminators and resistance...percent efficiency, simply stopped working. They finally traced the problem back to the endonuclease. “It...
  5. Easing the Protein Purification Process with pCri

    Blog Post
    ...with different varieties of tags, both N- and C-terminal. Each set of plasmids uses the same restriction... thorough introduction to pCri, please see the original publication cited below. pCri plasmids are "The pCri system: a vector collection for recombinant protein expression and purification." PloS one..., Zachary T. Britton, and Anne S. Robinson. "Recombinant protein expression and purification: a comprehensive...
  6. Tag Your Favorite Yeast Genes with Ease

    Blog Post
    ...Homologous recombination is the process by which nearly all domains of life repair genomic damage, specifically...their findings, the authors recommend optimal FP combinations for use in yeast imaging, categorized by specific... of yeast tagging modules with each possible combination of protease site (TEV or PreScission), epitope...protease site)-6xGly linker-(epitope tag)-ADH1 terminator-(selection marker). Additionally, Dr. Formosa...
  7. What's New in CRISPR - March 2020

    Blog Post
    ...repress gene expression. In the dark, the NLS is inaccessible and the complex remains in the cytoplasm. Read...editors with minimized off-target DNA editing The original cytosine base editor, BE3, induces a low frequency...validated CBEs with reduced Cas9-independent deamination. They generated these editors using the BE4max... Fusing epigenetic modifiers such as TET1 with inactive Cas enzymes can alter gene expression via acetylation...
  8. Future of Research Conference - Remarkable Opening Session

    Blog Post
    ... centers in Boston.  I was relieved because it finally feels to me like the postdocs are taking some steps....  His list is dire:  The current system is unsustainable, hypercompetition is corroding values, we are...awards systems need to be radically overhauled.  Finally, the science publishing system needs to be changed... scientists to start addressing this problem.  Finally, one point made by Dr. Graham Walker, Professor...
  9. Celebrating Outstanding CRISPR/Cas9 Achievements at the Dr. Paul Janssen Award Dinner

    Blog Post
    ... the discussion in markers on a whiteboard. The final image is pictured here…she started from a blank ...labs and the importance of the strong, cross-disciplinary collaboration they shared to the work they did...extra fun) who shared first authorship on their seminal, cooperative paper in Science.  Interestingly, ...forever. He emphasized the potential of this extraordinary breakthrough. In fact, the panelists agreed ...
  10. What's the Best Way to Elute and Store Your Plasmid DNA?

    Blog Post
    ...sequence through a mechanism called depurination. In depurination, the hydrolysis of the glycosidic bond... DNA stability in solution are pH and DNase contamination.  Extreme pH can denature, break, and even change...gene, there are usually extra steps like heat inactivation, protein degradation, and/or the use of chelating...
  11. Zebrafish as a Model for Behavior: Swimming into the Optogenetic Spotlight

    Blog Post
    ...still free, and different regions of the spinal cord were illuminated. By looking at groups of neurons that...expressed the LiGluR opsin in different subsets of spinal cord neurons using the Gal4/UAS system. This created...dissection of a behavioural module in the vertebrate spinal cord." Nature 461.7262 (2009): 407. PubMed PMID...
  12. Viral Vectors 101: Parts of the AAV Packaging Plasmid

    Blog Post
    ...the AAV genome’s two inverted terminal repeats (ITRs); but when recombinant AAV (rAAV) is made in the lab...generates the different C-terminal regions of the Rep proteins. While the unique N-terminal domain of Rep78 and...
  13. Tips for Improving Your Next Manuscript

    Blog Post to becoming a successful writer. When I originally talked to my PI about becoming a better writer...aspects to it: videos starring Roberto Kolter, webinars taught by Peggy Cotter, Mary O’Riordan, and Victor...don’ts of that week’s piece of a manuscript. The webinars were my favorite part due to the interaction with... the individual figures and results to make the final product with an interesting introduction and concise...
  14. Cellosaurus: A Cell Line Information Database

    Blog Post
    ...lines: ones either suspected to be contaminate or easily contaminated, as well as commonly misidentified...informative. Spoiler alert: HeLa is the most common contaminator line.  For those wanting to access Cellosaurus...profiling, you can use Cellosaurus, and CLASTR, to finally know whether it was an 'h' or a 'b' written on ...
  15. Oh, The Places You Can Go: Careers in Science Communication - Science Writing

    Blog Post
    ...some public speaking and a bit of video work for webinars (get tips for your next science talk). I do quite a bit.” Out of all of these tasks, webinars are Hans’ favorite thing to work on. “It’s one...someone to take over hosting them. Since then, webinars make up a larger part of Hans’ workload. “I am...getting abstracts and plans together for my next 4 webinars—I have them stacked close together for the next...
  16. A Needle in a Base-Stack: Cas9 Structural Biology

    Blog Post
    ... nuclease folds found in other proteins. The C-terminal domain (CTD) of the protein also belongs to the...Sternberg et al., 2014). The nuclease lobes are inactive in the absence of guide RNA, preventing Cas9 from...loaded and the DNA sequence is recognized, it’s finally time to cut! The HNH domain, which cuts the target...flexible; it can rotate about 140 degrees between inactive and active conformations (Bravo et al., 2022; ...on this topic are still being made! Conclusion Finally, we can summarize the process from start to finish...
  17. Addgene's Top 10 Blog Posts of 2015

    Blog Post
    .... We will continue to provide you with more fascinating, informative, and actionable content in the coming...genome editing.   2. Plasmids 101: Cre-lox Cre recombinase can be used to generate inversions, deletions...Blue-White Screening Getting a lot of empty vector contaminants in your cloning experiments and tired of’ve made the right one. In this post, Addgenie Melina Fan guides us through the basics of the validation...
  18. Another Pathway into Cells: iTOP

    Blog Post
    ... embryonic stem cells, they found very high recombination percentages (78-79% after two rounds of transduction...application of iTOP Having tested iTOP using Cre-lox recombination, D’Astolfo et al. were eager to see if iTOP For these reasons, iTOP is best suited to binary systems in which transient protein expression has...long-lasting effect, such as Cre- or Cas9-mediated recombination. Both primary hESCs and immortalized cells treated...
  19. Meet the New Addgene Board Members!

    Blog Post
    ...Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical in 2017. As one of the original employees at Dimension Therapeutics, she helped...interested in for a long time. “At an early age, I was fascinated by the impact that medicines can have on human...during graduate school at MIT. “I read some of the seminal papers on cell cycle discovery from Lee In 2018, he interviewed Addgene co-founder Melina Fan and former Associate Director of Viral Vectors...
Showing: 421 - 440 of 911 results