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Showing: 21 - 40 of 268 results
  1. Split Fluorescent Proteins for Studying Protein-Protein Interactions

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    ...Chang-Deng Hu Green sfGFP Split super-folder GFP, our most-requested GFP(1-10) and GFP(11) Versatile protein...Commun. 2016 Bo Huang spGFP Split superpositive GFP Split-superpositive GFP reassembly is a fast, efficient...base FP (for example, EBFP2(1-10) can be used with GFP(11)). Some of the articles linked below only provide...Blue EBFP2 EBFP2(1-10) and Capri(1-10) for use with GFP(11) Multiplexed labeling of cellular proteins with... Kamiyama Cerulean Cerulean(1-10) for use with GFP(11) Multiplexed labeling of cellular proteins with...background signal (especially for some older split-GFP constructs or certain cell environments). Also consider... variant of mScarlet Split-wrmScarlet and split-sfGFP: tools for faster, easier fluorescent labeling of...
  2. Neuronal labeling with Spaghetti Monster

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    ... structures GFP is limited in its ability to label subcellular structures in the CNS. GFP and other FPs...connectomic tracers Fluorescent proteins such as GFP have been used for a long time as probes to study...fluorescent signals or using anti-FP antibodies. GFP emits light in only a single channel. In multi-color...these FPs is that they are less photostable than GFP. In addition, antibody-based amplification of their..., prone to aggregation and cross-react with anti-GFP antibodies, making them difficult to use in a multicolor...with high fidelity and at lower concentrations than GFP. smFPs enable better labeling of these fine structures...moleculare were better resolved with smFP_FLAG than GFP.   3. Enhanced ability to distinguish weakly expressed...
  3. Flow Cytometry Readouts: Yes, No, and Everything in Between

    Blog Post cells are GFP+. In this plot, with adjusted voltage, cells that did not receive the GFP protein are ...-case result. For example, you have introduced a GFP protein into your cells (visualized via the FITC ... to be clustered at signals below 103, while the GFP+ population cluster would be shifted to the right...samples and controls were processed the same way, the GFP- population should overlap with the negative control...control population (Figure 1). Based on where the GFP- population ends, you can draw a gate which selects...selects anything to the right of it, marking it as GFP+. Quantification for such graphs could simply be the...
  4. Plasmids 101: Knockout/Knock-In Plasmids

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    ...recombinase. If GFP is under control of an endogenous promoter, you can use expression GFP to track cells...tag an endogenous protein with GFP, as seen in blue flame plasmid OCT4-eGFP-PGK-Puro from the Jaenisch lab...In order to both knockout a given gene and insert GFP into the genome, we’d create a plasmid similar the one shown below, where the sequence of GFP is cloned together with the Neomycin resistance (NeoR... 3 of the targeted gene. Upon recombination, the GFP/NeoR cassette is inserted in place of exon 2. Thus...gene is disrupted (knocked out) but the inserted GFP is expressed (knocked in). As seen in the above example...knockout/knock-in targeting vector designed to insert GFP into a given locus.   Conditional knockouts ...
  5. Tips for a 1st Time CRISPR User (by a 1st Time CRISPR User)

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    ... for gene editing. A virus encoding GFP plus a gRNA targeting GFP (pXPR_011, 59702-LV) was used to assay... by the virally-delivered GFP gRNA, will edit out the virally-delivered GFP gene. So, cells with no Cas9...I thought I could see GFP expression with a fluorescence microscope, but the GFP expression was so low...expressed GFP) that I couldn’t get a good image. You could probably also do Western blotting against GFP expression... didn’t. 2. In the original publication they see GFP expression in about 20% of their Cas9-expressing ...BRDN0001146266) ( 76479-LV and 76480-LV) or control GFP gRNA (BRDN0000561167) (80034-LV) were individually...such edits in the cells transduced by the control GFP-gRNA (Figure 4, 5). When the gel was overexposed,...
  6. Fluorescent Proteins 101: Photoactivatable Fluorescent Proteins

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    ...reported was PA-GFP. PA-GFP was derived from Jellyfish (Aequorea victoria) GFP (wtGFP) by mutating Threonine...mutation in PA-GFP generates a chromophore population that is more neutral, causing PA-GFP to display almost...example, by engineering PA-GFP tagged to a mitochondrial matrix protein (mito-PAGFP) the Youle Lab was able...the neutral to the anionic form, which allows PA-GFP to exhibit up to a 100-fold increase in fluorescence...when illuminated with blue light (1). Similar to PA-GFP, scientists later developed red fluorescent vivo imaging models perfer the PA-RFPs over PA-GFP. Another class of irreversible PA-FPs are the photoconvertible...Fluorescence) Brightness Excitation/ Emission (nm) PA-GFP Monomer UV-Violet Dark/ Green ~200 Medium 504/ 517...
  7. Fluorescent CRISPR Reporters: SRIRACCHA and GEmCherry2

