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Showing: 401 - 420 of 911 results
  1. Google Forums Round Up: First Impressions of NgAgo

    Blog Post
    ...variety of institutions recently reported their inability to recapitulate the results of Gao et al 2016 ... Protein & Cell. Update (August 3rd, 2017) THE ORIGINAL NgAgo ARTICLE DISCUSSED IN THIS POST HAS BEEN .../ssDNA complex in the cell. As proposed in the original article, to achieve greater efficacy, researchers...possible reason for the trickiness of NgAgo is the inability of mature NgAgo protein to load an ssDNA guide... message thus far, based on survey respondents "Final Verdict", is that more time is required for NgAgo...
  2. Transgenic Organisms, Cas9 Gene Drives, and Appropriate Safeguards

    Blog Post cannot restore the exact original sequence, it can restore the original protein-coding sequence using...genomic changes impose a fitness cost and are eliminated by natural selection, gene drives distort inheritance...strategies that are robust to human error. Used in combination with standard barrier protocols, they can reduce...RNA-guided gene drives is Cas9 genome editing. Finally, gene drives are an inherently collective technology...
  3. Delivery Methods for Generating iPSCs

    Blog Post
    ...interfere with their differentiation potential. Finally, retroviruses are prone to insertional mutagenesis...lentiviral vector, but transient expression of Cre recombinase allows for deletion of the inserted transgenes...plasmid contains the gene(s) of interest flanked by terminal repeat sequences, which the PB transposase’s replication competent, it’s difficult to eliminate the virus from all cells, even after many passages...compared to integrating approaches. These methods eliminate the risk of insertional mutagenesis, the presence... outcome, since not all cell types are easily attainable, or easy to reprogram. Basically, there’s no ...
  4. Plasmids 101: Secondary Nanobody Toolbox

    Blog Post
    ...multiple dyes Commercially available Not recombinant; Require animal sacrifice Poor tissue penetration... staining Can be expensive Nanobodies   Recombinant; do not require animal sacrifice Good tissue expressed in bacteria, making nanobodies a recombinant and renewable anti-IgG reagent. Their small size...antibody-nanobody mix can be added to your sample, thus eliminating the secondary antibody incubation. See figure...Nanobodies will bind to the column due to their N-terminal His14-bdNEDD8 tag. After several washes, this ...
  5. Getting to Know Expansion Microscopy

    Blog Post
    ... other. For reference, individual presynaptic terminals, which are jam packed with everything needed for... evenly in all directions to several times its original size. Depending on the protocol, samples can be...expand unevenly, introducing distortions in your final images. It is possible to keep distortions to a ...careful execution, but they cannot be entirely eliminated. It is recommended that you image samples before...10.1038/s41587-022-01546-1  Mikhaylova M, Cloin BMC, Finan K, et al (2015) Resolving bundled microtubules using...
  6. Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experiences (CUREs)

    Blog Post
    ...cytosolic MDH (hMDH1). They then expressed the original and recombinant enzymes in bacteria, purified them to ... broader scientific community represents the culmination of many such experiences. For example, students...students in Provost’s course recently used a combination of phylogenetic analysis, structural prediction, ... to community colleges, and has helped provide original research experiences for thousands of undergraduates...
  7. CRISPR 101: Making a Knock-In Cell Line

    Blog Post where you would like to introduce the edit. Finally, you must stipulate what sequence to introduce,...repairing DNA double strand breaks – (HR). HR is the dominant homology-directed repair (HDR) pathway in mammalian... of a DNA double strand break by homologous recombination.    Designing donors for HDR The basis of...your cells. Enrich S-phase cells HR operates predominantly in S and G2 phase of the cell cycle, when a ...D. W., Shah, S. S., Heyer, W. D. Homologous recombination and the repair of DNA double strand breaks. ...
  8. Tips from the Repository Trenches: Using Barcodes to Track Samples

    Blog Post each step in the storage process. After the original sample is barcoded, the lab team takes over and.... Each plate has numbers and letters to give coordinates, from A1 through H12. Each plate is also barcoded...technique and controls to ensure that nothing is contaminated. We use filtered pipet tips and prepare transformed into different cells than were originally requested. Most of our samples (98.2%) transform... - from deposited DNA to transformed cells and finally to bacterial glycerol stocks that are used to fulfill...
  9. Antibodies 101: The Four ELISAs and When to Use Them

    Blog Post antigen in a sample. While Engvall et al. originally developed the ELISA assay to measure antibody...secondary antibodies can cross-react with samples, eliminating them from the procedure removes one potential...non-specific binding or false positives.  If testing a recombinant protein, especially one with tags, be sure to...the endogenous protein, since folding of the recombinant protein may differ from the native form, The Addgene Antibody GuideAddgene's recombinant antibody collection...
  10. Viral Vectors 101: Pseudotyping

    Blog Post
    ...Different pseudotyped viruses are differentially inactivated by nonspecific complement mechanisms in serum...anti-alphaGal antibodies. The VSV-G envelope protein is inactivated by serum regardless of the producer cell type...high concentrations as described above and is inactivated by the complement system in serum (DePolo et ...inflammatory response, but are not taken up by axon terminals and can’t be used for neuronal tracing or peripheral...Vector Particles Produced in Human Cells Are Inactivated by Human Serum. Molecular Therapy 2:218–222 ....
  11. Antibodies 101: Reading a Flow Plot

