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Showing: 381 - 400 of 911 results
  1. Synthetic Photobiology: Optogenetics for E. coli

    Blog Post
    ...goals require methods to directly activate and inactivate biological processes. Chemical effectors are ...two-component systems (TCSs). TCSs consist of a histidine kinase that phosphorylates a response regulator (RR). ...from cyanobacteria to a common E. coli histidine kinase. This hybrid construct senses light, and an obligate... two-component system (TCS). A hybrid histidine kinase/photosensor senses various light inputs, and an...issue; some promoter activity persisted in the inactive state. The dynamic range, defined as the difference...
  2. What Good Citizenship Can Do for Reproducibility in Science

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    ..., the problem comes down to inadequate information about what the original researchers actually did. Admittedly... have to be this way. We can never completely eliminate the risk that a minor variation in experimental...put down a basic outline and refer back to the original paper that everyone in your lab has been referencing...President of Editorial at Cell Press.  She trained originally in cell biology, completing her PhD at the MRC...
  3. Celebrate National Book Month with Addgene

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    ...atypicalities, including a patient with amusia - the inability to perceive music as anything but noise. As a ...pop psychology, Musicophilia is accessible and fascinating, all without compromising on the relevant science... Tsang, Science Communications and Marketing Coordinator Non-science favorites  The Mistborn series by...even more sinister. 1000 pages long. Incredibly imaginative, funny, bittersweet, and shocking at times."     ... PhD, majored in Biochemistry or International Finance. A book club could lead to smart, sometimes contentious...
  4. Improving Transduction Efficiency with Exosome AAVs

    Blog Post
    ...demonstrated in different cellular environments such as retina or glioblastoma). They also found that exo-AAVs... protects them from antibody recognition and inactivation (György et al., 2014), but scientists have yet...deafness (György et al., 2017), exo-AAV2 in mouse retina after intravitreal injection to transduce bipolar...difficult to reach, and are more resistant to inactivation through anti-AAV antibodies. References György...vector mediates robust gene delivery into the murine retina upon intravitreal injection." Scientific reports...
  5. Troubleshooting and Optimizing a Western Blot

    Blog Post it’s better to start over if that happens.  Finally, if you’re seeing a weird issue and can’t figure...ladder compatible with your imaging system; or a combination of the two. There are many commercially available...SDS for your proteins to migrate…so don’t try eliminating one component entirely. If you are trying to ...bit to find a membrane, transfer, and buffer combination that works. Background If you’re seeing odd background...manufacturer. You can also consider using monoclonal or recombinant antibodies, which have much lower lot-to-lot ...point. You can also consider using polyclonal or recombinant multiclonal antibodies to increase overall signal...enough antibody binding sites Polyclonal or recombinant multiclonal antibodies Protein not properly...
  6. Opto-Nanobodies: Using Light to Manipulate Cell Signaling and Protein Purification

    Blog Post
    ...their target protein is altered by blue light illumination. This ability to reversibly bind and release...tagged, which limits these approaches to use with recombinant proteins. Purifying an untagged protein with ...initiates the extracellular signaling-regulated kinase (ERK) signaling cascade. This signaling is a lot...signaling by using a fluorescent reporter for Erk kinase translocation. These results demonstrate that OptoNBs...pathway. What’s next for OptoNBs? While OptoNBs illuminate a path to light-controlled protein binding, they...
  7. GCE4All: Making Genetic Code Expansion Accessible

    Blog Post
    ... the synthetic biology scene in 1989 through a seminal paper from Peter Schultz’s lab describing a technique...same for all three components, meaning that the final protocol may involve a sensitive balance of trade-offs...GCE4All is a great place to start. They host monthly webinars, workshops, and a bulletin board on their website...their first protocol is available now. It is for recombinant expression of phosphoserine-including proteins...Site-specific Incorporation of Phosphoserine into Recombinant Proteins in Escherichia coli. 12(21). https:/...
  8. Plasmids 101: Inducible Promoters

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    ...expression and largely defines the amount of recombinant protein that will be produced. Many common promoters...Positive inducible In the OFF state, the promoter is inactive because the activator protein cannot bind. After...Negative inducible In the OFF state, the promoter is inactive because a bound repressor protein actively prevents...tetracycline-controlled transactivator) is normally inactive and cannot bind the tetracycline response elements...a reporter gene. When light is present, YFI is inactive, preventing repressor cI synthesis and allowing...
  9. Antibodies 101: ChIP

    Blog Post
    ...washing and then incubate with Proteinase K to reverse the crosslinking. Finally, purify your DNA with a PCR...fragment size and (2)  incubate with RNAse and Proteinase K to purify the DNA and then determine concentration...isolated your antibody:protein:DNA complexes and finally (5) isolated the DNA from your antibody:protein... on Find plasmids encoding recombinant antibodies at Addgene ...
  10. RNA Extraction Without A Kit

    Blog Post
    ...any type of DNA or RNA purification to avoid contamination, take extra care when performing RNA extraction...using DEPC-treated water, autoclave the water to inactivate the DEPC.  Ensure that plasticware or glassware... baked at 180°C for at least 4 hours.   If your final RNA sample(s) are resuspended in water or TE buffer...homogenization solution and phenol addition of the original no-kit protocol into one step. After homogenization...resuspended RNA sample will help ensure DNA contamination is not an issue.  References                 ...
  11. dTAG - You're it!

