PITChing MMEJ as an Alternative Route for Gene Editing
Blog Post
...plasmid carrying Cas9, the PITCh-gRNA, and the locus-specifc gRNA. The PITCh-gRNA creates two DSBs in the PITCh...induced via a generic PITCh-gRNA; the third break by an insertion locus-specific gRNA. These double stranded...
Step 2: Design an insertion locus-specific gRNA
The gRNA should target near the last coding exon of your...ideal use, this gRNA should be cloned into a vector containing Cas9 and the PITCh-gRNA.
Step 3: Contransfect...cassette flanked by 5' and 3' microhomology and PITCh-gRNA binding sites. This PITCh plasmic is cotransfected...release the cassette, and an insertion-locus-specific gRNA cleaves genomic DNA. These three double stranded...carrying Cas9 and the PITCh- and locus-specific gRNAs
Step 4: Select for puromycin resistant cells