    Blog Post
    ... DCs and B cells are HLA-DR+ and CD14-.  In the final plot, the mixed population of B cells and dendritic... are CD11c+ CD123- and pDCs are CD123+ CD11c-. Finally, B cells are CD11c- and CD123-, forming a see these populations, I suggest using the imaginary quadrant to help (Figure 5). Even though this ...Kalamegam, G., Ahmed, F., Abbas, M., Sait, K., Anfinan, N., Al-Wasiyah,  mohammad khalid, Huwait, E., ...Conventional vs. Flow Cytometry Plasmid-based Recombinant Monoclonal Antibodies Introduction to Antibodies...
  12. Transferable Skills Guide: Creativity

    Blog Post
    ...Approaches Whether it’s finding the source of contamination or figuring out why the lab is so cold, we’ solve your problem. In a study outlined in Originals by Adam Grant, a creativity expert at Stanford...starting point, their ideas scored 37% higher in originality. It may not be easy to optimize virus production...This is why perfectionists tend to also be procrastinators.  If you fall into this category, get out of...References and Resources References Grant, A. (2017). Originals how non-conformists move the world. Penguin Publishing...
  13. Deep Mutational Scanning with One Pot Saturation Mutagenesis

    Blog Post
    ...ligand binding assays, phage display assays, ubiquitination activity assays, toxin activity, small molecule...can test the effect of multiple mutations in combination and possibly discover unexpected epistatic changes...mutagenesis methods, PFunkel offers the best combination of library coverage, mutational efficiency, control...recognizes nicked duplexed DNA. This results in the final product having a codon change present on both strands... combine pairs of mutations together to test combinatory effects. One-pot saturation mutagenesis The ...
  14. How to Design Your gRNA for CRISPR Genome Editing

    Blog Post
    ...Originally published May 3, 2017 and last updated Sep 24, 2020 This post was contributed by guest blogger...generally have fewer sequences to choose from). Finally, for HDR, location is much more important because...control, one should revert the edit back to the original in order to prove that the phenotype was really...activation and inhibition by CRISPRa and CRISPRi Finally, for modulating gene expression at the level of...ability to use sequence-based and other features to nominate gRNAs that are likely to be active, not only for...
  15. Building Global Connections with the International Mentorship Program USA-EUROPE

    Blog Post
    ...and should not be confined by birth country or financial means. Instead, talent should be realized through...experience from talented professionals to their original countries to help build, together with the universities...globalized environment re-emerging from international financial struggle, our new generations feel thrown, to ...students who participated in the program in its inaugural year: Joaquin Lilao (Mentee IMP 2014-15, University...interviews, expanded profesional networks, and nominations for government fellowships. The closing and formal...
  16. In Memoriam - The Origins of pBABE and Generations of Cancer Research

    Blog Post
    ... pBABE-puro. Read on to learn more about the fascinating history behind this vector which has helped launch...highest titers whilst minimizing the chance of recombination that would lead to replication competent retrovirus...retrovirus.  When we arrived at the final vectors (including one of the first to confer resistance to puromycin...2,150 publications during the past 30 years. The original empty vector has been distributed over 1,400 times...
  17. 9 tips for a successful postdoctoral experience

    Blog Post
    ...fellowship grants) A project with sufficient preliminary data to establish your own lab and get an independent...goals. Knowing when to follow a lead and when to terminate a project are fundamental skills that all group...their research. They dread giving a departmental seminar or a joint lab meeting. I've been told that PFs... research fits in with the current literature. Finally, if you give your talk or poster to enough different...hiking, and photography to be very satisfying. Finally, many PFs are in committed relationships and/or...
  18. Making Career Development an Integral Part of the Science Training System

    Blog Post
    ... science graduate programs are still doing an inadequate job of supporting science trainee transition ...captured in this just released report “Enhancing Dissemination of Evidence-Based Models for STEM PhD identify the most effective practices and disseminating career training approaches in a way that can...professional development are intended to be widely disseminated by “train the trainer” programs.  Please join...
  19. Plasmid Preps: Different Purity, Different Quantities, Different Uses

    Blog Post
    ... a set of techniques that are used to insert recombinant DNA from prokaryotes or eukaryotes into a synthetic...(genomic DNA and RNA), proteins and chemical contaminants that have been used during the purification ...scientists an indication of purity versus protein contaminants. The 260 and 230 nm ratios should fall ~2 - ... being free of any nucleic acid and chemical contaminants, these DNA samples must also be entirely endotoxin...
  20. 6 Tips for Analyzing and Troubleshooting Sanger Sequencing Results

    Blog Post
    ... This blog was originally published on BitesizeBio here. As part of my job ensuring plasmid quality at...sequence Anything less and you might suspect contamination in your sample or consider asking your sequencing...but well worth it. 6. Edit your DNA sequence Finally, when you do see a miscalled peak, don’t be shy... Acknowledgements: Thank you BitesizeBio for originally publishing this and allowing us to share it with...
Showing: 401 - 420 of 911 results