    Blog Post
    ...proximity with the target protein, leading to polyubiquitination of the target protein and proteasomal degradation...plasmids enable lentiviral expression of N- or C-terminally FKBP12F36V-tagged fusion chimeras or locus-specific...rapid means of comparing functionality of N- and C-terminal fusions and degradation in a cell line of ENL-FKBP12F36V and endogenous ENL was inactivated using CRISPR/Cas9 gene-editing. Featured FKBP12F36V-MELK and endogenous MELK was inactivated using CRISPR/Cas9 gene-editing. Featured molecules...
  12. Plasmids 101: CcdB - The Toxic Key to Efficient Cloning

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    ...expressing the recombinant plasmid to propagate. Any cells that contained non-recombinant vectors (re-ligated...the number of clones that do not contain the recombinant plasmid and therefore makes the cloning process... but should never be used when selecting for recombinant plasmids. Check out our blog post on Common Lab...References 1. Bernard, P. “Positive Selection of Recombinant DNA by CcdB.” Biotechniques. 1996 Aug;21(2):320...
  13. Antibodies 101: Affinity Reagents

    Blog Post  Antibody GuideRecombinant antibodies available from AddgeneBrowse our recombinant antibody plasmid...have higher reproducibility and consistency in the final product. Because the constant (non-epitope binding...reduced immunogenicity. Effector functions are eliminated, as is antibody recognition, since antibody-specific...antibody constant region. They are generated using combinatorial libraries, and high specificity has been reported...
  14. Antibody Validation for Flow Cytometry

    Blog Post
    ...more reproducible/renewable reagents, such as recombinant or hybridoma-derived monoclonal antibodies. It...solution depended on the specific antibody:target combination of interest (Figure 1). It can therefore be helpful...µg/mL (1/100). * = monoclonal antibody, ** = recombinant antibody. Figure adapted from Biddle et al., ...within the five pillars and is frequently used in combination with other approaches. If several cell lines ...correlation with other approaches when possible. Finally, correlation of -omics data can also be used in... 2019, 2021). In those studies, we used this combination to find suitable antibodies for a target with...
  15. The CRISPR Software Matchmaker: A New Tool for Choosing the Best CRISPR Software for Your Needs

    Blog Post
    ...every sweet or toy strewn across the floor. In the final wake it all settles down and the value of each item...of research activity and development since its inaugural year in 2012. That’s just 3 to 4 years ago. It...problems various tools are trying to solve, and finally how we might proceed in the future. When we think...for sgRNA design (by Hsu et al., 2013) used a combination of both empirical and approximate methods.”, “CLI”, and “GUI”. Trends: Online tools dominate the software space but generally rely on less ... active sgRNAs for CRISPR-Cas9-mediated gene inactivation." Nature biotechnology (2014). PubMed PMID: ...
  16. The Materials Science of Optogenetics Experiments

    Blog Post
    ...your region of stimulation (the z-axis bregma coordinate). Because the light that is emitted from the ...stimulation will be erratic, opsin activation/inactivation inconsistent, and behavioral results impossible...opsin variant has slightly different activation/inactivation kinetics. For example, the light-gated get to the fun stuff: the experiments! In our final post in this primer on optogenetics we’ll delve ...Gutierrez DV, et al. Optogenetic control of motor coordination by Gi/o protein-coupled vertebrate rhodopsin...
  17. A New Generation of Adenine Base Editors Improves Editing in Primary Human Cells

    Blog Post
    ...ABEs), consists of 3 components:  a deaminase (TadA, originally from E.coli, named TadA7.10 in ABE7.10...selection strategy (Gaudelli et al., 2017) in combination with a synthetic library of TadA sequences to...cause genome-wide, guide-independent off-target deamination, an important attribute for therapeutic application... JM, Lee S-J, Liquori AJ, Murray R, Packer MS, Rinaldi C, Slaymaker IM, Yen J, Young LE, Ciaramella G ...
  18. Split Fluorescent Proteins for Studying Protein-Protein Interactions

    Blog Post
    ...), includes I152L in N-terminal fragment An enhanced recombinant amino-terminal acetylation system and...Biotechniques. 2006 Chang-Deng Hu Venus Improved N-terminal fragment VN155(I152L), for use with VC155 An improved...mVenus Split mVenus (aa 155), includes I152L in N-terminal fragment Constant rate of p53 tetramerization ...
  19. Transgenic Organisms, Cas9 Gene Drives, and Appropriate Safeguards

    Blog Post cannot restore the exact original sequence, it can restore the original protein-coding sequence using...genomic changes impose a fitness cost and are eliminated by natural selection, gene drives distort inheritance...strategies that are robust to human error. Used in combination with standard barrier protocols, they can reduce...RNA-guided gene drives is Cas9 genome editing. Finally, gene drives are an inherently collective technology...
  20. Adenoviral Delivery of CRISPR/Cas9 Aims to Expand Genome Editing to Primary Cells

    Blog Post
    ...Originally published Sep 30, 2014 and last updated Dec 10, 2020 by Benoit Giquel.   Adenoviral vectors...transiently expressed and binds to target DNA. In the final step of targeted gene knock-out (left), a fragment... the cut site through error-free homologous recombination (HR). Adapted from an image provided by Manuel...they attribute this phenomenon to the presence of terminal proteins capping the ends of linear double-stranded...Han Y-C, Ogrodowski P, Crippa A, Rekhtman N, de Stanchina E, Lowe SW, Ventura A (2014) In vivo engineering...
Showing: 381 - 400 of 911 results