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    ... the supplied donor plasmid will express GFP. If there’s GFP expression, presumably the endogenous target...RFP to GFP expressing cells provides a real-time read out of Cas9 activity.  By using the RFP:GFP the genome) and an out-of-frame H2B (histone)-GFP reporter into the genome of mammalian cells.  ...puromycin resistance gene linked to an in-frame H2B-GFP. This visual read out allows for easy screening of... the gene NFE2L2, the Madison lab found that H2B-GFP expressing cells exhibited a 2-4 fold increase in... can easily and seamlessly remove the integrated GFP reporter leaving you with just your desired genomic...
  8. HA Frankenbody, a New Imaging Tool to Visualize Single Molecules and Nascent Peptides

    Blog Post
    ...newly formed proteins.  Limitations with GFP in imaging  While GFP has been an immensely powerful tool to...impossible for scientists to use GFP to image nascent proteins. In addition GFP tags are large, dim, and permanently...proteins in vivo, it does have some limitations. GFP has long protein maturation times which limits its...experiment the Stasevich lab observed colocalization of GFP tagged HA frankenbody with an mCherry, 4xHA tagged...
  9. AAVs CREATed for Gene Delivery to the CNS and PNS

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    ... comparison, capsids were packed with a GFP transgene and GFP intensity and transduction efficiency of...AAV.PHP.eB and AAV.PHP.S had 1.5- to 2-fold higher GFP intensity compared to the strains they were derived...also transduced a higher number of neurons overall (GFP+ cells that also stained for a neuronal marker). ...efficiency of AAV-PHP.B versus AAV-PHP.eB in the CNS. A GFP transgene was packaged into either an AAV-PHP.B or...mouse and the level of transduction, measured via GFP expression, was determined 3 weeks later. Table was...efficiency of AAV.9 versus AAV.PHP.S in the PNS. A GFP transgene was packaged into either an AAV.9 or an...
  10. An Interview with Connie Cepko - Gene Therapy, Plasmid Tools and Insights to Success

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    ...about Professor Cepko's recent work on developing GFP-activated proteins, read our recent blog post. Check...Multiple Genes to Cells for Gene Therapy 28:40-35:10 : GFP Activatable Tools Being Developed in the Cepko Lab...C.Y., et al. “Cell type-specific manipulation with GFP-dependent Cre recombinase.” Nat. Neurosci. 18(9) ...on the Addgene Blog Read our Recent Blog Post on GFP Activable Plasmid Tools Being Developed in the Cepko...
  11. Fluorescent Proteins 101: GFP Fusion Proteins - Making the Right Connection

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    ...the limitations is the size of GFP: ~240 amino acids or about 28 kDa. GFP and its homologues have a beta-barrel...and shape matters The green fluorescent protein (GFP) from Aequorea victoria and its variants are genetically...interference is known as steric hindrance. For instance, GFP may occlude catalytic sites or obstruct binding modifications. Despite these potential issues, GFP has been used successfully in countless fusion proteins... an inert light emitting module, any tendency of GFP to homodimerize should be avoided because it will...the linker sequence short In the early days of GFP applications, many were concerned with steric hindrance...fluorescent proteins derived from Aequorea victoria GFP sticks out and can be considered a linker (figure...
  12. Synthetic promoter AAVs for cell-type specific expression in retinal cells

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    ...channelrhodopsin, fused to a fluorescent GFP marker (CatCH-GFP). The lab deposited AAV plasmids containing... a Cre-dependent fluorescent CatCH-GFP reporter. Expression of GFP will only result in cells where Cre-mCherry...mice to test for cell type-specific expression of GFP. Half (113) expressed in retinal cells four weeks...photoreceptors and horizontal cells, and Cre-dependent-GFP expresses in horizontal cells and ganglion cells,...transduced by both AAVs would express Cre-mCherry and GFP.   Figure 2: Synthetic promoters can be paired...
  13. 15 Years of Addgene: The Top 15 Plasmids

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    ...pSpCas9(BB)). The 2A-GFP allows for screening of transfected cells. Find pSpCas9(BB)-2A-GFP (PX458). lentiCRISPR...pSpCas9n(BB)-2A-GFP (PX461) - Similar to pSpCas9(BB)-2A-Puro (PX458), pSpCas9n(BB)-2A-GFP (PX461) expresses...requested plasmid of 2017. Find pMD2.G. pSpCas9(BB)-2A-GFP (PX458) - This plasmid from the Zhang lab expresses...nick, rather than cleave DNA. Find pSpCas9n(BB)-2A-GFP (PX461). pSpCas9(BB)-2A-Puro (PX459) - This mammalian...
  14. Hot Plasmids and Viral Preps - March 2021

