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Showing: 21 - 40 of 239 results
  1. Adenovirus Plasmids

    ...adenovirus plasmids in either mammalian cells or microorganisms, including bacteria and yeast. Two plasmids...
  2. Mammalian RNAi Tools

    ...RNAi in a wide range of cell types, tissues and organisms Luk Parijs 11619 pLB Modified pLL3.7; Genetic ...
  3. Zebrafish Plasmid Collection

    ...screening fluorescent protein fusion expression in organisms or cells in which an exogenous mRNA can be injected...
  4. TALEN Plasmids and Kits

    ...Golden Gate cloning method. Validated in multiple organisms. Dan Voytas Adam Bogdanove Joung Lab TAL Effector...
  5. 27 Hot Plasmids from 2016

    Blog Post
    ...structures available in the PDB. Parton DL, Hanson SM, Rodríguez-Laureano L, Albanese SK, Gradia S, Jeans... the yeast vacuole, as well as to examine the mechanisms behind autophagic pathways. Rosado, et al. Autophagy... both in vitro cell systems and diverse model organisms. Addgene’s newest TALEN kit, the FusX assembly...has revolutionized genome editing in multiple organisms thanks to its simple, easily modifiable RNA-guided...screens required to identify correctly modified organisms has limited routine use of this technology. To...conditionally knock down proteins in a variety of model organisms. As long as it was expressed in a cell that also... mutagenized proteasome subunit PSMB5 to find mechanisms of resistance to a proteasome inhibitor; CRISPR-X...
  6. Tetracycline Inducible Expression

    .... PNAS . 1992 Jun 15;89(12):5547-51. PubMed . Mechanisms underlying expression of Tn10 encoded tetracycline...
  7. CRISPR References and Information

    Collection site common to a set of similar sequences. Organisms include human, mouse, rat, chicken, frog, zebrafish...
  8. Rett Syndrome

    ...differentiated cells that can be used to understand the mechanisms of the disease and for the development of successful...
  9. Luciferase Plasmids

    ... bioluminescence found in a diverse number of organisms, ranging from bacteria to aquatic animals to insects...
  10. Recombinase-based State Machines Enable Order-dependent Logic in vivo

    Blog Post
    ... possible to build gene regulatory RSMs (GRSMs, the subset of RSMs that regulate gene expression) that...eight two-input RSMs and three three-input RSMs. The plasmids used to construct these RSMs are listed in... not. How might one implement RSMs? In our study (1), we implement RSMs in E. coli with two plasmids (...two-input GRSMs use the same recognition site array on the register, and all three-input GRSMs use the ...these factors. Recombinase-based state machines (RSMs), which take on a particular DNA-sequence temporally ordered biochemical events. How do RSMs work? The state of an RSM is defined by the sequence...expressed in each state. To help researchers adapt GRSMs for their research, we provide MATLAB-based software...
  11. Plasmids 101: Codon usage bias

    Blog Post
    ...genetic code is used by most organisms on Earth, but different organisms have different preferences for...codons are used preferentially in which organisms - organisms have codon usage bias. You can find many... do about them? Read on to find out!   Why do organisms have different codon usage biases? The reasons...reasons for varied codon preferences among organisms aren’t completely understood, but some possible reasons... strains. Adaptation to changing conditions - Organisms often need to express genes at different levels...While codon preferences can be very useful for organisms, they can be problematic for researchers trying...can find a variety of databases showing various organisms’ codon preferences online). Even if the gene is...
  12. What's Your Organism? Expanding Genomic Tools via the NSF EDGE Program

    Blog Post
    ... posts: Five Popular Model Organisms, Part 1 Five Popular Model Organisms, Part 2 ...providing access to genotypic study of diverse organisms. Methods for genetic manipulation still need to... transform, store, and share all of these new organisms continues to be challenging. Organism specific... created under this programs via Addgene. New organisms for genotype to phenotype studies New tag and curate reagents from these emerging organisms so scientists can easily find the useful new reagents... Saccharomyces cerevisiae (both fine research organisms) -  perhaps you’ll choose to study Crepidula bonds that they form including genetic mechanisms that control who a female wants to mate with ...
  13. Plasmids 101: Environmental Plasmids

    Blog Post
    ...when genetic material is passed between organisms by mechanisms other than reproduction (vertical gene ... Some organisms manage this by utilising recalcitrant or unusual substrates that other organisms can’t...environment. Indeed, plasmid transfer between organisms is one of the most common methods of horizontal... a variety of functions that allow their host organisms to thrive in competitive environments. The invade environments found on and in living organisms. For example, there are plasmids that allow Salmonella...means to deliver DNA and other molecules to host organisms. For instance, vectors derived from the Agrobacterium...
  14. CRISPR Methods for Bacteria: Genome Engineering, CRISPRa, CRISPRi, Base Editing, and More

    Blog Post
    ...has taken place in other organisms. In many bacteria, unlike other organisms, CRISPR-induced double stranded...can consider the microbiome as a collection of organisms, their genes, and metabolic processes, occupying... diseases have connections to either specific organisms or organism/gene interactions with the host. This... al., 2014). These could be genes, specific polymorphisms, including antibiotic resistance genes. This...This approach successfully targeted specific organisms when using bacteriophages or mobile plasmids in a...Pseudomonas species Expanding this tool to other organisms, the Ji lab brought genome and base editing to...genome engineering remains challenging for most organisms in the genus. Work from the Sun lab demonstrates...
  15. The CRISPR Software Matchmaker: A New Tool for Choosing the Best CRISPR Software for Your Needs

    Blog Post one or a subset of organisms. Examples: “organism agnostic”, “model organisms”, “small genome”, “large...that is applicable to only one, or a subset of organisms. In only a few cases the software is organism ... programming language or another. Supported organisms: This section lists the genomes supported by each...organism agnostic and have currently available organisms listed in this section. CRISPR software advice... were developed or by their focus on specific organisms. For this reason I generally recommend that laboratories...purpose of applying CRISPR technologies to new organisms and will help you whether you have a full assembly...
Showing: 21 - 40 of 239 results