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Showing: 21 - 40 of 188 results
  1. Immunology Research Plasmids and Resources

    ...presenting cells of the innate immune system. Engagement of the TCR by an MHC molecule presenting its ... from the labs of William Hahn and Jean Zhao . Phagemid Synuclein VHH Immune Library : This library from...and the Michael J Fox Foundation is a synuclein phagemid VHH phage display library used to screen for antibodies...
  2. Distribution to Industry

    Collection you a link to the Recipient Scientist Acknowledgement (RSA). This form can be completed electronically...
  3. Antibody Plasmid Collection

    ...antibody fragments selected from Tomlinson I+J phagemid libraries. Immunol Lett. 2015 Oct;167(2):95-102...
  4. CRISPR Guide

    ...In vivo engineering of oncogenic chromosomal rearrangements with the CRISPR/Cas9 system. 2014. Maddalo ...
  5. CRISPR Antimicrobials

    Blog Post
    ...either did not receive a phagemid, lost the phagemid or received a defective phagemid; Bikard et al. did not...genes in E. coli using plasmid and phagemid delivery systems. Phagemids are plasmids containing a phage ..., CRISPR phagemids were cytotoxic only for resistant bacteria. Bikard et al. used a phagemid system to...common hospital-borne infection. Two rounds of phagemid treatment were sufficient to wipe out the site. In a mouse skin colonization model, phagemid treatment decreased the proportion of virulent...repopulate the environment after treatment. The phagemid systems used in both papers are analogous to mammalian...replication-deficient. Thus, a very large number of phagemids would be needed for an in vivo therapy. Another...
  6. Developing a cold tolerant E. coli using specialized chaperones

    Blog Post
    ...Sreepadmanabh M, a member of the iGEM team from IISER Bhopal. Following up its 2018 iGEM debut - centered around... as well as fellow iGEM teams. We were the proud hosts for the 2019 All-India iGEM Meet-up, which served... excited undergrads. Team IISER-B’s idea for the iGEM 2019 is to take bacteria out of their optimally ...To infinity, and beyond! Keeping in spirit with iGEM’s emphasis on holistic, community-centric science...served as a platform for all the Indian iGEM teams to interact with personnel from the industry and brainstorm.... Please visit our team wiki or contact us at Many thanks to our guest blogger ...the Silver Medal in the Undergrad category at the iGEM Competition 2019. He has an active interest in scientific...
  7. A Career in Grants: How To Become a Grant Professional

    Blog Post
    ...changing guidelines and regulations impacting grant management, we track grant opportunity deadlines, and we... those with expertise in grant writing, grant management, grant administration, and grant evaluation are...across multiple disciplines, writing, project management, and program evaluation are highly transferable... focus on a part of the grant development and management process or the whole process, including grant... implementation, program evaluation and grant management.  Your niche will change over time. Going into...  local GPA Chapters, and the National Grants Management Association (NGMA). 4. Develop a professional...may consider earning a degree in Grant Writing, Management and Evaluation and/or earning the GPC credential...
  8. Transferable Skills Guide: Managing a Team

    Blog Post
    ...much about management skills during your scientific training. I never thought about management skills before...Industry and Success in Management Resources at Addgene's Management Team ...experience being managed! The good news is that management skills can be taught, but it will take time so...Blog Additional Resources on the Addgene Blog Management for Scientists Series What Makes a Good Mentor... management...
  9. Gaining Leadership Skills Volunteering at a Professional Organization

    Blog Post
    ...part blog on the topic: The National...PhDs) should develop. Among them “Leadership and Management skills”. The NPA states that Postdoctoral scholars... offer occasional workshops on leadership and management skills but a longer term and more substantial...intense training to develop our leadership and management skills. The NPA brought outside experts and many...Read Joanne Kamen's Management for Scientists Series  ... management...
  10. Transferable Skills Guide: Identifying Your Transferable Skills

    Blog Post
    ...   What is a transferable skill? Time management. I needed it when balancing a handful of demanding courses... said about teamwork, communication, writing, management, and creativity; I have developed these skills...toes, you’ve likely collected some great time management and organizational skills. If you are responsible... assume that you’ve had to flex your conflict management and communication skills quite a bit. Grab a ...outside of your organization Public Speaking Time management Managing a team Conflict resolution Organization...Manager at Addgene and is interested in nonprofit management and international development.       Additional...
  11. Sharing Your Lab Protocols: Using Apps to Save Time & Track Your Experiments

    Blog Post
    ...Check Out How Addgene Thinks About Developing Lab Management Software    Organizing and sharing your updated...if your lab is looking to streamline your lab management and you want the works: organizing reagent storage...projects, electronic lab notebooks and protocol management. Though this is a subscription-based Quartzy is a free web-based lab management tool that allows labs to create accounts in which...-stop solution to your lab's organization and management needs. With Quartzy you can share protcols with...
  12. Transferable Skills Guide: Conflict Resolution

    Blog Post
    ...Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Model, Management Weekly, put more conscious effort into your conflict management skills. It’s also completely OK to recognize ...Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Model, courtesy of     Additional Resources on the Addgene blog Management for ScientistsTransferable Skills Guide: LeadershipTransferable...
  13. Extracurricular Activities for a Strong Science Career Path

    Blog Post
    ...highlight “transferable” skills such as leadership, management, and communication. A great approach to fully...Consulting internships Communication Teamwork Management Leadership Networking University technology... Business competitions   Leadership Management Marketing Communication Business models...models Conference or club organizer Management Leadership Communication Networking ...
  14. 5 Tips for Troubleshooting Viral Transductions

    Blog Post
    ...may undergo genomic rearrangements during replication. To avoid genomic rearrangements, try amplifying the...working with virus: 1. Viral vectors undergo DNA rearrangements. Depending on the composition of the viral...viral vector with bacteria designed to minimize rearrangements such as NEB Stable or use a standard strain...
  15. Supporting Reproducibility with a Connected ELN

    Blog Post tools, e.g. sample management apps, colony management software, and method repositories...response to requirements that emerged from intensive engagement with a wide range of people at the University... The two guiding principles emerging from the engagement with the Wisconsin research community were to...
  16. Transferable Skills Guide: Teamwork

    Blog Post
    ...Transferable Skills Guide Management for Scientists: Managing v Leading Gain Management Skills Volunteering ...nickname myself). I have my own little Product Management Team, but I’m also an emeritus member of the ...the Development Team, and I contribute to the Management Team that steers the organization. As an Addgene...
Showing: 21 - 40 of 188 results