    Blog Post
    ...sender” cells express GFP on the surface and “receiver” cells express an anti-GFP nanobody on the cell track cell-cell interactions By Jennifer Tsang GFP-based Touching Nexus (G-baToN) is a new tool developed...cell surface. When the cells interact, GFP is transferred to the receiver cell, and the receiver cell turns...other fluorophore/antibody pairs. Because the anti-GFP nanobody cross-reacts with BFP, sender cells expressing...expression of cytoplasmic-tdTomato and Synaptophysin-GFP. Synapse targeting GCaMP6s from the Rylan Larsen ...
  15. New and Upcoming Viral Vectors - June 2019

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    ...Serotype Name 105530  AAV1 pAAV.CMV.PI.EGFP.WPRE.bGH 37825  AAV1 pAAV-CAG-GFP 59462  AAV2 pAAV-CAG-tdTomato... testing) pAAV-CAG-GFP 50465 AAV8, 9 (20 µL size serotype testing) AAV-hSyn-EGFP Biosensor AAV The...testing) pAAV-CAG-GFP 50465 AAV1, 2, 5, rg (20 µL size serotype testing) pAAV-hSyn-EGFP Recombinases...various serotypes of two popular control AAV encoding GFP. Check out our inventory of serotype testing AAV ...Plasmid Serotype Name 99039  AAVrg pAAV-CamKII-ArchT-GFP (PV2527) 105679  AAV5 ppAAV-CKIIa-stGtACR1-FusionRed...Name 119741  AAV5  AAV SYN flex PSAM4 GlyR IRES EGFP Recombinase AAV Finally, we are excited to add...Serotype Name 119472  AAV5  AV SYN PSAM4 GlyR IRES EGFP   Biosensors Plasmid Serotype Name 105322...
  16. X-CHIME: Context Dependent Germline Knockout in Immune Cells

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    ... out a pair of genes pXPR_219 Violet-excited GFP (vex) Rosa26-Cas9 I-CHIME Inducible knockout...knockout of a single gene pXPR_068 Violet-excited GFP (vex) Rosa26-FlpO-ERT2; H11-Cas9 L-CHIME ...types (lineage-based) pXPR_070 Violet-excited GFP (vex) Lineage-Cre; Rosa26-Cas9 S-CHIME Knocks...of genes sequentially pXPR_220 Violet-excited GFP (vex) Rosa26-FlpO-ERT2; H11-Cas9 Table 1: X-CHIME...
  17. Hot Plasmids - May 2022

    Blog Post
    ...line expressing a GFP-tagged version of a protein of interest. The binding of the GFP nanobody to its target... proximity to the GFP-tagged protein (albeit slightly offset due to the nanobody-GFP interaction). The...ligase TurboID fused to a conditionally stabilized GFP-nanobody rather than a specific protein of interest...
  18. 22 Hot Plasmid Technologies from 2014

    Blog Post
    ...dim GFPs The availability of the three dimensional structure of GFP, its brighter mutant S65T-GFP, and...and GFP shRNA. Mice carrying the R26DsRedR; CRUSH-GFP; and Nestin-Cre alleles showed efficient GFP knockdown...identified a family of GFP proteins in the cephalochordate Branchiostoma floridae, named bfloGFPs. They went on...and demonstrate that they can successfully create GFP fusion proteins with a variety of genes across the...enabled scientists to engineer a wide variety of GFPs with diversity in fluorescence brightness, intensity...Cas9 gene editing. Dr. Masahito Ikawa has created a GFP reporter plasmid for scientists to validate the efficacy...plasmid undergoes HR or SSA to reconstitute functional GFP, and the cells will turn green. Mashiko et al.,...
  19. Rosella: A Fluorescent pH-Biosensor for Studying Autophagy

    Blog Post
    ...electron microscopy analysis is time consuming. GFP-tagged Atg8p or LC3: ATG8 is part of a group of genes...with autophagosomal membranes, so tagging it with GFP allows for tracking the localization or accumulation...autophagosomes and autophagic bodies in yeast. A GFP-tagged version of LC3, the mammalian Atg8p homolog...pH-insensitive RFP variant, DsRed.T3 and a pH-sensitive GFP variant, super ecliptic pHluorin (SEP). They are ...Fluorescent Protein Oligomerization Seeing Red: Simple GFP Photoconversion Light Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy...
  20. Sensing Neuronal Dopamine

    Blog Post
    ...sensor was engineered from a GFP variant and a DA receptor such that GFP fluoresces when the receptor ...on a similar strategy: a GFP variant bound to a DA receptor, such that the GFP fluoresces upon DA-receptor...
Showing: 21 - 40 of 268 results